Posted on 11/12/2008 9:26:01 PM PST by NormsRevenge
PARIS (AFP) Scheduled shifts in Earth's orbit should plunge the planet into an enduring Ice Age thousands of years from now but the event will probably be averted because of man-made greenhouse gases, scientists said Wednesday.
They cautioned, though, that this news is not an argument in favour of global warming, which is driving imminent and potentially far-reaching damage to the climate system.
Earth has experienced long periods of extreme cold over the billions of years of its history.
The big freezes are interspersed with "interglacial" periods of relative warmth, of the kind we have experienced since the end of the last Ice Age, around 11,000 years ago.
These climate swings have natural causes, believed to be rooted particularly in changes in Earth's orbit and axis that, while minute, have a powerful effect on how much solar heat falls on the planet.
Two researchers built a high-powered computer model to take a closer look at these intriguing phases of cooling and warmth.
In addition to the planetary shifts, they also factored in levels of carbon dioxide (CO2), found in tiny bubbles in ice cores, that provide an indicator of temperature spanning hundreds of thousands of years.
They found dramatic swings in climate, including changes when Earth flipped from one state to the other in a relatively short time, said one of the authors, geoscientist Thomas Crowley of the University of Edinburgh, Scotland.
These shifts, called "bifurcations," appear to happen in abrupt series, which is counter-intuitive to the idea that the planet cools or warms gradually.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Curiouser and couriouser.
This September 2008 NOAA satellite images shows a full disk Western Hemisphere view of the Earth. Scheduled shifts in Earth's orbit should plunge the planet into an enduring Ice Age thousands of years from now but the event will probably be averted because of man-made greenhouse gases, scientists said Wednesday. (AFP/NOAA/File)
That's one of the stupidest things I've ever read.
an inconvenient freeze.
All of the charts and graphs I’ve seen of long term climate over like the last 750,000 years or so show the same thing:
An extreme ice age every 120,000 years or so. Always preceded by a period of intense, rapid warming.
And the last major one was about 120,000 years ago.
I may have to consult my Webster’s for the correct spelling of the word “Gobbledygook”.
So we have averted global climate change but must now work to create global climate change.
It is about policy and not science. It is about control and not your well being.
It’s not curious at all. It’s a way for the man made Global Warming crowd to explain why temperatures aren’t going to rise over the next few years. CYA is all this is...
Barbra Streisand
As even the most religious global warming redistribution of wealth believer comes to understand that the Earth has been cooling for a decade after Al Gore & Co. predicted just the opposite, they had to come up with plan B.
So who's going to be paying us in the United States for sparing them from the disaster of a global freeze?
The “warmers” muddy the waters to keep the agenda on track.
Some related refernces:
Recent European CO2 cap and trade debacle (look for "Russian Hot Air" and "Leakage" re industry relocation) Also at: CO2 constrained industry moving out of Europe.
All five Mcclenney articles Tough going but interesting.
Florida shoreline changes before and during ice ages. Also see Mcclenney article above.
“Global Warming? What Global Warming? I never said anything about Global Warming.”
Al Gore - January 21, 2009
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