"George Iknadosian is accused of being a top gun-supplier."
"Mexican law makes it nearly impossible to buy guns there legally. But less restrictive laws in the U.S. keep the firearms flowing over the border. Court papers in the Iknadosian case claim U.S. border states provide three-quarters of black market firearms to Mexico."
1 posted on
03/10/2009 4:48:41 PM PDT by
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To: gubamyster; HiJinx; Travis McGee
2 posted on
03/10/2009 4:49:17 PM PDT by
(Freedom of speech makes it easier to spot the idiots! Semper Fi!)
To: kellynla
That’s probably an Armenian surname (not Muslim).
3 posted on
03/10/2009 4:52:03 PM PDT by
To: kellynla
If this is true, as written, this guy needs to be put under the jail. Crap like this is going to make life difficult for us upstanding gun owners, especially those of us that own “assault weapons”.
4 posted on
03/10/2009 4:52:30 PM PDT by
To: kellynla
Couple of thoughts:
First, isn’t it illegal in the US to sell firearms to those in the country illegally? For that matter, I’m not sure of the law on selling to those here legally...
Second - if this guy was selling (knowingly) to illegals who were engaged in this battle in Mexico... then ship him to Mexico and let them deal with the problem.
But don’t start throwing laws around that will only actually affect law-abiding citizens of the US.
6 posted on
03/10/2009 4:53:16 PM PDT by
(Pray for our country....)
To: kellynla
On a positive note, with this guy out of business there will be more guns for us!!
7 posted on
03/10/2009 4:53:39 PM PDT by
To: kellynla
9 posted on
03/10/2009 4:54:33 PM PDT by
(Be polite. Be professional. But have a plan to kill everyone you meet)
To: kellynla
If Mexico spent as much time looking for illegal guns as it does teaching their citizens the easy way to sneak across the border maybe they would not have such a problem!
10 posted on
03/10/2009 4:54:54 PM PDT by
(Just another backstabbing conservative)
To: kellynla
In the escalating drug war south of the border, Mexican cartels supply the drugs, but the guns largely come from the United States."Firearms trafficking to Mexico is a huge problem," says Phoenix ATF agent William Newell. "Drugs go north, guns come south."
.....and false propaganda coming from the ATF is the worst problem of all.
Build a wall. To those who will compare it to the Berlin Wall, take careful note as to which way the barbed wire is pointing.
To: kellynla
No, not a muslim, and not a “gun dealer to mexican drug traffikers” this story has appeared before, they were using strawmen to make legal purchases.
This is the same story were the Mexican AG accused US firearms sellers of “selling automatic weapons and hand grenades to drug gangs”.
When of course, such sales are impossible.
14 posted on
03/10/2009 4:58:42 PM PDT by
(You shall not ignore the laws of God, the Market, the Jungle, and Reciprocity Rm10.10)
To: kellynla
exponentially more
ATF speak for a 10% profit...
15 posted on
03/10/2009 4:58:54 PM PDT by
To: kellynla
If he knowingly sold guns to cartels throw the book at him. No way in hell this should justify disarming law-abiding citizens though. What this shows is the contempt criminals have for existing gun laws, nothing else.
To: kellynla; 1_Inch_Group; 2sheep; 2Trievers; 3AngelaD; 3pools; 3rdcanyon; 4Freedom; 4ourprogeny; ...
25 posted on
03/10/2009 5:20:38 PM PDT by
(~ Support Our Troops ~ www.AmericaSupportsYou.mil ~)
To: kellynla
Prosecutors allege Iknadosian offered smuggling advice to a confidential informant during a police sting at his shop in Phoenix, telling the informant to break up purchases. "If you got pulled over two is no biggie," Iknadosian is quoated as saying in a search-warrant affidavit. "Four is a question. Fifteen is what are you doing. So if you got two, hey me and a buddy are going to go out shooting." Hopefully these informants were wired and there will be no doubt about what the owner was or was not involved in.
Anybody have a copy of the affidavit?
27 posted on
03/10/2009 5:42:03 PM PDT by
To: kellynla; All
Ahhhh, how many of you on this thread believe ANYTHING the ATF says?
28 posted on
03/10/2009 5:42:23 PM PDT by
Navy Patriot
(Welcome to the Obama-Democrat Depression.)
To: AdmSmith; Berosus; Convert from ECUSA; dervish; Ernest_at_the_Beach; Fred Nerks; george76; ...
32 posted on
03/10/2009 6:52:15 PM PDT by
(https://secure.freerepublic.com/donate/____________________ Profile updated Monday, January 12, 2009)
To: kellynla
Sounds like the same problem as the anti-gun US states and towns, like NYC, have. To STOP the importation of smuggled guns, LEGALIZE them locally! DUMMIES!!
33 posted on
03/10/2009 7:06:38 PM PDT by
(...House a TOTAL Loss.....)
To: kellynla
Sounds Armenian so more likely Christian.
38 posted on
03/10/2009 9:09:25 PM PDT by
Still Thinking
(Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?)
To: kellynla
A federal licensed dealer is selling fully automatic weapons, grenades and so forth out of his regular "inventory".
39 posted on
03/10/2009 9:16:30 PM PDT by
El Gato
("The Second Amendment is the RESET button of the United States Constitution." -- Doug McKay)
To: kellynla
"They get $100 for their trouble, and the trafficker will take the gun down to Mexico and sell it for exponentially more than they pay here," says ATFBATFE agent Peter Forcelli. Wouldn't it be cheaper, and more efficient, to just bribe a few customs officials and import AKs by the container. On the world market those, and probably some (Iranian, Chinese) M-16/M-4 knockoffs are cheaper than semiautomatic AKs and ARs in the US. It's not like these thugs don't have smuggling skills.
41 posted on
03/10/2009 9:32:36 PM PDT by
El Gato
("The Second Amendment is the RESET button of the United States Constitution." -- Doug McKay)
To: kellynla
As many as 2,000 firearms are believed to cross the border into Mexico every day. And they are often assault weapons, Tracy reports. That's got to be the biggest PoC lie in the whole article.
42 posted on
03/10/2009 9:34:14 PM PDT by
El Gato
("The Second Amendment is the RESET button of the United States Constitution." -- Doug McKay)
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