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To: Las Vegas Ron; ohioWfan
I decided to take a little trip over to KOS, DU and a few other lib sites. By far KOS is the stupidest bunch of liberals on any site. They are the rabid whackjob moonbats that would stand up for their Messiah even if he single handedly wiped out the people of any city in America. They are so drunk with blind adoration, it's sickening. They had the audacity to say that FR's website was antiquated. That gave me a good LOL. Theirs is a joke. Hard to follow and they can only dream of having the amount of traffic that FR does. LOSERS over there, all of them. At least DU has people that will dissent and not agree that everything obama does is perfect. KOS has the balls to defame FR. How ironic is that. They can never defend the fact that all of their noses are brown from being stuck up *the ones* rear end.

Now, let’s get this straight. This is all about KOS coming to FR to get us to shut up. PERIOD!!!!! They know full well that thread was not about race, or kids, it was about what is APPROPRIATE!! The story of the t-shirt was all over the UK sites. Of course our MSM didn't mention it, but other countries did. Of course KOS is thrilled and bragging that they got the entire thread pulled. I don't think it should have been. If there were any racial remarks or the remark of saying she looked like a street whore, those should have been removed and the thread left up. If that had been one of the Palin kids, they would have said far worse, which I will prove to you in a minute.

They chose a few comments out of 100's and seized on them. That isn't the real reason they wanted that thread gone, give me a break. They wanted it gone because of the other posts, ALL of them. The ones that blamed her parents for letting her dress like that. The ones that questioned why we are paying for the kids, grandma, cousins, friends, to go on these trips. There is no need whatsoever for MO to drag half her family on every single trip that the president has to go on. They are greedy pigs and KOS can't fight that so they find a few posts they consider racist or child bashing and get rid of it all. Nice job Kos Kids, you are all pathetic sheep.

Supposedly the mother in law moved into the WH(at our expense I might add) so that she could watch the kids while they traveled on business, etc. That is BS because every single thing they do, every single place they go they drag the kids, grandma, cousins, friends. Anyone they feel like bringing and that is disgusting. They are hypocrites. Telling Americans to cut back, give up some of our pie so others can have a little more, well now we know who the *others* were.... THEMSELVES and the polls show people are finally *getting it*.

The Wagu Beef, flying in Pizza chefs from Chicago, the AF1 ride that terrified half of NY, parties for friends every Wednesday night, the date night trip to NY, the Valentines Day date night to Chicago, and I could go on and on. Why don't you tally up those numbers and get back to me. Don't forget the planes, the SS, the local LEO's, etc. Then top it off with the fact that MO has become the biggest attention whore I have ever seen in the WH. Buying and flaunting VBH clutches that cost 1650. and 5595.00. Then when exposed the WH issues a statement and LIES and says it was a cheaper one, only 875.00. They LIED!! Blatantly lied. It is the 5995. ALLIGATOR one. VBH knows the WH lied. Lanvin sneakers at 600. a pop, hell she gets them in every color.

It's her money, not taxpayers, so she can buy what she wants, but she needs to shut her big ugly trap and don't expect others to *give up a piece of their pie* that they worked for so that others that don't work can have some of it. #$%& that!!!! There is nothing wrong with liking expensive clothes, bags ,shoes, but not when you are screaming at others to cut back. They are both elitist, show off, hypocrites.

Both of the kids have worn peace signs on other things while at home. The younger kid has a book bag with that sign all over it. Nobody has said a word that I know of. Their father was at a G8 summit with leaders from around the world. If they want us to pay for them to drag their entire family right down to cousins, I think most people expect them to not make the United States look like we comes that naughty word......... ghetto trash. Definition of ghetto is:1. A usually poor section of a city inhabited primarily by people of the same race, religion, or social background, often because of discrimination. 2. An often walled quarter in a European city to which Jews were restricted beginning in the Middle Ages. I don't see black or African American mentioned. Of course KOS would have everyone believe only blacks live in ghettos which is a lie. It's a slang term used by whites, blacks alike. Get over it.

We know MO knew she wore the shirt because there are pictures of her wearing with her mother. The obama's are using their daughter to make a political statement. Why the whole family (mom, two kids, cousins, friends of the family and grandma) are on vacation at the expense of the American taxpayer I have no clue. Didn't the U.S. taxpayers just foot the bill for Michelle, her mother, and the 2 daughters to vacation in France and London as a birthday trip for one of them and a show off trip for michelle? Now we get soaked for trips to Russia and Italy? Excessive, no class, users, disrespectful to ALL Americans.Doesn't this family have any class at all?

