Let’s see. In my post above to you, it was proven beyond doubt that you promote lies from FairTax bashing authors.
It was proven and you were called on it.
And yet you think that after readers review how you promote garbage and lies, fail to verify claims, you think you have an ounce of credibility for anyone to listen to you? Other than your fellow idiots?
I’ll keep nailing you with the previous post as a bulletin to those that are reading.
Try and spin your way out of it! You can’t!
Where is your proof that the FairTax will operate at all like you claim?
Most people who are not drinking the FairTax Kool-Aid can tell when a plan doesn’t make sense.
And since it doesn’t solve anything even if it worked as advertised (it wouldn’t) there is no reason for y’all to think you are doing something important by continuing to flog for this terrible idea.
You’d think even a FairTaxer would know that with a Dem President, a Dem Senate, and a Dem House, they are unlikely to get any bill that does all that they purport it to do through without it being made even worse than it already is.
You are living entirely in a dream world.
And one more thing... I don’t buy into the 30% FairTax rate that you all keep pushing. By my estimates the number would be much higher. You can look at my threads on the topic on my homepage to see my reasoning, I have no plans to spend time rehashing these arguments with FairTax kool-aid drinkers.
You are utterly incapable of rational discussion of this plan. Most of you don’t even understand it.