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OBAMA WATCH CENTRAL Thousands advise electors to check eligibility
WND ^ | December 13, 2008 | WorldNetDaily

Posted on 12/13/2008 10:31:50 AM PST by ckilmer

If documents some day prove Barack Obama is not eligible to be president under the U.S. Constitution, none of the 538 Electoral College members who vote him into office Monday will be able to claim ignorance.

That's after 3,653 citizens had enough concern over the allegations, they participated in a WND effort to deliver letters to every elector, urging them to investigate.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Government
KEYWORDS: artbell; avanity; bho2008; birthcertificate; blackhelicopters; certifigate; csection; obama; obamatruthfile; rinobullies; rubberroom; scotus; sos; tenfoilhats; tinfoilers
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To: WinOne4TheGipper
Well, we know the truth. Obama was born in Hawaii. Now will you give it up?

Got a source for that? And the admittedly forged certificate of live birth that the Obama posted does not count.

101 posted on 12/22/2008 1:27:46 PM PST by Betty Jane
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To: MHGinTN; Admin Moderator
Please leave me out of any discussions or arguments that involves anyone personally attacking me and/or my research. As I told the Admin Moderator, I'm keeping all of that stuff off of FR, and I am not responding to any challenges.

On my alternate blog, I composed a complete rebuttal to the charlatan who said that he "debunked" my final report -- which he never read!!-- and his refusal to retract his slanderous comments of me is what prompted this rebuttal.

Everyone on FR read my final report, and all of them have more credibility than that charlatan who knows Jack-squat about it. I suggest that WinOne4TheGipper, or anyone else who's under this same delusion, to read my full rebuttal to his garbage:

Click here: Bad Stridence: Proof positive that credentials do not equal credibility

102 posted on 12/22/2008 1:46:25 PM PST by Polarik (quote)
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To: WinOne4TheGipper
I can understand you thinking people should move on. What I don't understand is after 100 posts and nobody being persuaded by your arguments why are you still trying to convert us to your point of view.

I did see where you stated that you didn't want FR to become a conspiracy place. That is so noble of you. But like in all groups or families there are the crazy cousins. Well, consider the birth certificate flap a place for the crazy cousins. Tell yourself except for that, they're nice people. Then move on to something else. Also know that when you come here spouting the opposite viewpoint, you had better have something more than The Annenberg Site and OBama's word for his birth certificate.

But you want to start a feud instead of letting us discuss the implications of a constitutionally illegible man being POTUS. Why exactly are you letting this idea upset you so much that you seemingly want to start a fight over it? That I don't understand. Find another topic of interest. We know where you stand, and we disagree. Now, can't we all just get along?

103 posted on 12/22/2008 2:07:34 PM PST by Betty Jane
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To: WinOne4TheGipper; The Sons of Liberty; TonyStark
This issue is settled. He is a natural born citizen. He has submitted proof. It is called the certificate of live birth.

Wow, you are clueless.

The document that Obama has shown is called a "Certification of Live Birth. What we are trying to get him to submit is a certified copy of his Certificate of Live Birth. That is the document that has the name of the hospital where the birth occurred and the name of the doctor, etc.. At least try to get your facts straight.

It's possible to obtain a Certification of Live Birth even if the birth occurred out of state. You just have to show that you, as parents, were residents of Hawaii within a year of the child's birth.

The idiot that raised 700 million dollars in his quest for the Presidency, and who purportedly has nearly 30 million dollars excess funds, can't afford the ten dollar processing fee to obtain a copy of that Certificate from the Department of Health.

104 posted on 12/22/2008 5:14:03 PM PST by Cyropaedia ("Virtue cannot separate itself from reality without becoming a principal of evil...".)
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To: Cyropaedia

WinOne4TheGipper is an 0bamunist sympathizer and most likely a troll from the dims.