Now let’s get to the guy walking with her. KOS says it's her hair dresser. FReepers say it's her cousin, nobody seems to know for sure who it is but if anyone thinks the t-shirt and short shorts on the daughter were in bad taste, this guy was deplorable and I am shocked, shocked I tell you that the president or his wife did not step in and say I don't think so... this is a G8 Summit and you dress appropriately.

THEY WORK FOR US!!!!!!!!!!!! Not the other way around. WE HAVE EVERY RIGHT to demand that they represent us in a respectful manner while they are there. Taxpayers are paying to have this mystery guy(anyone know who he is for sure yet?)tag along over there to enjoy a very expensive vacation when he has no business there whatsoever. The free trips for all of these distant family members and friends is disgusting and shows they have no respect for the American people.If they plan on dragging the all of these people with them, so they can get free trips on our dime, they need to talk to their daughters, friends, family, cousins, 2nd cousins, aunts, uncles, 3rd cousins, about how they should be dressing while attending. They are well aware that there will be cameras all over the place. That guy looks like some dirtbag. The KOS kids call Palin trash, how hilarious is that. Ghetto trash is not determined by skin color. It is a way of dressing, mannerisms: Here is the photo, just a little reminder:


This is also ghetto trash, please spare me the racist BS sob story. It has nothing to do with color. In fact a liberal acquaintance of mine called Palin ghetto because she has a French manicure on her toenails.


This would have acceptable for an 11 year old and would not have set off the firestorm.


Keep in mind, it was the UK, not the US that first ran the story regarding the symbolic shirt. Her father has been for total nuclear disarmament since college. He thinks there will be world peace, suddenly everyone in the world will love one another, Daisies will bloom in the winter, the sun will shine every single day, their will be no more earthquakes, hurricanes, or tornadoes,we will have rainbows every day and there will be pink unicorns all over the place and he will be king of the word and savior of the earth. The shirt was a statement. It was NOT appropriate at that time and that place. As far as that thing that was with her, his intent had to be an “eff You” to the establishment unless he is a complete idiot and he certainly has no class.

Now, back to my first paragraph and let’s see what all I found out there at the other sites. Let’s see how respectful and kind they are. Let’s see how much children are off limits. I had to bleep much of it. They like to use the F word… a lot and I am going to post that in a separate post because it may be deleted even though I have blocked out the profanity which they seem to use in every sentence.

559 posted on 07/11/2009 2:13:39 PM PDT by mojitojoe (All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.)
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To: mojitojoe
Comments from other websites that say they are so much better than FReepers. Excuse me if I beg to differ. The misspelled words are theirs, not mine. Apparently their spelling and grammar leaves much to be desired.

Bristol's pregnancy was put in play by the REPUBLICS as a political positive that She Was Keeping the Baby. She's on the table, now.

Name for the reality show? How about - The Wasilla Chillbillies? The new Ellie May? Vanilla Thrilla' From Wasilla.

Sarah Palin is a sexually perverted woman, as is her crazy white trash family

Bristol Palin's son Tripp is actually Todd's son ....

people who defend palin or who took offense at letterman can kiss my ass

I love how it won a beauty contest, just days from the womb. It chewed it's way out, right?(referring to Bristols’s son)

Say what? This guy claims to be the real baby father of Bristol's baby!( then they posted the link to a you tube video of some black dude claiming to be the father)

Consequently Bristol Palin is no longer entitled to off-limits protection. ..... Do you have to be homely to avoid being called "slutty"? ...

F**K "Sarah & Tawd Pimp Their Kids" ... and Letterman must pay Caribou Barbie

Bristol put a bullseye on her own back when she started working as a political advocate for a Abstinence only program - she's on her own and fair game.

FIRST PICTURE OF BRISTOL FAILING'S BABY(a cabbage patch doll) Where's the kid's beer and crack pipe? I mean, that's all there is for the Palin family to do in Crystal Meth, Alaska, right?

Jenna and Barbara Bush, twin daughters of US President George W. Bush, were caught being photographed in matching Neo-Nazi bondage gear

I think Jenna Bush is crosseyed. my guess: fetal alcohol syndrome

Barbara was dressed appropriately. But did their handlers forget to tell Jenna she was going to be on television last night? She looked like she had just taken a detour from a pub crawl to stop by the convention for a moment?

