Posted on 12/01/2008 7:36:34 PM PST by dascallie
Barack Obama to buy rare £20,000 gold ring for his wife.
The ring is made of rhodium - the world's most expensive metal --encrusted with diamonds. It is being hastily made by Italian designer Giovanni Bosco in time for January's inauguration ceremony.
Only about 25 tons of rhodium are mined each year, mostly in South Africa, and as a result its price is typically around £5,000 an ounce.
(sample comments)
Michelle tells poor women in Chicago to forego the corporate world and volunteer in the community instead - these people are hypocrites! Annie, Madrid, 30/11/2008
A man of the people - NOT. Ostentatious displays of wealth at a time of recession. ken, london england, 30/11/2008
Fiddling whilst Rome is burning, what a joke. Robert, Sumter USA, 30/11/2008
Americans are losing their savings, their jobs, and their homes. Many can't afford the cost of nutritous food for their families, but Obama can shuck out $20K for a bracelett - that's the way to show "change" and "good for the common man" in America. Chi, London,+UK, 30/11/2008
He's a man of the people all right - a multi millionaire that holds the lower classes in contempt, whilst sticking his wealth in their faces with outrageous purchases. Now theres change you can believe in! Mark, Melbourne, 1/12/2008
He relied on the goodwill of the American People to be elected (ie people used their own funds) so he should be setting an example to the rest of the Americans telling them to save money during the hard times up until the economic situation begins to improve. Let us hope that he does not turn out to be similar to vast majority of other African leaders who happen to be in the 'game' for the sake of personal financial gains nil, London UK, 1/12/2008
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It’s good to be the king.
Wonder if it’ll turn her finger green.
Does it contain blood diamongs?
It’s an elitist thing. Makes me sick. Obama and Michelle are hypocrites, and those are their good points.
What? He doesn’t want to share the wealth?
Oh, that’s right.... only with OTHER people’s money.
Elite snobes.
Is it for her nose?
Welcome to the USSR. Those in power will live opulently. Those not, well, the bread line is around the corner.
Let us hope that he does not turn out to be similar to vast majority of other African leaders who happen to be in the 'game' for the sake of personal financial gain
I think that comment sums about everything up.
Maybe its like the ring Kobe had to give his wife to keep her from filing divorce or a reward for keeping her mouth shut the past 5 months.
Could be one in the making !!!
“Can find the rarest metal on earth but can’t find his Birth Certificate?
Man of the people...champion of the middle class....savior of the American people.
Are the libs gonna complain like they did about Cindy and Sara’s wardrobe cost’s.....Nah, they will blindly follow this ghetto trash over the cliff no matter what.”
Infuriating, isn’t it? arggghhhhhhhhhhhhh
he can buy her alllllllll the jewelry he wants but as long as I have breath in my body I will never acknowledge him (if elected)as POTUS.the both of them should stay in Chi-town with crony pals;the whole lot .
Where does Obama get such monies? So far he has been a Community Organizer at $13,000/year, a state senator for probably $50,000/year and a US Senator at around $170,000/year.
>Welcome to the USSR. Those in power will live opulently. Those not, well, the bread line is around the corner.
The quote “Let them eat cake.” comes to mind.
I’m glad I could contribute my tax dollars to gracing Michelle’s finger. I love being part of the peasantry in today’s feudal society called America.
one of the people.
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