As the right continues to allow this type of behaviour from the left it only makes them bolder.
At some point the scale will tip and the pushback from the right will not be pretty.
IMHO the left in America is on the very edge of learning a very important message.
Obama says get in our faces.
The line is getting ready to be crossed by the left and when it’s crossed there will be no retreat.
Its all very well explained by Johak Goldberg in his well annotated and referenced history text:
Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of America's Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning
Be assured of one fact. We now have a presidential candidate who is the pinnacle of AMericas Fascist movement.
And the thuggishness of this "NEW Politik" within the so called Democrat Party ( it is no longer Democrat, it is nationalist socialist....Joe Leiberman is a Democrat)has resulted in an exodus of millions of Democats into oraganizatios like
As a matter of fact the new dynamic is now rearranging Chairmanships within the Congressional Dem Caucus.
A monster has been created, and our job is to slay it, as sure as the sun rises in the East.
Conservative Americans are preparing for the violence to come, and it will hardly be pleasant.
Ping for later reading.
This type of leftist conduct was one of the reasons Hitler helped found the SA. The SA would “handle” the leftist agitators who came to disrupt Hitler’s speaches.
No, indeed, it is not. Those are fascist tactics, but that is not fascism.
Brilliant summation of American “social fascim.”
We also see this behaviour on Fox when the conservative is trying to speak the leftist will yell and try to speak over them.
Soon, very soon we will stop being polite about it. They do by the way see our restraint as WEAKNESS on our part.
Violence begats violence. One of the things that was different about this country when I came here is that politics was rather civil back then. We are about to find out that in the rest of the world assassination is seen as a legitimate political tactic.
And then we bring up examples of leftist agitators (community organizers) interrupting Hitler's speeches and we still call it fascism. Were those leftists fascist then? I'm confused!
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I think this is a very intersting article. Conciliation and being "nice" is not always a virtue. Courage is the test of all other virtues, and I think all conservatives need a lot of courage. The leftists are not going to stop until THEY ARE STOPPED.
NY ping
The Valley News is a really obscure source for a FR thread. You don’t happen to live in Oswego County, do you?
[Ironically, rank-and-file union members are overwhelmingly against the proposal being pushed in Congress by their leadership. A recent Zogby poll revealed that 71 percent of union members favor ballot privacy, while a McLaughlin poll showed that 79 percent of Americans oppose card-check legislation that would make private-ballot elections no longer mandatory. ]
And these same morons went out and voted a straight Dem ticket.
Excellent article.