It's been documented she was 'partying around' during the time period in question, and at least one other individual, a young man named Kevin, claims that he is, in fact, the father...oh, and he's BLACK!!!(referring to Bristol)

Let us pause for a moment to think about Bristol Palin's 17 year-old vag**a. Don't worry, fellas and gals. The age of consent in Alaska is 16, so not only can you think away, but you don't have to worry that 18 year-old Levi Johnston raped her statutorily.

Sarah Palin"s son Track Palin has joined the army to avoid going to prison.Track Palin is not going to Iraq because he is patriotic

When it was announced that the teenager had decided "on her own" that she would keep the baby, evangelicals masturbated at the idea of Bristol Palin's vag**a, which was possibly roughed-up by Levi's stumbling fingers before he f***ed her for a couple of seconds,

Bristol Palin's vag**a, which may or may not be topped by a tuft of pubic hair shaved in various shapes, is important to our national discourse for obvious reasons

The Bush twins will continue to screw around making a public nuisance of themselves, until medlife, when they discover Jesus, give up drinking, and embrace the conservative orthodoxy.

I have complete confidence the twins will grow up to be hypocritical lying right wing automatons

Bush twins seem like more wealthy, spoiled, party trash.

if he uses them as props in then they are fair game.(speaking of the Bush twins)

I would pass on sending them to Iraq for the good of our troops. Maybe its just me, but I would prefer to be outside of the blast radius when Barbara manages to toss a grendade all of 5 feet.Plus, Jenna makes an awfully big target, doesn't she?

Its pretty obvious that the twins are as shallow as their old man ….floosie Bush twins

That was how the BushBimbos said it - which shows them even dumber than I give them credit for being

Do we know for a fact that it was this girl's decision to keep this baby? As you can see in the picture above (click to enlarge), she's already kinda built like a black chick

I wouldn't be surprised if her mother, who recently carried a baby to term knowing good and well it was gonna be retarded, is forcing her to go through with this. Which is just wrong.


So in conclusion, all they do in Alaska is shoot sh*t and f**k…. And drill holes in s**t and name your spawn Track, Bristol, Willow, Piper, and Trig like you're trying to recreate the cast of Tiny Toon Adventures

crackers, you soon will be gone from the face of the earth and I am sure we all will be just fine. Crackers are going to be like a distant memory

figure the slut's too daft to just take it in the mouth & a**.

Where's Palin's mongo baby in the picture? Or am I to believe he had plans with some other clan of retards?

Let's chalk up the lefty scorecard of attacks against Sarah Palin's kids:

- Track is gay, or he joined the Army to avoid prosecution for meth use.

- Bristol is a slut/whore/liar and her baby is retarded too and she had sex with a black guy named Kevin so the baby might be half black

- Willow should be raped by A-Rod. Britol’s Dad Todd is the father of her baby

- Trig is not really Sarah's kid, he's Bristol's, and he should have been butchered in the womb, by the way, he's a "retard," mongo,….

we could go on forever. Is there anything these people won’t say or do? I thought they said kids were off limits and they played by the rules. Stupid a*ses. Their rules mean anything said not complimentary of the Messiah to the mindless drones must be squelched. I say to them, not in a million years.

560 posted on 07/11/2009 2:15:55 PM PDT by mojitojoe (All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.)
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To: mojitojoe
I have no idea why you pinged me to that essay.

But I hope you feel better now.

562 posted on 07/11/2009 2:29:51 PM PDT by ohioWfan (Proud Mom of a Bronze Star recipient!)
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To: mojitojoe; Polarik; LucyT; Travis McGee; Jack Black
Ping for the cause!
572 posted on 07/11/2009 3:02:55 PM PDT by Las Vegas Ron (zer0 is doing to capitalism what Kennedy did to health care)
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To: mojitojoe

Love your nailed it.......I agree!

576 posted on 07/11/2009 3:33:54 PM PDT by Rushmore Rocks
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To: mojitojoe

And here I thought the oceans were supposed to ‘rise’ after the election. Blood pressure must be part of oceans now.

Great posts. You can go wash up now, but don’t forget your keyboard. You’ve a stronger stomach than I, as I wouldn’t go over and take notes from KOS or DU or HuffPo even if paid.

