1 posted on
03/25/2009 5:58:15 PM PDT by
To: GOP_Lady
2 posted on
03/25/2009 6:08:15 PM PDT by
GOP Poet
To: GOP_Lady
Card Check=USSR. I do not care who hates me for it, I wish Mitt would have won our primary and I also think he could have beat Obama. He is the man that would have done a fantastic job as president with the problems we are now confronted with. He is also an excellent communicator. Flame away. Mitt is and has been in the trenches for us all along.
3 posted on
03/25/2009 6:12:25 PM PDT by
GOP Poet
To: GOP_Lady
How ‘bout a “card check” of Romneycare?
6 posted on
03/25/2009 6:23:03 PM PDT by
(Barack Hussein Obama yunikku khinaaziir)
To: GOP_Lady
This is a great article by Mr. Romney — detailed, concise and to the point.
He gives examples of why great caution is needed when it comes to “card check.”
20 posted on
03/25/2009 7:15:56 PM PDT by
To: GOP_Lady
27 posted on
03/25/2009 7:59:41 PM PDT by
To: GOP_Lady
Romney...Reinventing Conservatism More like "Romney relabeling socialism and trying his best to make it sound like conservatism."
"Card check" must have polled well in his focus groups.
64 posted on
03/26/2009 9:49:07 AM PDT by
("The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress." - F. Douglass)
To: airborne; wagglebee; TAdams8591; Fiddlstix; Ol' Sparky; Zechariah_8_13; BnBlFlag; notaliberal; ...
The RINO Party Alert.
Just say no to liberals, turncoats, and traitors!
FR Keywords: rinoparty, rinoalert, rino Please tag all relevant threads with the aforementioned keywords. To join the ping list: FReepmail DirtyHarryY2K with the subject line add rinoalert. (Stop getting pings by sending the subject line drop rinoalert.) |
88 posted on
03/26/2009 10:48:14 AM PDT by
(The Tree of Liberty is long overdue for its natural manure)
To: GOP_Lady
Excuse me. Mr. Romney, but “re-inventing” conservatism? What’s wrong with THE ORIGINAL?!
148 posted on
03/26/2009 1:42:10 PM PDT by
("When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?" Ps. 11:3)
To: GOP_Lady
Go away Mitt. He’s a phony politician.
192 posted on
03/27/2009 2:39:06 PM PDT by
(Welcome to the USA: United Socialist of America. Bow to The Obama!)
To: GOP_Lady
Reinventing Conservatism?
He already did that.
247 posted on
04/13/2009 11:03:50 PM PDT by
(Qui non intelligit, aut taceat, aut discat)
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