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America Held Hostage- the Obama Files...
various links ^ | 11-8-08 | The Heavy Equipment Guy

Posted on 11/08/2008 3:06:12 AM PST by backhoe

America Held Hostage- the Obama Files...

With a hattip to Rush ( His idea during the Clinton plague upon America ) I am starting a file on “The One,” mostly starting from the election date.

Older stuff- links, quotes, quips, and sometimes pointed graphics can be found by scrolling back from these two posts:

-Hillary Clinton- archives, comments, and opposition research--

-Sarah Palin- links, from the beginning--

There is some good material in those posts that raises a lot of uncomfortable questions that everyone ought to be asking, and probably will once the “new” wears off, and we are stuck with four ( more likely eight, since 95% of the news & entertainment media are in his pocket ) years of a typical corrupt Chicago Political Machine Politician trying to jerk the whole country in one direction and then the next.

You've all heard the saying,

”People get the kind of government they want...
...and deserve?”

Well, America, you are about to “get it, good & hard...”

Don't say you weren't warned- we tried to tell you...

We did everything we could, and our state went for the Old Guy & the Naughty Librarian, but too many other voters were made stupid by the TV and public schools for it to matter.

We're in a Hell of a mess, and the worst thing is, "we"- the collective we, not you & I-- got us here.

Is Obama really the Abyss...

staring back at us?

I like to make points with humorous graphics- this one sums it up as well as any:


Then, in a nutshell, "everything I see going bad with all this hopi- changi- stuff The One is peddling-- forced labor, censorship, spin, and pure mean-spirited rudness:

Email of the day

Atlas readers rock! I am blown away by the overwhelming response to this post  (and this one) to get involved to take back our country from the Soros, socialists, and the self proclaimed messiah - oy. More than one email brought a tear to my eye but I wanted to share this one with you.

If this best represents who we are, what we want and where we are going, there is no way we can lose. Greatness is in the house. I am proud to count you as my friends. Prouder still to stand with you and fight this great fight.

I want to lead a county.

I was born in Cuba, and know the language of Communism, Obama speaks it well.  My grandfather's family had to flee Lebanon because of the Muslims to Cuba. We fled Cuba because of Castro.

This is the best country in the whole wide world.  I was a child when I left Cuba with the clothe on my back, we left my parent's sister and I, left behind everything. 

America is Worth fighting for and Freedom is worth defending.  I do not want my children to grow up in oppression, nor do I wish exile upon them.

Please allow me to help, again, Id like to lead a county.

My name is Ingrid and Im in Miami, in Miami Dade County

May the Light always shine upon America,


UPDATE: In case there was any doubt as to what the victorious zombies have in mind. Check out this comment (left in the comment section) . Can you say rude awakening?

You people are pathetic!

Your racist fear mongering will not go unchallenged!  Soon we will shut down your hate spewing web sites.  We will confiscate your firearms.  In prison, you will get an education on the error of your ways.  We will take your children and raise them as our own and instill in them the values of social justice.  We will have a new American Republic of justice and order for all!

You time is almost up!  Prepare for the dung heap of history!

It sounds insane (which it is) but I believe the writer is quite serious.

| | Comments (21)

"We will confiscate your firearms. In prison, you will get an education on the error of your ways. We will take your children and raise them as our own and instill in them the values of social justice".....

Heh heh heh....I am sure you are serious, but that is funny!

Values of social Mao? Stalin? Lenin? Ho-chi Min? Pol Pot? Which of these butchers of social justice did you have in mind?"

That's the number of civilians that have been murdered by their own governments in the 20th century alone.

Innocents Betrayed is a must see video produced by Jews for the Preservation of Firearms (scroll down to see links to view the Introduction to Innocents Betrayed)

Now consider Obama's 'civilian defense force' which he intends to fund and equip as well as our standing military coupled with his promise to revisit the second amendment (repeal concealed carry privilege) and then compound this injury with Ayers' inspired youth corps.

Learn from the Slicksters


Obamessiah has a new site up as President-elect soliciting ideas form the proletariat.
Let's hope it doesn't become the hub for the hate whitey and Jew boy Obamavomit that his last site was.

Surf the site. Take note. Keep your eye on the The Obama National Service Plan- the page is empty (how apropos) but that piques my interest.

President Obama To Bring Back Slavery

Just in case anyone think Mr. Obama is not serious about this, bear in mind that his new Chief of Staff wrote a book demanding this very thing: The Plan: Big Ideas for America: Rahm Emanuel, Bruce Reed: Books;sr=1-1

Don’t forget they want a Gestapo/KKK civilian force the size of the pentagon to keep everybody inline and things running smoothly.

“Suddenly, all mention of “required” has been disappeared. ”

SOME THOUGHTS ON OBAMA'S mandatory volunteerism plan. Plus, reader Nancy Anne Potts writes:

Looks like the site is true to it's title - it changes!

During the time when I was looking at the blog you linked to concerned mandatory community service the page saying "require community service" changed to goal for community service. The new wording is:

"..... Obama will call on citizens of all ages to serve America, by setting a goal that all middle school and high school students do 50 hours of community service a year and by developing a plan so that all college students who conduct 100 hours of community service receive a universal and fully refundable tax credit ensuring that the first $4,000 of their college education is completely free."

I found the the cached page on Google it has the original "required" wording.

Looks like they caught their "mistake". Now will the real plan please step forward -- goal or required. (Although the way government sets goals, they often wind up looking like requirements so maybe the two aren't all that different.)

Ugh! I see card check made the economy page too. He may be the president elect but I don't have to like his plans!

Not until the second term. Then that will be made mandatory, too . . . .

