Coming soon nationwide.
It will be interesting to see if taxpayers issue IOU’s to the state.
Sure. Oh yeah. I'm certain they have a lot of faith in the state
I wonder if the creditors could find anyone willing to buy up the notes for, say, 50 cents on the dollar.
Those IOUs are not worth toilet paper....where are the state-destroying liberals going to get the money?? They are driving businesses and top-earning individuals out of the state faster than they know. What goes around, comes around.
Worth visiting the link to see who gets paid in cash and who gets the IOUs.
It's time to bring charges against the b*stards behind this for violating the oath they took to uphold the United States Constitution.
Meanwhile the State’s Employees will be paid with real money - no IOUs for them!
People always have to learn the hard way.
Years of warnings mean nothing.
Let the pain begin.
Figure it out yet? The people who most need cash get IOUs, while the people who could stand to operate on credit get cash. I guess this is also “responsible”. |
I for one am getting tired of being peod on.
I assume the IOUs are for people/companies doing business with the state government..
Seems to me they deserve everything they get for doing business with a corrupt criminal entity, that aids and abets illegal aliens, while forcing the legitimate working men and women to pay for it.
Voters delivered a crushing blow to the state finances in May, when they rejected five ballot proposals that would have eased the budget strain.
Too bad
Who is affected
To save money for education and debt payments, Chiang plans to withhold $424 million that would go for state operations, primarily to vendors, as well as another $141 million in payments to small businesses.
Doing business with a corrupt government, that aids and abets illegals aliens while forcing law abiding tax payers to pay for it. Serves them right!
Lots of pain. We need more.
one of the state senators has a bill to allow joe-sixpack to send the State of California an IOU whenever the citizen receives an IOU from the offset.
Does anyone have the bill number?
A Kalifornia IOU and a quarter will get you a cup of coffee.
Arnold is just too funny.
We will make those payments, he said. We are responsible.
If “WE” were responsible this state wouldn’t be in the crapper!