Schumer sees 30 million+ new Democrat voters. ....which is something pro-amnesty RINOs appear to be blind to.
If an amnesty is passed, this country will be destroyed with the stroke of a pen. It is game, set, and match for the USA.
Obergruppenfuhrer Schumer doesn’t care about 13 million umemployed Americans. He’s looking at those 20 million, new ‘RAT voters. He’ll have powah forever.
The Demwits are all in on it together.
just because they didn't spend much time campaigning on this issue and it's been back burnered due to the immediate constant stream of "crises" that have happened in BO's first months as prez, doesn't mean we're "resigned" to amnesty.
“Robert F. Dieli, Ph.D. is a longtime observer of Wall Street and the Economy. His site is No Spin Forecast, where he runs Mr. Model, and his Analysis of First Quarter 2009 Real GDP especially his take on the impact of these weaker imports on final GDP numbers is dead on:
An explanation about why the decline in imports is helping GDP growth. As you know, imports are subtracted from GDP. Because imports are declining in absolute terms, you get a positive effect from a negative negative. Just to be clear as to what this chart is telling us: the drop in imports contributed 6.05 percentage points to the GDP growth rate.
What this means is that without the contribution from imports, GDP declined at 12.15% annual rate in Q1. In other words, all of the domestic activity was, as the employment numbers suggested, in free fall! Now, this has some important implications for the profile of growth going forward. When imports stop dropping, and they will, the sign on this term will go back to its normal negative, and when it does, it will expose the true growth rate of the domestic economy. We had best hope that GPDI has gotten back on track by the time the positive effect of negative import growth wears off.”
Schumer is a glutton for more ignorant Democrat voters.
A relative of mine was previously the head of Public Health for a fairly large state. This person still has contacts in the CDC.
They called us on Sunday and STRONGLY urged us to go ahead and contact our doctor and get a prescription for Tamiflu filled for everyone in the family. They said that by the time you need it, it will not be available
They also recommended that we stock up on food.
This relative is a skeptical, hard-nosed, unflappable sort and not given to sensationalism.
Sorry! I posted to the wrong thread.
Once this is passed, you can kiss our country good-bye. This group of illegals will swarm Texas turning it blue and then the rest of the south.
This has got to be stopped or we are finished. It is not about the poor ol illegals, it is about Dems keeping power forever. They could care less about the country.
Add voter I.D. to this bill at least so that those Americans DEMAND to “Be Seen” (visible). It would be fun to see them argue against the See US too attachment.
Just posted this on another thread:
One good way to get OUR message to our Representatives is to join NumbersUSA (FREE) and use their fax buffet. I sent 6 or 7 faxes this morning...might not seem like much, but at least today I feel like I did SOMETHING...rather than just my usual complaining ;)
I attached this PS....I got this information from AuntB...I think it is a very effective VISUAL:
According to the (2000) U.S. Census Bureau, AMNESTY for 12 to 18 million illegal aliens would be equal to the COMBINED populations of the States of :
North Dakota,
South Dakota,
Rhode Island,
New Hampshire,
West Virginia,
New Mexico,
and the District of Columbia.