Meanwhile, Robert Bidinotto comments: "Anyone recall what the Soviets used to do to history books?" The Obama folks have a history of airbrushing.

IF YOU VOTED FOR MCCAIN, you're a racist. Just in case nobody had bothered to tell you.

President-Elect D’oh-bama’s Gaffe #1: Sorry, Nancy

By Michelle Malkin  •  November 7, 2008 07:30 PM

And so it begins.

Or rather, continues.

President-elect D’oh-bama apologizes (vid here in case you missed it):

More of the incessant symbolism bullshit from teh Obama Campaign


I believe the idea is to give the impression he’s already on the job. It strikes me as bad advice and an ego that knows no limits

President-Elect Douchebag Mocks Nancy Reagan


Now here is the first thing to really *hammer* Obama on, something that he’s doing *right now* — as opposed to all the other things in the past. This is “right now” and it indicates that he’s totally lying about “transparency”...Now here is the first thing to really *hammer* Obama on, something that he’s doing *right now* — as opposed to all the other things in the past. This is “right now” and it indicates that he’s totally lying about “transparency”...
Gag alert:

President-elect Barack Obama's First Press Conference - Complete Video 11/7/08

Obama Mocks Nancy Reagan in 1st Press Conference

It's  classless to mock a frail, elderly woman. (Note he was not kind in his revelation about his own "typical white person" grandmother, either.)

It's even worse to mock the widow of a great former president. Whatever you think of her, she deserves respect.

Especially classless was mocking Nancy Reagan on stage, before hundreds of reporters and television cameras, knowing the "joke" would be heard by millions. This wasn't some private remark that got picked up by a live mike.

What the hell is the “Office of the President-Elect?”

In Fort Worth, Obama's election prompts run on guns and ammunition

Get 'em while you can-- from my files:

Sitting in committee, just waiting for The One:

H.R. 1022: Assault Weapons Ban and Law Enforcement Protection Act of 2007

On Concerns Over Gun Control, Gun Sales Are Up

From "", the official transition website. Agenda tab and then select "urban policy" and go down to "Crime Control".

Address Gun Violence in Cities:
As president, Barack Obama would repeal the Tiahrt Amendment, which restricts the ability of local law enforcement to access important gun trace information, and give police officers across the nation the tools they need to solve gun crimes and fight the illegal arms trade. Obama and Biden also favor commonsense measures that respect the Second Amendment rights of gun owners, while keeping guns away from children and from criminals who shouldn't have them. They support closing the gun show loophole and making guns in this country childproof. They also support making the expired federal Assault Weapons Ban permanent, as such weapons belong on foreign battlefields and not on our streets.

There will be no one left to protect you
Barack Obama wants to institute a Civilian National Security Force, a vast militia not unlike Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, a personal army. He knows he would need such a force to protect him and to enforce his will on Americans. Americans will have not seen such arbitrary power used against them since the days of the Civil War when Lincoln put the Constitution in the bottom drawer of his desk and set about arresting anyone who opposed his policies...

VIDEO of Obama calling for a Secret Police Force: CIVILIAN NATIONAL SECURITY FORCE??

QUESTIONS ABOUT THAT civilian national security force.

“Just as powerful, just as strong, and just as well funded.” So the astute observer and deep thinker might reflect for a minute and be compelled to pose several questions (although the MSM won’t)...


Kindly note the quote, from our new First Lady, err, female black Bigot...

Obama's plan to disarm America (video, in his own words)


Michelle Malkin: New national anthem: "My president is black"


Is Obama "Your President"?

Friday, November 07, 2008 3:01:30 PM · 57 of 180
backhoe to brownsfan
Hmmmm... this one is very difficult. I was in the military, and we were taught we salute the uniform, not the man. So I respect the office, not the man. However, I am adopting a wait and see. If Obama governs as if he cares about America, even if we disagree, I can accept that. If Obama governs as I expect, like a Manchurian candidate who is bent on America’s deconstruction, that is when he will disqualify himself as being my president.

Liberal activists have long legislative wish list

National Organization for Women. "Since 1994, we've been losing over and over on legislation related to equality and fair treatment for women."
The gay-rights movement also campaigned vigorously for Obama.
NARAL Pro-Choice America and the Planned Parenthood Federation of America want Obama and Congress to move aggressively...
An array of other advocacy groups are stepping forward with their priorities for the new Congress.

Guess Who's Getting the Nuclear Football in January?

BO is doing away with our nukes, the officer assigned to carry the nuclear football will instead be carrying the teleprompter.

Angelou: Now I Won't Have To Apologize For My Country When Abroad

Democratic RevolutionWith all that being said, we are looking at potentially 9.2 million fraudulent votes...
This wasn't an election. It was peaceful Socialist revolution. Perhaps we should refer to President Obama as "His Fraudulency". But not too loudly...
- Hugh Farnham

Rahm Emanuel's Big Plan for America

Yes we can--draft your @ss

You know, I warn, and I warn, and I warn, and I warn, but nobody listens.

OMG you won't believe what is written on Obama's new website: "America Serves"

Democrats talk of a ‘permanent progressive majority’

Libs Suddenly Find Themselves Defending the Flag It wasn't that long ago that the American Left was burning and crapping on the flag.
Suddenly, all of that has changed.

Rahm Emanuel's Big Plan for America

 From my files- note the date:

Bend over, America:

Paid for with 'everybody else's' money...

1,152 posted on Saturday, February 09, 2008

Emanuel Was Director Of Freddie Mac During Scandal

And folks should be sure to check out this thread....

Obama’s Chief of Staff Pick Took Campaign Contributions from Wall Street

And check out the info at

I hope someone sends these Emanuel links off to Limbaugh.


