I say this as a husband of a LEGAL Mexican National that waited in line, paid $6000 in legal bills and who is STILL proving every year that this is a REAL marriage.
At out last hearing my wife and I started bickering about exact dates of when we met, first date, etc.
The examiner watched for a while and the said “Yeah, you two are definitely married!”
say this as a husband of a LEGAL Mexican National that waited in line, paid $6000 in legal bills and who is STILL proving every year that this is a REAL marriage.
Thank you for doing it the right way...
Tell your wife, Welcome to America
Bless you and your wife! My nephew married a beautiful lady from El Salvador. Her mother escaped the left wing death squads with her 3 young daughters in the 80s. I thank the Good Lord that they are now a part of our family!
They are all naturalized citizens!