Seems like if this was legit, NYT and WP would be all over it. So far, it appears only USA Today mentions it at all.
Mods, sorry if this doesn't belong in breaking news.
And of course this never goes on in any other prison in the world and are most likely isolated incidents.
Can’t wait for Mooslimbs to start killing eachother over this before it’s revealed as a fake.
Thanks, Newsweak.
Some of the earliest photos depicted rape. However those photos were staged for a rape porn site.
Rape happens ... everywhere. Why is Abu Ghraib so special?
Looks like Gen. Taguba wants his name back in the news again.
"Don't ask, don't tell" has consequences.
Sounds like Al Quida sent them some photo shopped pix. If true, get some cells ready at Ft Leavenworth.
Just a way to force the release of photos in order to prove they are all lies.
“Another apparently shows a female prisoner having her clothing forcibly removed to expose her breasts.”
ANYONE being forcibly disrobed (for any of a number of reasons) would eventually be at least partially naked. Was it clear that the purpose WAS to “expose her breasts”?
Sensationalism at its worst.
“You give me the photos, I’ll give you the war.”
Yellow journalism tarnishes the trade.
Has anyone been charged with these alleged crimes? If we have photos and eye witnesses, why not?
I don’t buy it. If it happened, I seriously doubt it would have been photographed. This ain’t putting underwear on mustafa’s head. Rape gets soldiers sent to Ft. Leavenworth, so I doubt they would create evidence for a JAG officer to send them there.
That is what I read in the book "The Translator: A Tribesman's Memoir of Darfur." That people were being tortured 'after' details of 'abuses' Abu Ghraib and Gitmo were released.
Who would take photos of a rape?
This Gen. Taguba guy is very suspect imho. Has been for a very long time.
Details here:
The phosphorescent tube was really a chemical glow stick. The prisoners were told it was radioactive like the opening scene in the Simpson's and that unless they spoke the antidote would be withheld. The consequence would be testicular cancer, loss of hair (including mustache) and a slow painful death. Sounds more humane than water-boarding to me.
Islam's Homemade Concentration Camp (Frontpagemagazine May 28, 2009 Pamela Geller)
The abduction and murder in Paris of a young Jewish man by a gang of Muslim immigrants calling themselves the Barbarians shocked the whole of France in 2006. But now that the accused are on trial - silence.A French judge has ordered the latest issue of the magazine Choc ("shock") removed from the shelves. The cover showed a man with duct tape completely covering his head, except for a small opening around his nostrils. His nose is bloody. His hands are also bound with duct tape.
It was a photo of Ilan Halimi, the 23-year-old Parisian Jew who was kidnapped and tortured for 24 days by the Barbarians. His captors took the picture and sent it to his family. A lawyer for Halimi's family had complained about the magazine, but Choc's editor-in-chief Paul Payan responded: "Of course, we understand the anguish of the parents and, of course, we share their anguish.... But what's so harrowing is not the publication of this photo. What's harrowing is what it represents, what happened, the reality behind it."
Karpinsky’s fault.