I thought Justice Souter already requested Obama’s BC.
Souter asked only for Obama to respond by or on Dec 1st, Berg case.
“I thought Justice Souter already requested Obamas BC.”
That may be the case - but I believe all that is required by Souter is a response, not necessarily production of the document. Perhaps others on the board can comment.
If a BC was requested, there are a number of questions. How will Souter treat the document? Will he release the original for a thorough forensic examination?
O, his handlers and his legal team have anticipated such a requirement and have something ready to produce, and even if he is not natural born that something can be expected to shift the burden to petitioner.
But the courts are not always the best place to determine the truth. I do not think we should rely entirely on any court in this instance simply because time is against us.
Clinton lied to each of us and lied to a court and walked because the folks charged with protecting the interests of the nation sat on their hands. This is much more important.
Our politicians need to go on offense so this doesn’t get swept under the rug. They have the consitutional right/duty to object on Jan 8, ‘09 and thereupon produce evidence he is not natural born.
You can also listen to a 9 part radio interview on youtube.
Google youtube-Leo Donofrio
If you're that uninformed on this issue, perhaps you ought to hold off the cynical statements about how "it'll never work."