The Coup: a position paper

Cut Obama some slack, wait and listen

President Bush could not even claim his victory for weeks in the 2000 elections because of democRAT attempts to steal the election.

He has been insulted and degraded like no other president in memory.

I, for one, will not cut this poser or his comrades ANY slack...

Obama-Supporting Teacher Bullies Student (video)

"White guilt gave us black Jesus"


Required re-education: Reagan's 1964 speech to the Republican Convention

I’ve already ordered my ‘Don’t Blame Me I Voted For Ron Paul’ bumper sticker. I’ll probably get a ‘Sarah-cuda’ one as well.

After the appropriate time has passed ( after Duh1 takes office and starts clowning around... ) I'm going to make this:

"Don't blame Me
I voted for Sarah"

Possibilities I'm entertaining in the interim?

"Where's mah Free Gas?"

"I want my mortgage paid!"

The new battle line?

choice versus control.


Mike Gallagher: Mourning In America

Change... Obama Announces Creation Of His Marxist Youth Corps (Heil Comrade Obama!)


Stores say gun-control fears spur firearms sales Well, duh!

I tried for months to wake people up- now, they will get "the kind of government they want, and deserve..."

Of course, we don't deserve it, but when just enough voters have been made stupid by the TV and public "education," what can you expect?

I dug in to the grocery money ( neither of us have a job... ) and renewed my membership in the NRA, GOA, and the Second Amendment Foundation. If we'd had more to spare, I'd have rejoined JPFO and the Second Amendment Sisters, too.

Keep these handy...

Gun Facts v4.2!

Click the pic to go to the Gun Facts v4.2 download page!


Barack Obama: The Kingfish Reborn

Do Unto Obama As Liberals Did Unto Bush

Coal stocks plummet. Average 15%, many over 30% since Tuesday Gee, wonder why?

Kate, this is important and you should listen to it. It's about Obama's cult of personality and it is short.

From the blogs- and, always, read the Anchoress:

Bush, Obama, & Ghosts of Hate - UPDATED

“The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country.” Lincoln’s Second Annual Message to Congress, December 1, 1862.

I would love nothing better than to be able to stop writing about “left” and “right.” I wish we had a better vocabulary to describe our distinctions, because these words are limiting and off-putting. I am determined, with the merciful conclusion of this abusively long election season, to work diligently at spending less time entertaining these distinctions. But for today, I think it is only fair to note a very important and glaring difference between “left and right” - and in so doing - consider how we may, finally, stop needing to indulge in what is tedious.

Victor Davis Hanson
says Let’s not imitate the left in our opposition. I agree.

It has been wonderful - really beyond wonderful - to consider how differently most of the right has reacted to their defeat than the left did in 2000 and 2004. In the two previous elections, the left responded by calling the other half of the country “stupid,” “morons,” and “Nazis” - Jane Smiley called them “unteachably ignorant” - they indulged in high drama, sniffling “apologies” to the globe, and denunciations of their fellow countrymen as “lying between repugnant and reptile in the dictionary.”

And oh, yeah (eyeroll) George W. Bush was not “their” president.

While you’ll see a few disgruntled extremists on the right say foolish, even ignorant things - and many throwing daggers at the sickening double-standards of the press - they’re not indulging in that sort of dehumanizing (and very adolescent) hate of their fellow countrymen or the president-elect. The reports they’re filing read very differently than those following the Bush wins. They read as grown-up, tolerant, open-minded discourses, not tantrums. There is a willingness to be hopeful, even in defeat.

And there is a determined respectfulness being offered to the winners - people who could not manage maturity and respectfulness in their defeat and who, sadly, are not always managing it in their victory, either.

I’m hopeful that the left - if it takes the time to actually condescend to notice how well it is being treated by the vanquished - might consider that self-indulgent defamation is the lesser way; that such a consideration may inspire introspection, and perhaps the smallest bit of regret for some of their appalling excesses toward the right and toward the American President who did not return hate in-kind.

I’m hopeful. I’m an optimist. I KNOW that the folks on the right - for all of their faults, and both sides certainly have faults - want America to be successful and strong and exceptional and free. I’m hopeful that hugely empowered left will discover that - beyond the feel-goodism of “free social programs” which are never free -they actually, really do want all of those things, too. That they’ll look back on the last 8 years and realize, finally, that their enemy was never George W. Bush. Bush, the guy who never dehumanized them, was only trying serve those corny ideals.

And then, miraculously, we may actually have unity.

Some similar thinking from my girl crush, Donna Brazile:

“The one mistake that we continue to make is that we label people. We say you’re conservatives, liberal, progressive, right wing, left wing. I think people just want to spend one day being Americans. They want to come together around a common purpose, common values.”

I wondered the other day if the catharsis of this election might open up “a vein of generosity” (or at least decency) from the left as concerns President Bush. I have not seen it yet, but I’m going to be optimistic and keep looking.

But maybe it’s enough just to see a little appreciation from the right, to start. Like this, for instance:

I link, therefore, I Err has a little mini-round-up of appreciation for George W. Bush. You’ll want to read it all.

From Alppuccino at Protein Wisdom:

At 10:40, President Bush will keep his streak alive by telling everyone how much he loves America. Just as he always has. And he’ll show everyone how much he loves America by preparing Obama as best he can for the next 4 years.

Read it all; it’s doubtful that Obama’s team will come into the White House finding O’s missing from their keyboards, any rude messages greeting them. And that is how it should be in America, a respectful transition.

Michael Gerson:

Many liberals refuse to concede Bush’s humanity, much less his achievements.