578 posted on 07/11/2009 3:51:47 PM PDT by combat_boots (The Lion of Judah cometh. Hallelujah. Gloria Patri, Fili et Spiritus Sancti.)
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To: mojitojoe

Thank you for finally finding a way to put it.

As I told someone else last night, I wish I could believe those kids are as innocent/naive as some here would like to have them.

But ultimately they are representing the United States and what they pulled in Rome was inappropriate and unacceptable.

579 posted on 07/11/2009 3:52:49 PM PDT by EBH (it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new Government)
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To: mojitojoe
Hey Mojitojoe,

I decided to take a little trip over to KOS, DU and a few other lib sites.

I did that once at DU. Just looked around. They were screaming about entitlements they would lose if a bill did not go through. They said get on the phone, make this pass or we lose. I did not post and did not go back. I realized they were the true supporters of obama.

By far KOS is the stupidest bunch of liberals on any site. They are the rabid whackjob moonbats that would stand up for their Messiah even if he single handedly wiped out the people of any city in America. They are so drunk with blind adoration, it's sickening.

Because they like his agenda. They want wealth redistribution. They want free healthcare. They believe they are the exception and will not get tax increases. They don't want to worry about getting loans if they cannot afford them. They don't want to worry about putting gas in their car or paying their mortgage. They want others to pay for their irresponsibility. They believe they should get what others have but not work for it. Listen to them and then to obama. They are the same. Work the system. Get all you can.

LOSERS over there, all of them.

Losers generally need help and handouts because they refuse to work hard like everyone else and be responsible. They are the ones we are paying for now in this crisis but it is not enough. They want more. Government & you people owe them.

They know full well that thread was not about race, or kids, it was about what is APPROPRIATE!!

I didn't see the thread but I did read the UK arrticle on the nuclear disarmament society tshirt obamas daughter was wearing. I thought it was a Hippie era Peace, Love tee. I thought about Quinns article that Palin used her children and here we have Obama using his daughter for something so radical and unnerving for those of us who feel disarmament puts us in harms way. If his children are to remain not a part of public scrutiny then he better keep them out of his personal political agenda.

The ones that blamed her parents for letting her dress like that.

I thought, sans the political disarmament tee, she looked adorable. It is scary dealing with these terrorist countries and I bet they had a good laugh. Remember in some terrorist countries they sell their children for suicide bombings and the children are taught early to hate America and use weapons. Isn't Obama using his daughter as a billboard for his agenda and possibly putting her in harms way? Personally I would keep my children totally out of the public eye as much as possible. No one messes with my kids.

The ones that questioned why we are paying for the kids, grandma, cousins, friends, to go on these trips. There is no need whatsoever for MO to drag half her family on every single trip that the president has to go on.

Stephanopoulos said everytime Bill Clinton was in trouble he would pull together as many people as he could and travel. Remember the Africa trip? Obama has unlimited travel now at taxpayers expense. One article said obama is like a college kid handed a no limit credit card.

I also wondered how many foreign trips Obama paid for himself and took his family before his windfall taxpayers account?

And I wondered why Palin was forced to pay back $10,000.00 for taking her family with her and here we have obama taking the family and anyone else he desires during really hard times for millions of Americans and corporations? Do governors not have the same rules as Obama?

Supposedly the mother in law moved into the WH(at our expense I might add) so that she could watch the kids while they traveled on business, etc. That is BS because every single thing they do, every single place they go they drag the kids, grandma, cousins, friends. Anyone they feel like bringing and that is disgusting. They are hypocrites. Telling Americans to cut back, give up some of our pie so others can have a little more, well now we know who the *others* were.... THEMSELVES and the polls show people are finally *getting it*.

I agree. We did not elect Michelle or her mother and we should not have to pay for their travel and as obama sells out America on each trip. We pay for obamas family and we pay for obamas global handouts each trip. Obama only knows how to work the system. The system of welfare and entitlements but on the grandest scale ever now.

Did you see what we pay for yearly so Michelle can be involved in Obama's decisions?

Michelle's chief of staff even told axelrod when I call you need to get back to me immediately. Michelles aide sits in on obamas daily and weekly policy meetings and reports back to Michelle. Michelle is also down as administration on the white house website. With Jill Biden there too. I had no idea they were appointed or elected, did you?

