The Intelligent Design site, Uncommon Descent, had this to say :
“This may come as a surprise to many of you, but Science, at least according to Chris Matthews, is a Democrat thing. Personally, I was unaware that there was a deomcrat way to do science and a republican way to do science. Someone might explain to me how that works. Is there a left scientific method and a right scientific method? Matthews certainly seems to think so! How ignorant and disingenous of him! (But, were talking about Chris Matthews here, the most misinformed commentator on the networks as far as Im concerned)
Its worth noting how Matthews tries to build a straw man about Young Earth Creationism (YEC) and then claim that there a many in the Republican party who hold that view and who are anti-science. Matthews demonstrates admirably the lefts derision of anyone who would dare question evolution, stem cell research, global warming and who knows what else. Matthews appears clueless about the real debates in science about all these things, and ignores completely any of the moral questions involved, pretending, I guess, that they dont even exist!
Ill grant that Mike Pence is not exactly the best spokesperson for Science and scientific issues, but trying to tie him to YEC and Fundamentalism only shows how shallow guys like Matthew and those on the left really are. Matthews did a great job of making a fool of himself but then, he does that almost every night. Thats why MSNBC has the lowest rating of all the news networks.”
Chris Matthews uses the “tinglie leg” method of determination ... if his leg tingles then it must be right ...
Matthews couldnt win an argument with a shower curtain, let alone with anyone who has an IQ above room temperature.
Any conservative that goes on that show is a stupid putz.
People are being tested. One should not be embarrassed by the word of God. If you are, then have failed the test as a servant of God
Yep. And I just get a tingle up my leg knowing this :)
Why couldn’t Pence give a direct answer?
Yeah - we questioned the science behind The Population Bomb and the Club of Rome and the "science" behind the next ice age in the 70's. etc. etc. etc.
The global warming lie is about as anti-science as any fraud scheme to have come down the pike.
Chris Matthews is an old Democratic political hack. Maybe he should discuss something important, like spending trillions of dollars we don’t have, insulting our friends, sucking up to our enemies, etc.
Anti-science democrats deny the scientific fact that human life begins at conception.
It’s on!!!
Now we’re getting it direct from the MSM... won’t the Evo’s on FR be proud?
Maybe they’ll get a tingle up there leg when they listen to Chris Matthews now.
“Chris let’s just focus on the Climate so I don’t overwhelm your intellect and to prevent you from changing subjects when your scientific knowledge fails to support your ideology.”
Chrissy Matthews portrays himself as just another little loudmouth trying to make a name for himself idiot..
Who watches MSNBC anyway?
Hey Chris,
This man and his church believe you cant have science without God.
Monsignor Georges Henri Joseph Édouard Lemaître (July 17, 1894 June 20, 1966) was a Belgian Roman Catholic priest, honorary prelate, professor of physics and astronomer at the Catholic University of Leuven. He sometimes used the title Abbé or Monseigneur.
Lemaître proposed what became known as the Big Bang theory of the origin of the Universe, which he called his hypothesis of the primeval atom.
It's not entirely implausible that the MSNBC hosts are closely related to
chimpanzees. Or that they would obsess on the hysteria of Darwinism, evolution,
and liberal metrosexual paranoid fears about mythical backwoods fundamentalists
interfering with their nocturnal "science" experiments... You just wonder how often this is a problem for him in Montgomery County. Do they wander in from
Mt. Airy and accost him in White Flint, demanding to renounce his infatuation
with prehistoric monkey bones and the imaginary big hairy rural swamp monsters
of his leg-thrilling fantasies?
Considering that a large faction of the liberal electorate and Obama's supporters
think that pregnancy can be prevented by copulating while standing up or
douching with Coca-Cola afterwards, this anti-science protest seems a little off just a tad.Let's get the Dems up to speed on basic science before casting stones here.