You are certifiable. The Fair Tax is a Free Lunch program. Free Lunches don’t exist. There are flaws too numerous to count. the most scary is that we end up with a 40%+ sales tax Plus an emergency income tax only on the rich.
it’s for the children... and better the evil rich pay an income tax on their ill-gotten earnings than raising the FairTax rate on working Americans...
No thanks.
Let’s see. In my post above to you, it was proven beyond doubt that you promote lies from FairTax bashing authors.
It was proven and you were called on it.
And yet you think that after readers review how you promote garbage and lies, fail to verify claims, you think you have an ounce of credibility for anyone to listen to you? Other than your fellow idiots?
I’ll keep nailing you with the previous post as a bulletin to those that are reading.
Try and spin your way out of it! You can’t!
its for the children... and better the evil rich pay an income tax on their ill-gotten earnings than raising the FairTax rate on working Americans...
I suggest that you red the material available at and in the fair tax bill before you post again and make a bigger fool of yourself than you just did.