But that humanity is precisely what I will remember. I have seen President Bush show more loyalty than he has been given, more generosity than he has received. I have seen his buoyancy under the weight of malice and his forgiveness of faithless friends. Again and again, I have seen the natural tug of his pride swiftly overcome by a deeper decency — a decency that is privately engaging and publicly consequential.

[In 2005]…the White House senior staff overwhelmingly opposed a new initiative to fight malaria in Africa for reasons of cost and ideology…In the crucial policy meeting, one person supported it: the president of the United States, shutting off debate with a moral certitude that others have criticized. I saw how this moral framework led him to an immediate identification with the dying African child, the Chinese dissident, the Sudanese former slave, the Burmese women’s advocate. It is one reason I will never be cynical about government — or about President Bush.

Jeffery Scott Shapiro:

[The treatment of President Bush] from this country is nothing less than a disgrace. The attacks launched against him have been cruel and slanderous, proving to the world what little character and resolve we have…Our failure to stand by the one person who continued to stand by us has not gone unnoticed by our enemies. It has shown to the world how disloyal we can be when our president needed loyalty — a shameful display of arrogance and weakness that will haunt this nation long after Mr. Bush has left the White House.

Until we fix, within ourselves, our enthrallment with hate for others, simply because they hold differing views, we’ll never pull it together. In 2006 we watched a right-wing blogger be called less than human by a left-wing reader. We’ve seen President Bush being referred to as “the chimp” and “the monkey” by the wits who insisted that ideology trumped having a decent respect for another’s humanity. I wrote about that a little here:

Thus, George W. Bush is “Chimpy McHitler.” Hillary Clinton is “a pig in a pantsuit.” Barack Obama is “O-Bambi.” Cindy McCain, who has exhibited some courage and laudable compassion in her life, is reduced to a “pill-popping beer-frau,” and so forth. From there it is smooth sailing down an ever-descending river of hatred, until we are incapable of seeing anything good in the “other,” both because we have willfully hardened our hearts, and because our hate — especially when it is supported by a group of like minds — feels safe and inviolable.

With that in mind, you’ll want to read this excellent piece over at Conversion Diary, wherein Jenifer ponders pictures from a Nazi-era photo album and wonders, how such common-variety people managed to support and enable such profound evil.

One thing that stands out in all these examples is that the victims of the widespread evil were categorized as something less than human…not only that innocent people were killed or enslaved, but that their humanity was taken away by the societies around them…So here is the advice I would offer to my children, and to my children’s children:

Every decade or so, take a look around the society in which you live, and ask yourself if there is any group of human beings who are seen as something less than human. A big tipoff is if dehumanizing words — terms other than “man,” “woman,” “child,” “baby,” or “person” — are used to describe any category of people.

And if you ever see that going on, you might be in the midst of something gravely evil.

Dehumanizing people begins with baby-steps like name-calling, or the sort of intellectual dishonesty that delights in deliberately twisting the meaning of others in negative and misrepresentative ways. Those are the little gateways to the great evils that come once you’ve managed to thoroughly de-humanize others.

We’ve had 8 years - I’d say 12, really - of people demonizing and dehumanizing others, from both sides, and it is not getting us anyplace good. I believe that the response of most of the right to Obama’s victory is a step toward changing that. But the left has to do their part, too.

Pope Benedict XVI said, “those who hope live differently.” The election of Barack Obama was borne on this word, “Hope.”

If the people who voted for “hope” were sincere, then let them begin, today, to embrace it - and to live differently - without the kneejerk move to hate “the other side.” The right, responding levelly to their defeat, has offered the opening. Will the left take it?

UPDATE: Seems some will. Here is mostly accurate, and apprecited praise from a surprising quarter:

Would America have elected Barack Obama if white Americans had not gotten accustomed to seeing (in succession) two African-American Secretaries of State? I don’t think so. Before Bush, African-Americans were appointed to some good posts but not to our #1 foreign policy job. Two African Americans (one with a pretty odd first name) served as America’s face to the world. That eased Obama’s way. It is not Tiger Woods in whose footsteps Obama is walking — it’s Rice and Powell….Fact is, “W” never gave any evidence of holding racist attitudes…even just the slur the occasionally slips out of the mouth of even our most liberal leaders.

Same with Arabs and Muslims…Bush, after 9/11, never resorted to anti-Arab or Muslim stereotypes. He drew distinctions between terrorists and Arabs…Had he not done these things, Arabs and Muslims might have experienced not just hate crimes but pogroms.

Meanwhile, from Grand Rants:

Here is a man who is regularly compared to Hitler in casual conversation in Leftist circles high and low. His honor has been regularly impugned, his intelligence (or, as the press loves to put it, his “intellectual curiousity”) constantly demeaned, his verbal stumblings consistently mocked, and his accomplishments in office discounted or ignored. He is a man who kept his head down and did his job, despite the slings and arrows hurled at him by fortune made all the more outrageous by nearly the entire Democratic party.

I for one, would like to say thank you to Pres. Bush. For keeping us safe. For watching out for us. For persevering in spite of all the spite. I believe history will ultimately judge you as one of America’s best presidents, and I believe you deserve that judgement.

H/T to Opinionated Catholic, who writes:

The throwing under the bus of the President by even his friends and indeed the base has been shocking to me. Many groups will find out soon enough how they took Bush’s support and advocacy for them for granted, Catholics, especially.

Meanwhile, Jules Crittenden is beginning to enjoy Omerica, Quin Hillyer is saying America is over, kaput, finished, Evan Thomas suddenly finds Obama “slightly creepy” and when you refuse to release medical records, and the press doesn’t care…conjecture begins about your mental health.