105 posted on 12/24/2008 5:57:24 AM PST by The Sons of Liberty (In Memory of Freedom: July 4, 1776 - November 4, 2008)
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To: Cyropaedia

Wow, that was lame pretty damned lame excuse for “setting me straight”. The certification is proof of Obama’s being born in Hawaii. How do I know? One of the courts that tossed out one of these garbage suits said so:

“In Virginia, which was just ruled on Monday, the judge went further and said that the certificate of live birth was good proof that Obama was born in Hawaii, and there was NO proof presented that he was born anywhere else.”

But it’s really not about the COLB. That document has been vetted and accepted by all reputable sources. WHAT DOCUMENTS DO YOU HAVE THAT SHOWS EVEN THE SLIGHTEST POSSIBILITY OF OBAMA BEING BORN ANYWHERE BUT HAWAII? That is the crucial question and I expect an answer in your next post or don’t even bother responding.

106 posted on 12/24/2008 10:05:10 AM PST by WinOne4TheGipper (Obama is for (leaving you with pocket) change.)
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To: Betty Jane

I’m not even trying to convert you. I just want to make you all so upset that not everyone is swallowing the Kool-Aid that you go find some other smaller, darker cess pool to spread this garbage, not on one of the largest, most well respected conservative sites on the Internet.

As for having more than Factcheck or Obama, what exactly do you have? Nothing. I have the COLB and numerous court cases. Guess who wins?

107 posted on 12/24/2008 10:10:31 AM PST by WinOne4TheGipper (Obama is for (leaving you with pocket) change.)
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To: Betty Jane

So, now it’s “admittedly forged”? What color is the sky in your world?

108 posted on 12/24/2008 10:14:10 AM PST by WinOne4TheGipper (Obama is for (leaving you with pocket) change.)
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You reading comprehension is so poor (unless you actually heard first hand the press conference when anything regarding the colb was mentioned and not clarified beyond there is a long form on file which no one has affirmed actually states the poseur affirmative action applicant was born in HI. So, you have no more proof than anyone else because the affirmative action fraud has not provided proof of his eligibility. He has tried to NOT present proof ina court where it can be authenticated or not, and he has posted crap with associated friendly orgs, but not in any legal sense. You can be excused for noit comprehnding the essentails. Education is not a premium with the affirmative action obamanoids.

Tell, me are you a professional self-parodist? It is not, let me capitalize that for you, IT IS NOT, Obama's job to prevent proof one way or another. That is your job. It is your job to convince people that he wasn't born in Hawaii. Saying that skeptics don't respect the constitution and calling a lifelong conservative an "obamanoid" proves nothing above and beyond the fact that you are an unintelligent person with poor manners and even worse debating skills.
109 posted on 12/24/2008 10:21:38 AM PST by WinOne4TheGipper (Obama is for (leaving you with pocket) change.)
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To: WinOne4TheGipper

That seems to be a hoax. A fraudulent report of a fantasy ruling. See

Court proceedings are a matter of public record. If you can produce the actual VA court documents, fine. But until then reason and common sense dictate that we consider that tyrannywatch report of a VA court ruling a total hoax.

110 posted on 12/24/2008 10:24:03 AM PST by bvw
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To: WinOne4TheGipper
Well, we know the truth. Obama was born in Hawaii. Now will you give it up?

What you "know" isn't true. Where do you go from there?

It wasn't Galileo's responsibility to "give it up" when reality was on his side, but opinion was not.

How do you redeem your intellectual integrity in this forum when you make an unqualified assertion which is at the very best unproven, and at worst absolutely false given a preponderance of evidence to the contrary?

Would you like to qualify your assertion? Backtrack a bit? Or do you just plow forward like an uninformed juggernaut with your fingers in your ears and declare the "truth" is that the Sun revolves around the Earth (specifically, with Hawaii as the center)?

We're waiting patiently.

111 posted on 12/24/2008 10:26:05 AM PST by TonyStark
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My gosh. Your posts contain scores of examples of bad grammar and misspellings, and you still believe yourself to be intelligent?!

