And you lifted a term you heard on talk radio.
Couldn't you come up with one of your own?
That is very sad.
The same party that was sooooooo unhinged about the government possibly listening into your phone calls or reading your library list will, predictably, have absolutely no problem with the massive fedgov having access to all our medical files because, after all, with socialized medicine, they’ll have to know what your medical condition is in order to pay for your health care.
And, of course, there’s absolutely no way the Democrats won’t then use this for operation research the way they leaked Joe the Plumber’s tax records for political purposes.
It isn’t about your records being sold.
Going electronic gives government easy access to your healthcare records.
They take your money and then tie you in knots with it.
Privacy has NOTHING to do with people stealing data.
Your medical data will be made available for open sale, to anyone with a little money.
As it is, most insurers can buy your complete Rx drug history, for $15. It shows up with a helpful “credit-score” showing your projected future medical claims cost.
HIPAA is absurd. The more available your data is, the less privacy and choices you will have in employment, insurance, benefits, everything.
There is NO way EMR as they are today will work for me( and I suspect alot of physicians except a few specialists). Number one is it takes too much time to put the data in. I can not spend 5 min. per patient putting in dats ( and it takes longer) That is 250 additional minutes a day. Not gonna happen. I can dictate all 50 charts in 15 to 20 minutes. Plus these computer generated charts are almost useless. I can not stand to read the ones I get cause I know it is just computergenerated garbage. My didtation I can read and picture the patient and the vist it my mind even a year later at times. I can tell by the way I said things what was going on and what I thought about it. Reading a generated (not in my words) report is again almost useless. That is the problems I have.