Posted on 03/03/2009 10:14:54 PM PST by CardCarryingMember.VastRightWC
...... George W. Bush didn't lie about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. He was merely mistaken. Whereas President Obama told a whopper last week when he claimed he was not for bigger government .........
[Obama]: "We have already identified $2 trillion in savings over the next decade." But, lamentably, a few days later, The Washington Post reported: "A senior administration official acknowledged yesterday that the budget does not contain $2 trillion in spending cuts over the next decade. Instead, the figure represents Obama's total efforts at deficit reduction, including tax hikes [of more than $1 trillion] on families making over $250,000 a year. It also includes hundreds of billions of dollars 'saved' by not continuing to spend $170 billion a year in Iraq." Only a big government man would think of calling a trillion-dollar tax increase a spending cut or "saving." ..........
As Mr. Obama's energy secretary, Steven Chu, said last year: The price of electricity in America is "anomalously low." You see how much smarter that Nobel prize winner is than you. You probably thought you were already spending enough on electricity and fuel.
And sure enough, Mr. Obama explained last week that in order to make alternative energy sources wind, solar - perhaps eventually human muscle power? - economically competitive, he intends to raise the price of carbon-based energy until it is so expensive that even solar power will be such-a-deal. ...........
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
One of the people at Philadelphia Tea Party I had a sign with the same sentiment on it. Almost verbatim.
How far will Obama really go with this? This is the one that could really sink him if he does enact policies that raise electricity and other energy costs substantially, which will, of course, raise the price of most everything else, also.
No way most of his supporters paid close enough attention to the hope and change message to catch this part of it.
Great tagline!
[pay no attention to the man (Soros)behind the curtain]
Obama lied; your 401k died
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