See, unlike you guys, who love the constitution, sooooo much, I actually have a copy, but I’m having some difficulty. But nowhere in the constitution, at least nowhere where I can find it, can I find “responding to baseless lies” listed as one of the president’s responsibilities. Maybe you can help me out. You know, shortly after you submit documented proof that Obama was born anywhere but Hawaii? Thanks.

112 posted on 12/24/2008 10:28:42 AM PST by WinOne4TheGipper (Obama is for (leaving you with pocket) change.)
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To: WinOne4TheGipper; MHGinTN
Tell, me are you a professional self-parodist? It is not, let me capitalize that for you, IT IS NOT, Obama's job to prevent proof one way or another. That is your job. It is your job to convince people that he wasn't born in Hawaii.

Your own words conspire against you.

113 posted on 12/24/2008 10:34:26 AM PST by infool7 (Ignorance isn't bliss its slavery in denial)
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To: bvw

There we go again. Another “debunking”. You know, it’s pretty easy to go “debunking” when there is actually something to “debunk”. You have it made. All you have to do is spread baseless allegations, provide no documentation for any of your allegations, and “debunk” the truth til the cows come home.

I’ll look up those documents as soon as you can give me even a single document showing that Obama was born anywhere but Hawaii. I don’t care, it can even be scribbled on the back of a McDonald’s napkin, for crying out loud. That would be the most documentation that anyone on your side would have provided to that point.

114 posted on 12/24/2008 10:36:10 AM PST by WinOne4TheGipper (Obama is for (leaving you with pocket) change.)
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To: WinOne4TheGipper

After that remark, your credibility is at Madoff level.

115 posted on 12/24/2008 10:40:33 AM PST by bvw
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To: infool7

Wowie, you’ve got that tool, who thinks that he’s the second coming of Einstein, making all sorts of spelling and other errors, you say nothing about him. But if I misuse one letter, oops, my words “conspire against me”. What a joke you are.

Anyway, it is your job to PRESENT evidence. So, are you going to start presenting, or do you just want to make snarky comments? Because I’m pretty sure that I can snark with the best of ‘em...

116 posted on 12/24/2008 10:41:28 AM PST by WinOne4TheGipper (Obama is for (leaving you with pocket) change.)
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To: bvw

I had always hoped I could reach that level. What an honor. Now, about maybe actually presenting evidence that Obama was born anywhere but Hawaii? Come on, hundreds of posts, but not one CertifiTruther has said anything which would lead any thinking person to believe Obama wasn’t born in the US. I BELIIIIIEEEEEVVVVVEEE you can convince me.

117 posted on 12/24/2008 10:46:04 AM PST by WinOne4TheGipper (Why do foul-mouthed conspiracy theorists who can't back up their ideas think that I belong at DU?)
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To: TonyStark

Galileo has evidence gained from observation. You have... I’m sorry, what do you have again? Making historical refences does not cover the weakness of your argument. It just tells me that you’re smart enough to know better...

118 posted on 12/24/2008 10:48:35 AM PST by WinOne4TheGipper (Why do foul-mouthed conspiracy theorists who can't back up their ideas think that I belong at DU?)
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To: WinOne4TheGipper

At least I know I am a joke but your misspelling more than betrays your intentions.

119 posted on 12/24/2008 10:49:20 AM PST by infool7 (Ignorance isn't bliss its slavery in denial)
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To: infool7

My intentions? Just what might those be? Maybe you can tell me, because I always thought that I intended to make you all either back up your arguments or shut your yaps. Since nary a one of you has thought of the novel idea of backing up your arguments (even after I’ve repeatedly begged you to do such, even going as far to say that I’d even accept something you’d scribbled on a McDonald’s napkin), perhaps eventually you might shut your yaps.

120 posted on 12/24/2008 10:54:13 AM PST by WinOne4TheGipper (Why do foul-mouthed conspiracy theorists who can't back up their ideas think that I belong at DU?)
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