The Wagu Beef, flying in Pizza chefs from Chicago, the AF1 ride that terrified half of NY, parties for friends every Wednesday night, the date night trip to NY, the Valentines Day date night to Chicago, and I could go on and on. Why don't you tally up those numbers and get back to me. Don't forget the planes, the SS, the local LEO's, etc.

Plus The Luau where no media or bloggers invited were allowed to tweet or report outside the event if they attended. Paid for by taxpayers. when tony hawk skate boarded through the halls of the white house he had to get his tweets okayed by obama.

Michelle Obama's 2 plus million cost to speak at the UC? Her million for travel and 1.2 million costs to the UC. And a article from some professors in san diego to shut down a couple of UC's so they don't get a 8% pay cut just makes the indulgence of Michelle Obama's 2 million dollar speech all the more outrageous.

As long as the obamas are entertaining colleagues, constituents or foreign leaders, their costs are paid for by taxpayers. Once they have a sit down dinner with family, they pay. Get the picture here?

We are also paying for non stop 24/7 photo ops of obama like talking to someone at his office door, his feet on the desk talking on the phone. THOSE pictures will be used in his upcoming book he has already been paid half a mil for. Obama working the system.

Buying and flaunting VBH clutches that cost 1650. and 5595.00. Then when exposed the WH issues a statement and LIES and says it was a cheaper one, only 875.00. They LIED!! Blatantly lied. It is the 5995. ALLIGATOR one. VBH knows the WH lied. Lanvin sneakers at 600. a pop, hell she gets them in every color.

I do not think she pays for one thing. Once again Obamas know how to work the system and just like nancy reagan did the designers loan or give the first lady items for free publicity. Michelle learned this early during the election that they would give her anything she wanted. And with media hype over MO any designer would be nuts not to hand over anything she wants. I look at many of the things she wears and sometimes wonder what they were thinking. No one would buy the piece because it was not for MO body type.

It's her money, not taxpayers, so she can buy what she wants,

I don't believe they use a dime of their money. They know exactly what they can get away with. Emanual, axelrod have all been around long enough to know the system they can defraud. And I believe when your only thoughts are how can I get this free from taxpayers, that is fraud. Let's keep an eye out for Obamas worth as his 4 years goes on. I bet he had every dime and more when he is out.

The obama's are using their daughter to make a political statement.

Yes, they are and a dangerous one at that. I think it is shameful. Maybe baiting people to say something too. Obama has a agenda to control the internet and blogs so it is not out of the realm of what he would be told to do by say Rahmbo.

Excessive, no class, users, disrespectful to ALL Americans.Doesn't this family have any class at all?

Obama has to work fast and abuse taxpayers early because the American people are wising up and he is destroying everyone. Even dailykos and DU supporters are not going to get what he promised. Everything obama is doing is fodder for 2010 elections so keep track. As Gibbs said we kept track of the votes and we won? Now it is our turn.

Now let’s get to the guy walking with her. KOS says it's her hair dresser.

I had not seen this guy. He looks like he stepped out of Kenyan tribe or a dress rehearsal for hammertime. Isn't it nice MO can take her hairdresser along with her on taxpayers dime? Obama is not paying. Bet me on that. I have no clue who the guy is but we paid for secret service and travel for him?

Her father has been for total nuclear disarmament since college. He thinks there will be world peace, suddenly everyone in the world will love one another, Daisies will bloom in the winter, the sun will shine every single day, their will be no more earthquakes, hurricanes, or tornadoes,we will have rainbows every day and there will be pink unicorns all over the place and he will be king of the word and savior of the earth.

I do not think Obama is doing this because he believes good will come of it. I think obama has all evil intentions towards America. Only when he breaks America can he move towards global power.

Remember dailykos is the slime who posted Palin's son was not hers and the whole internet took of with the story. Just like huffpo who had a story putting down Palin's baby, they are the worst of society. Angry, haters of anything good. If they have their way Aemrica will be ruined by the time we get obama out. No country can survive on handouts and no jobs.

586 posted on 07/11/2009 6:01:43 PM PDT by OafOfOffice (Constitution is not neutral.It was designed to take the government off the backs of people-Douglas)
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To: mojitojoe
The double standard is alive and well on the net and everywhere else.

Truth is expectations for the rats are extremely low while for us extremely high,just the way it is.

It's what you get when one party has high standards and core values and the other has nada.

587 posted on 07/11/2009 6:15:48 PM PDT by rodguy911 (HOME OF THE FREE BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE--GO SARAHCUDA !!)
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