That building is part of his dad's real estate empire.
Mr. Spitzer also built the Corinthian, his most recent project, and one of exceptional scale for a Manhattan residential building. It has 865 apartments on 54 residential floors, plus about 90,000 square feet of offices and a 150-car garage.
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To: NativeNewYorker
I would like Spitzer and his whore (Ashley Dupre) to join the Octomom in well deserved obscurity. Who needs to know anything about the beliefs or lives of these degenerates.
Tabloid Trash the lot.
2 posted on
03/08/2009 9:49:56 AM PDT by
To: NativeNewYorker
He choked her? He’s THAT BIG?
3 posted on
03/08/2009 9:50:07 AM PDT by
Ev Reeman
To: NativeNewYorker
OK, dammit...who hid my teeth?
To: NativeNewYorker
Typical democrat: choking the very life out of his constituents.
5 posted on
03/08/2009 9:51:04 AM PDT by
(When the past no longer illuminates the future, the spirit walks in darkness.)
To: NativeNewYorker
A churnin urn of burnin’ funk
6 posted on
03/08/2009 9:51:47 AM PDT by
( "an armed society is a polite society" Robert A. Heinlein)
To: NativeNewYorker
"He booked two hours," says Annie. "I dont remember exactly how much he was charged, but definitely over $1,000 an hour. "He wanted a scenario where I was supposed to say I had just been to a self-defense class. He was supposed to respond, 'Lets see if you learned anything. He would be aggressive. I would have to defend myself." LOL, this guy Spitzer was one sick Democrat.
To: NativeNewYorker; LucyT; Fred Nerks; Beckwith; F15Eagle; george76; Calpernia
Dem sex revelations. I guess sinnce we know about Clinntons fixations, and Spitzers we can see a common S&M thread for a new book on democrat sexology.
I mean we could call it The Swift Boating Manual on Democrat Camel Toe or some such, an exposure of the sex culture of the democrat party.
If its not lickin, its chokin. No wonder they are all out to lunch with no common sense, and are plain ugly totalitarian.
They all want to be beat or be beaten.Wonderful gang we now have in control of the nation.
Of course the Nazis had a similar sexual culture, but we won't talk about that, eh?
12 posted on
03/08/2009 10:02:39 AM PDT by
(I love Lucy : ( Those were better days))
To: NativeNewYorker
We're supposed to be outraged by this?
Two people go in through a door to the bedroom, and both come out happy at best or satisfied at least. Who gives a damn what happened inside?
I don't care what people do in the privacy of their own homes. Just keep the weird stuff private, and don't tell me it's normal, or try to get me to celebrate 'diversity'.
13 posted on
03/08/2009 10:03:00 AM PDT by
(01-20-2009 : The end of the PAX AMERICANA.)
To: NativeNewYorker
I spotted him leaving Outdoor World/Bass Pro Shop in Orlando last Sunday with his wife and daughter.
Shopping for ammo Eliot?
15 posted on
03/08/2009 10:04:54 AM PDT by
(a 2-iron is best for killing Cottonmouths, Copperheads, and Water Moccasins...)
To: NativeNewYorker
He wears his socks, but won’t put on a raincoat. ha
To: NativeNewYorker
So rape is his cup of tea?
21 posted on
03/08/2009 10:17:47 AM PDT by
(The Roar Of the Masses Coulds be Farts)
To: NativeNewYorker
P.S. Annie says she also had a date with "a current governor," not from New York. "But I'm not going to talk about that one." For now. New Jersey?
24 posted on
03/08/2009 10:23:34 AM PDT by
To: NativeNewYorker; Liz
To: NativeNewYorker
He is a politician in America in 2009 A.D.; sedition, treason, vice addiction, favoring of the criminal element all at taxpayers expense. Plato, suprisingly, thought bribery and corruption in a politician warranted death. The state is serious business next only to the Lord God in seriousness.
27 posted on
03/08/2009 10:29:16 AM PDT by
(It is a shame that when these people give a riot)
To: NativeNewYorker
What happened to the DC Madam? We never hear about her.
I suppose she knew too much about the political crooks in DC and other crooks in high places and decided she was a hot potato and dropped her hoping folks would forget about.
Not I.
To: NativeNewYorker
I'm frankly amazed he resigned.
He didn't have to, and would still be there right as rain.
33 posted on
03/08/2009 10:39:53 AM PDT by
(Peace is not an option)
To: NativeNewYorker; All
36 posted on
03/08/2009 10:45:34 AM PDT by
(Until I see a REAL C.O.L.B. BC, he's just "PRES__ENT" Obama = Without "ID")
To: NativeNewYorker
Spitzer makes me gag, too.
(That’ll be $2,000, please)
45 posted on
03/08/2009 11:17:03 AM PDT by
George Smiley
(They're not drinking the Kool-Aid any more. They're eating it straight out of the packet.)
To: NativeNewYorker
You might think the prostitute’s rates were high but it takes a certain talent to be engaged in the act while screaming
“RAISE my taxes! RAISE my taxes! Yes! Yes!”
50 posted on
03/08/2009 12:16:07 PM PDT by
(YES WE CAN have a Depression.)
To: NativeNewYorker
Holy Cow! Does this mean there are PC hooker fantasies now? If you can’t have your own fantasy, when you’re paying for it, why bother?
Of course, this should apply to all prostitution. Why would anyone pay for it?
51 posted on
03/08/2009 12:30:15 PM PDT by
("We gladly feast on those who would subdue us". Not just pretty words........)
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