Card Check=USSR. I do not care who hates me for it, I wish Mitt would have won our primary and I also think he could have beat Obama. He is the man that would have done a fantastic job as president with the problems we are now confronted with. He is also an excellent communicator. Flame away. Mitt is and has been in the trenches for us all along.
Yeah, he sure has...
Card Check=USSR. I do not care who hates me for it, I wish Mitt would have won our primary and I also think he could have beat Obama. He is the man that would have done a fantastic job as president with the problems we are now confronted with. He is also an excellent communicator. Flame away. Mitt is and has been in the trenches for us all along.
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I totally agree with you!! He would be great in this crisis right now.
When he was called into the 2002 Olympics, the committee were spending money like water.
When someone told him about a meeting that was being held at a fancy hotel, he said to cancel it, order pizza and have the meeting in their offices and then he had everyone there pay $1.00 for a piece of pizza.
This is exactly what my dad would have done.
My dad went into failing businesses and organizations that were in the red and got them in the black.
People did not like him.
When he passed away at age 69 he had everything paid for in cash and left my mom in very good shape.
We need some no-nonsense discipline in our country.
You don’t cure obesity by gorging 24/7.
I agree with everything you said.
Mitt keeps working and working and working for the GOP.
Hello? Conservatism doesn't need "reinventing." I have no doubt, however, that Romney will reinvent himself for the zillionth time as he sees fit.
Just go away, Mitt. Leave.
“Mitt is and has been in the trenches for us all along.”
Just how far back are you going when you say “all along”?
“I was an independent during the time of Reagan-Bush. I’m not trying to return to Reagan-Bush.”
"Us" as in liberal rodents, you mean, for whom he has been an agent for many years.
What a flat out lie!
Willard opposed the two most successful conservative policy endeavors of the last 30 years --- the Reagan policy agenda of the 1980`s and the agenda advanced through Newt Gingrich`s Contract With America.
I have to ask: Why do you think people hate you? You seem to be equaling people who disagree strenuously with people who hate. People disagreeing with you politically isn't hatred and it isn't flaming.
Is there a reason for this?
Do you feel as though there is some sort of point to be gained by making yourself or your candidate the underdog?
I haven't seen any hatred, just conservatives who really dislike Mitt Romney because Mitt Romney isn't conservative. He isn't. On his best day, he's sort of squishy-moderate. Saying so doesn't make it hatred. Pointing it out doesn't make it hatred. Political dialogue isn't hatred.
I want to give Mitt the benefit of the doubt regarding his change over the last couple of years...but really, for me to ever actively support him, several years of him standing by those new positions, particularly as regards abortion, are going to have to go by when he does so with no hope or attachment to higher office.
Then, after that proof is in the pudding, I might support him in a run for the Presidency.
For now, individuals like Duncan Hunter, who have a much stronger and longer track record in that regard have my supprt...including Sarah Palin.
Having said all of that...I return to my initial statement. Romney would have been far better than the abject marxist we got.
I certainly don't hate you for it. I just think you're wrong. I don't think that Mr. Romney would have been a very good candidate in the general election. I doubt he'd have been worse than that jackass Sen. McCain, but I doubt he'd have been elected. I'm not even sure that I would have voted for him.
For such a great communicator, combined with the nearly uncounted millions he spent, he sure didn't do so well in the primaries.
“Mitt is and has been in the trenches for us all along.”
That appears to be true in recent times, but how about all through the ‘90s and early 2000s when he was distancing himself from conservative Republicanism, when he was clearly a pro-abort, when he introduced RomneyCare (which now appears to be having significant problems)? He may have been in the trenches at those times, but not in the conservative Republican trenches, and certainly not for me.
But time will tell. Perhaps he might be an appropriate candidate for 2012, having, by that time, been a consistent conservative for more than, say, three or four weeks. I know, I know, I exaggerate. So sue me.
Mitt’s forte was taking companies out of the red. He could have done the same for our government. He would have been the right man for the job at exactly the right time.
Mitt Romney would have been a hundred times better then that arrogant, mealy-mouthed lying POS that occupies the People’s House.