Remember How The Left Reacting After Bush Won? « Blog Entry « Dr. Melissa Clouthier pinged back with Remember How The Left Reacting After Bush Won? « Blog Entry « Dr. Melissa Clouthier
Post-election Analysis — UPDATED « Living IRL pinged back with Post-election Analysis — UPDATED « Living IRL
Heartfelt Gratitude « Grand Rants pinged back with Heartfelt Gratitude « Grand Rants


Forty-Fourth President, Twelfth Imam

by Baron Bodissey

O-Man’s Fibonacci spiral haloThe election results were long expected, but now that the day has arrived it’s quite a letdown, anyway. Reading about the joy expressed by Hamas and Syria and Italy and Indonesia… contemplating Obama’s Secretary of State, or (God help us) Defense… Thinking about the USA becoming just like Sweden, only with a real army, and aircraft carriers, and nukes… First Lady Michelle…

It’s all too depressing.

So, as is my habit in such circumstances, instead of writing a post this evening or doing something else useful, I created yet another iconic image of The One. After looking around at some of his existing halos, I decided to make one myself. A man can’t have too many halos, right?

And then I pondered the phenomenon of halos appearing behind the heads of great national leaders, men who are born into modest Muslim circumstances, but in time become presidents of large countries that have nuclear weapons. It made me think of…
- - - - - - - - -
Mad Jad’s HaloMahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Ol’ Mad Jad got his halo when he went to visit the UN a couple of years ago. It appeared behind his head while he was speaking. Not only that, his audience was held in such rapt attention by his words that they were unable to blink for thirty minutes. We know all this is true because he told us so.

I wonder how many other resemblances there are between him and Barack Hussein Obama.

Ahmadinejad sees himself as preparing the way for the Twelfth Imam, as a sort of satanic John the Baptist for the man who is prophesied to return and usher in the apocalypse preceding the establishment of the permanent reign of Islam over the entire world.

And Obama’s got a bigger halo.

Does that mean…? Nah — it couldn’t be… But still… It makes me wonder…

What if the One were also the Twelfth?

Note to the literal-minded: this post is for fun, not to be taken seriously. Given the circumstances, it’s the only fun I’m likely to have for quite a while.

Read further...

Saul Alinsky Takes the White House My wife just got an e-mail from the head of HR saying that the post-election Obama jokes have to stop, especially if there is any hint that it might be related to racism. No notice before the election. And it was OK to get anti-Bush e-mails for 8 years. Oh yeah, she works for a bank that is hoping for a piece of the bailout action...

FReepers: we need you now more than ever. Don't go!

I’m not leaving as long as the Good Lord’s willing and the Creeks don’t rise.

Have no fear- The One will halt the rising creeks, heal the planet, and make the French love us again ( Oh, gag me! )...

Well, I’m not going anywhere as long as I have a voice.

We may have to go back to Xerox machines and small presses distributing handbills, but I’ll be damned if I let my country slip in to “That Good Night” without a fight.

I’m the one who dubbed Clinton “Little Big Fraud,” so I’ll have to work on something for The One.

We may have to set up a “Free Republic in Exile” like Degaulle did when the Nazis overran France, but we’ll manage.

It does distress me that so many people were suckered by a typical Chicago Machine empty suit, but he had 95% of both the press and entertainment arms of The Media Hive trying to get him elected, and covering up for him, so it’s not surprising.

Carry on.

Some realistic things to expect early in the Obama Administration

I work in Chicago. I deal with a great many attorneys in my job, many of whom are staunch Dims and breathless Obambi supporters; some were even active in his campaign. More than one told me that at or near the top of Obambi’s agenda is a new Hate Crimes bill, with a wide expansion of what will be considered a hate crime

Didn't you notice that Obama is a conservative?  "Obama is, in his own words, something of a Rorschach test. In his latest book, The Audacity of Hope, he writes, 'I am new enough on the national political scene that I serve as a blank screen on which people of vastly different political stripes project their own views.' "

Being an American is much more than being "cool"

Obama Bought The Presidency

Another Painful Lesson For The GOP

That’s what happens when you run a true left wing liberal against a liberal lite. The real one wins.

Remember, that's my theory why we went down to defeat in 2006...

I said something along the lines of,

"I've read all the theories why we lost so badly, and I still say this: Once elected, the Republicans taxed & spent & regulated like a bunch of Democrats- no wonder the voters decided to try The Real Thing!"



Here it comes, you bitter clingers:

Obama Victory Means ‘Stronger Support for Sensible Gun Laws’ ...why there is a new army command for domestic unrest...

Obama Pushes Abortion on Day One With Emanuel Pick Pro-Abortion, ANTI-gun zealot. He helped write the first AWB, and is going to help push the 2nd PERMANENT AWB.

Five Years to destabilize a nation. Yuri Bezmenov Explains Soviet Strategy for Subversion

Beware of the "manufactured crisis"

 The parasites are now in full control. The host taxpayer will be expected to work even harder just to stay even. This is a way of breaking the country. The Muslims are dancing in the streets as middle east money just bought the US presidency for a clown without a clue.

Much Of Arab World Rejoices Over Obama Election

Barack Obama, Mr. Hope-n-Change

But just remember- any critique, opposition, or naysaying?

This, is where we are going:

No, I'm not kidding.

I wish I were- the lights are going out, all across America.

Is There Nothing That Obama Can't Do?

The healing begins!

Your sickening unAmerican traitorous, racist, money-grubbing, torturing, hateful ideology got struck a death blow and you and your fellow jackal-blowhards are left writhing on the floor, gasping for breath as the final death tremors subside and your bodies stiffen into rigour mortis.

We heart4848.gif you too!


Posted by Kate at 12:30 PM | Comments (56) "It will be painful, but this election is good news. The only true cure for socialism is to actually get it; the US is about to get a big fat dose of cure for what ails them."

