The crazy person killed those people... not the guns. If the defenseless people had their OWN guns they could have stopped him faster.
Guns vs. Doctors (for all of you gun control freaks out there)
- The number of physicians in the U.S. is 700,000.
- Accidental deaths caused by Physicians per year are 120,000. (and they cause millions more with known-to-be-fatal prescription drugs and unnecessary surgeries.)
- Accidental deaths per physician is 0.171.
(Statistics courtesy of U.S. Dept of Health Human Services.)
- The number of gun owners in the U.S. is 80,000,000.
- The number of accidental gun deaths per year, all age groups, is 1,500.
- The number of accidental deaths per gun owner is 000188.
(Statistics courtesy of F.B.I.)
Statistically, doctors are approximately 9,000 times more dangerous than gun owners.
Remember, “Guns don’t kill people, doctors do.”
FACT: Not everyone has a gun, but almost everyone has at least one doctor.
Please alert your friends to this alarming threat immediatley. We must ban doctors before this gets completely out of hand!
Note: Out of concern for the public at large, the statistics on lawyers have been withheld for fear the shock would cause people to panic and seek medical attention.
Not only will the libs be attempting to assault the second amendment, but they have the first amendment in their crosshairs also. Because we all know that it was that hateful right wing radio that fomented all of this hostility. Yes, the two most important amendments in the constitution are currently under direct assault by the liberals.
“We have 32 people being murdered by guns every day in this country,”
If they had been able to defend themselves we would have had 32 dead criminals.
My other thought is how many of those 32 dead, were criminals that met up with the wrong law abiding citizen?
That's 25% of the number who die in Auto Crashes, 0.01% of the number murdered by suction hoses and 0.005% of the number murdered by tobacco.
Mike, you got bigger fish to fry than gun violence. Get your head out of your @$$!
In my world, it is a capitol offense to attempt to destroy one amendment to the Constitution while basking in the liberty provided by another. There are literally tens of thousand of individuals who are bound by oath to put a stop to the behavior.
“If peanut butter or pistachio nuts or spinach killed that number of people once in one day, they’d be pulled by the [Food and Drug Administration].”
Why does the government allow automobiles to be sold. I think the figure is 42,443 deaths per year. 116 per day.
I dont mean to give anyone idea’s ,but I could walk into any building with a quart of gasoline in a glass jar and a rag in the top of it and do as much damage as anyone with a shotgun.
If you are crazy you will find a way.
It is not what you have in your hand that counts; it is what you have in your head or heart that really counts.
No, we need to question easy access to immigrants. Just like Virginia Tech, the shooter was a “diverse” American.
[Wasn’t the Long Island Railroad shooter an immigrant too?]
Yep. Once again:
“If peanut butter or pistachio nuts or spinach killed that number of people once in one day, they’d be pulled by the [Food and Drug Administration].”
Cars kill that many people in one day, so does alcohol, and on a per capita basis swimming pools and steps. Drugs kill more people even though they are illegal. Stupid arguments by stupid people.
This is why those who believe in the Constitution can never slack off.
Don’t blame easy access to guns as the problem.
Do Blame easy access to entrance to this Country for all
Please bring your concerns to the Immigration people and the Morons in our Government administration who are directing them.
The government doesn't trust us and wants to force everyone into having no choice but to trust them. It wouldn't be possible for them to protect us from every threat but too many of the killings are committed by criminals who shouldn't be on the streets. The current high level of gun and ammunition sales are an strong no confidence vote of the people that the government can't be trusted to keep the streets safe.
We need to lock those evil guns up or we lynch em by the trigger guards. Maybe the guns can get some psychiatric counseling from some toasters and go on to lead productive lives.