Final Thoughts Final Post

Wednesday, November 05, 2008 3:23:30 PM · 7 of 8
backhoe to Pagan Power
Well, after the 2006 debacle, I wrote this:

Call it a Twilight of the Gods moment
( "In the twilight of the gods, the twilight men will appear..."
Otto Basil, circa 1968 )
...but until further notice, I am suspending updates specific to this post.
I will continue to update this:
with "everything you need to be aware of."
But I'm just burned, and bummed out. The elections. The sellout of Israel. The Moonbats. The Stupid Party. The Evil Party.

Then again, after yesterday there's this:

”Zimbabwe On The Potomac...”

You know there were warning signs...

I kept telling people when Bill Clinton slithered in to office, and clung to it, despite all the scandals, and Impeachment itself-- “He's just a symptom. Like a fever is of a disease- there's something wrong with America.”

Like Popular Culture- look at the magazines-- I call it “thugs & jugs,” or “which Pop Tart is popping out whose baby this week?”

Or Katrina- ever seen so many people milling around with their hands out, when they should have been helping themselves?

We did it to ourselves, and The New, Improved Black Jesus is merely a symptom.

All civilizations have a shelf life- once enough citizens figure out that by electing the “right” representatives, they can use the power of the government to pick the pockets of others,'s all over, except for the details.

Well, we're in the “details,” now.

Meanwhile, I have to figure out what Miss Emily and I do with what's left of our lives, and bush hog her Mom's old place in the country, because City Life isn't going to be worth living from here on out.

I'll catch you all later...


9,520 posted on Wednesday, November 05, 2008

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Extended News; Government; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: 111th; agenda; americaheldhostage; americans4prosperity; bho2008; bho44; bhofascism; bhosocialism; bhotreason; bhotyranny; bo; davidharsanyi; deemocrats; democrat; democrats; donilon; kochbrothers; mdan; obama; obamafiles; obamatransitionfile; thekenyan; thomasdonilon; usurper; veroniquederugy
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Using The U.S. Military to Round Up U.S. Citizens and Confiscate Their Private Weapons

This thread reminds me of a few novels I have written.

105 posted on 02/18/2009 3:12:04 PM PST by Travis McGee


Well, white people can put away their white guilt now. We proved this nation isn’t racist by electing a black guy. I hope 0 doesn’t ruin it for conservative, black guys who deserve the job. Now we need to elect a white woman to prove how nonsexist we are.

Who's A Chimp? (That's Racism! Alert)

Holder: " things racial we...a nation of cowards." ...with libs, it doesn't matter how much you give them, they will still resent you, name you as the enemy, and teach their kids to hate you as well...

Severin: Government to set sale price of private homes

In a month, Obama-Pelosi-Reid have ended American capitalism.

Cap-and-trade means energy bubble

Iranian bioweapon researcher dies suspiciouslyIt's not like this kind of thing hasn't happened before. Chronology of Dead Scientists

‘Truth to Power’ Gap (Politicians and journalists are petrified 'coalition of the oppressed')

John Bolton: Hillary Clinton is Dangerously Naive

Next Up on the Agenda: Slavery Reparations

Appraisal district using Google to survey hidden structures

501 posted on 02/18/2009 3:32:54 PM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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To: All

Who Are the Big Spenders?

Obama Announces Rezko Rescue: Bail Out Losers, Punish Achievers

Rush In A Hurry -- Obama's Rezko Rescue

So Far, It Has Been Obamateur Hour In DC


Mexico: The Third War

The Democrat Show Trials

UK: Windmills flap helplessly as coal remains king

Mini bike ban confuses consumers, burdens powersports industry

People are going to start to get pissed off.

There are two Americas, I think. One is the group that really doesn't know how to do much but sit and be entertained, work at a job to pay the bills, and spend money in pursuit of material pleasures.

The other America is made up of people who know how to build, repair, and/or make things run, and they enjoy doing it. They work at a job to live their lives well, and use money to make their lives better and more fun.

It's this second group that's going to get pissed off.

Fear breeds gun sales - and gun sales breed death

Now this is interesting


Just A Beginning?

Sharpton blasts Post cartoon linking stimulus bill to chimp (but OK if it was President Bush)

The amount of Bush-chimp stuff is just endless. Har har.


But this is offensive?


America has gone nuts...

All Your Base Pictures, Images and Photos 

Don’t Worry about the Fairness Doctrine. No, Wait, Strike That.


502 posted on 02/19/2009 12:49:40 AM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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Burris perjury probe vexes Democrats ...with Cabinet nominees dropping like flies...

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

OfficialPro wrote: Yup, Obama has no freaking clue what he's doing. He thinks he's smart, but he understands not. Especially he understands not the mindset of people like Ahmadenijad. He's Carter Reborn...

Community "organizer."
( Shakedown artist )

Wrote two books about himself, while perpetually running for office.

Click the picture:

More than 500 American Somalis go to wage jihad in their homeland

How Islam Intends to Dominate Us

ECR Live - Robert Spencer on Stealth Jihad (video)


Back to the welfare state, as we knew it

503 posted on 02/19/2009 3:25:08 AM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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To: backhoe

504 posted on 02/19/2009 3:34:06 AM PST by BOBWADE
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To: backhoe

505 posted on 02/19/2009 3:37:48 AM PST by BOBWADE
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Thank you- those are clever clips.

506 posted on 02/19/2009 7:59:30 AM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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To: All

CNBC Floor Commentator Outburst "Obama are you Listening?"(SILENT MAJORITY ALERT)

Digg it up to get this into the mainstream conscience...

Gun Registry Bill Draws Massive Resistance (H.R.45)

Guardsmen to conduct urban training at Arcadia in April

Undoubtedly has something to do with this.

And then there is this.


The Name Game (linguistic deception and rational judgment)

Under the Bright Red Sky


N.Y.P. Chimp Cartoon Draws Outrage (Black Racists Rejoice - They Have Something To Complain About!)

Holder wanted an honest conversation on race. Let’s have one. How come the leftist goons can call Bush a monkey and a newspaper can’t call Pelosi and her stooges monkeys? Is it because we have a black man in the White House who signed this monkey class bill? Come on Eric. I want to have this idiotic conversation with you. I want to talk about how the welfarism in this monkey-brained bill is the same welfarism that destroyed black families all around this country. Would that be too honest? Let’s go back and look at all the mistakes and failures of Socialism in the US, and compare what has happened in the past to what is in this monkey-brained bill. Sorry, I refuse to let the racist idiots on the left dictate my vocabulary when they make no effort to control their own. Let all the race pimps hit the streets whining. It’s better to shove back at them now than later, when laws are passed prohibiting any criticism of the left.

Folks, before this political disaster is over, “American cowards” who have striven to overcome the ignorance of racism will be tossed back into it. The left can’t give up the hate.

22 posted on 02/19/2009 8:13:14 AM PST by pallis

507 posted on 02/19/2009 8:50:04 AM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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To: All

Secret "closed door" meeting with Congress


This is an REX 84 camp. And we all say “OH CRAP” together now.

Rex 84, short for Readiness Exercise 1984, is a plan by the United States federal government to test their ability to detain large numbers of American citizens in case of civil unrest or national emergency.

You had better read this:{53D4DCA7-5899-4242-B244-54A253AFC137}

All of it.

Rove: Obama's Competence Questionable

Karl Rove, that evil conservative strategist and professional boogeyman to the left, has gone on record asserting that Obama is winging it, and suggesting that our newly minted Deer Leeder may be incompetent.

Language You Likely Won't Hear Today from President Obama in Canada (Jake Tapper Alert)

Obama Picks Israel Hater to Lead National Intelligence Council ?!?!

Here is another tidbit that may surprise the 78% of American Jews who voted for Barack Obama. According to a report in Cable Foreign Policy, Chas W. Freeman Jr. former US Ambassador to Saudi Arabia is about to be named as Chairman of the National Intelligence Council.

Sources tell The Cable that Chas W. Freeman, Jr., the former U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia, will become chairman of the National Intelligence Council, the intelligence community's primary big-think shop and the lead body in producing national intelligence estimates.

For those who are not familiar with the former Ambassador, he is a terrorist apologist and a master of bashing Israel. Freeman is a believer of the false premise that ALL MUSLIM TERRORISM stems from Israel's battle with the Palestinians:


Holy Cow: The New Yorker compares Obama to Gandhi

DUmmie FUnnies 02-19-09 (The Apes of Wrath: Chimp=Bush, OK; Chimp=Obama, "THAT'S RACIST!")

Stimulus Should: Reward People Who CARRY the Water instead of Those Who DRINK the Water! (CNBC rant)

Get Ready for Mass Retail Closings....

Who Gives, and Why It Matters

Running gun battle in the streets of Reynosa, Tamaulipas, Mexico!

“Coming to a US City near you, probably soon”

Already here. I’m 800 miles from the border. Armed drug cartels are growing dope and brewing meth all over the place.
There’s no room left in our jails except for foreigners.

The Russia Interview (The Obama File Latest News)

Dow ends at lowest close in more than 6 years (Way to "stimulate" the economy, Obama! /sarc)

Fairness Doctrine - Worse than you thought.

Only official news sources allowed. Any mention of the Messiah must be full of praise and obeisance.


Rep. Clyburn has strong words for Gov. Mark Sanford [accuses GOP of racism for opposing Porkulus]

Clyburn’s the racist, and absolutely incompetent. Where does he get off thinking he can bankrupt our country and DARE berate others for opposing this fiscal insanity ?

Glen Beck Show - IL and Obama are pushing for a one million liability insurance to own a gun

Drudge Report Showcases the Least Sympathetic Populist Rage Ever

Stock Market Sinks to New Bear-Market Low (Capitalism DeathWatch™, All Hail the Messiah)

But, but... Duh!1 is going to talk to them...

N Korea says it's ready for War with South....

508 posted on 02/19/2009 3:35:32 PM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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To: All
Obama accidentally says 'Iowa' in Ottawa[ 1, 2 ]
Oh, this is far from the first time the Boy Genius has flubbed lines... for the "gaffe" database here:

Did Obama know where he was for Sunrise rally?

Obama Claims He’s Visited 57 States

Obama mistaken on name of Nazi death camp (this goober is beating the smartest in the Milky Way?)

Obama at the Penn State "Nittaly Lions"

Obama Tells Indiana Crowd He's Already President


A RATHER EXPANSIVE DEFINITION OF “HATE SPEECH,” from UCLA’s Chicano Studies Research Center. Well, really it’s pretty much the same old definition: “Speech I don’t like.”

From the comments: “One of the most remarkable aspects of the paper’s position in my view is that it describes vigorous disagreement, mockery, and condemnation of government policy and leaders as hate speech. One might ask whether much of the left’s political discourse over the past eight years doesn’t fall within this category, but, regardless, once political criticism of those in power is defined as hate speech, what’s left of the First Amendment?” That seems to be the position of the Oklahoma City police.

Money Can't Buy You Love

... and lord knows they've spent more buying this guy love than any other President in the history of the United States of America:



... more thoughts on the matter ... this time from Steyn on why Obama's ship will never sink.

Posted by Cjunk at 8:09 PM| Comments (22)

Switzerland Another Iceland?

JustGetThere | Public officials from several states are gathering in Austin, Texas this April for a symposium to discuss the implementation of a nationwide, mileage-based taxing system to replace the gas tax.

Spearheaded by the Texas Transportation Institute, this symposium will feature representatives from several state transportation departments such as, Oregon, Minnesota and Texas...

SAYUNCLE: “CNN would have you believe you can walk right into a local gun shop or gun show and buy a bazooka. To ship to Mexico, of course. This Mexican gun canard is now officially dogma. For a reason.”


Gimme, gimme, gimme: More scenes from the anti-Obama entitlement backlash

By Michelle Malkin  •  February 19, 2009 12:15 PM

So, a CNBC host is calling for a new “tea party” to protest Barack Obama’s out-of-control spendulus/entitlement culture? We’ve been doing it all week. Seattle, Denver, Mesa. Kansas this weekend. And more outbreaks to come. I’m posting a second round of photos from KFYI’s anti-porkulus protest in Arizona yesterday in opposition to Barack Obama’s visit to push his massive housing entitlement campaign. Thanks to La Mano at Sticker Patch for the pics. The revolt against the savior-based economy continues…


Via CBSNews EconWatch, Obama’s massive mortgage entitlement plan gets panned:

President Obama’s
mortgage bailout announcement on Wednesday directs $75 billion in government funds to bail out certain borrowers who are behind on mortgage payments or “at risk” of falling behind.

Although the president said that “it will not rescue the unscrupulous or irresponsible,” there’s no requirement that that U.S. Treasury deny bailouts to Americans who took outsize risks in hopes that their homes would continue to appreciate.

Which is why Obama’s announcement has drawn a howl of protest from renters and those people — yes, they exist — who bought cheaper, modest homes they could comfortably afford.

BuckNakedPolitics writes: “I have little sympathy in one sense with the moans of homeowners stuck with negative equity as a result of a gamble that the value of homes would always go up, up, up. One reason I’m living in an apartment is that I recognized that this myth was a myth.”

Conservative blogger Michelle Malkin describes it as a new “massive mortgage entitlement campaign.” Housing bubble blog dubbed it a “plan to reward debtors at the expense of savers.”

NewsRantsAndReviews says:”Obama has one word for those who didn’t get in over their heads during the recent housing boom and have paid their mortgages on time: Suckers!”

…A reader post at the New York Times says: “I should have lied about my income and refinanced in 2005 for the full ‘value’ of the loan with a low, low teaser rate. Than I should have used the cash for new appliances, vacations, flat screen TVs. Oh and I could have financed all of my son’s college instead of taking out all those loans.”

Zer0 ain't gonna "talk" 'em out of this, people:


Look, if Iran's got them, then their proxies have them. Be aggressive in where you get your news. The media is sedating the public.

Leader of Yemen's Mujahideen Claims al-Qaeda has a Nuclear Weapon Please read this post:


This guide is for families preparing for imminent terrorist or strategic nuclear attacks
with expected severe destruction followed by widespread radioactive fallout downwind.

IF ONLY A 'Dirty Bomb' Attack (Not the vastly more devastating nuclear weapon blasts with fallout discussed below.) - You can expect localized and downwind contamination from the explosion and dispersed radioactive materials. If you are near enough to see or hear any local bomb blast, assume that it includes radiological or chemical agents. You should move away from the blast area as quickly as possible. If the wind is blowing toward you from the direction of the blast, travel in a direction that is crosswise or perpendicular to the wind as you move away from the blast area. If possible cover your face with a dust mask or cloth to avoid inhaling potentially radioactive dust. Upon reaching a safe location, remove your outer clothing outside and shower as soon as possible. Refer to local news sources for additional instructions about sheltering or evacuation. The government is better prepared to direct and assist the public in a 'dirty bomb' incident, unlike an actual nuclear weapon attack discussed below.

In a national crisis of imminent nuclear weapon attacks, read all the way through this guide first,


#1 - STAY OR GO?

You must decide FIRST if you need to prepare where you are, or attempt evacuation. The nature of the threat, your prior preparations, and your confidence in your sources of information should direct your decision. If you know already you will be preparing to stay at your own home or, at least, the immediate local area, go now to #2 below.

If you are considering evacuation, your decision requires a very high confidence that it is worth the risk. You do not want to get stuck between your current location and your hoped for destination, as there will probably be no easy getting back. If you fail to get to your destination, you may be exposed without shelter, in a dangerous situation with little effective law enforcement, perhaps among panicked hordes of refugees. Whatever supplies you have may be limited then to what you can carry on foot. IF you are in a big city or near a military target, AND you have relatives or friends in the country that you know are awaiting you, AND the roads between you and them are clear, AND the authorities are not yet restricting traffic, AND you have the means and fuel, evacuation may be a viable option for a limited time. DO NOT attempt evacuation if all of the above is not clearly known, or if the situation is deteriorating too quickly to make the complete trip. You do not want to get stuck and/or become a refugee being herded along with panicked masses. If evacuation is truly a viable option, do not wait - GO NOW! Do so with as many of the supplies listed on the last page as possible. Better to be two days too early in arriving than two hours too late and getting snagged mid-way, potentially exposing your family to a worse fate than having stayed where you were. Because of the very real danger of getting caught in an evacuation stampede that stalls, almost all families will be better off making the best of it wherever they currently are.


Because time is of the essence, you need to first delegate and assign to different adult family members specific tasks so they can all be accomplished at the same time. Your first priorities to assure your family survival are Shelter, Water, and Food/Supplies. While some are working on the water storage and shelter at home, others need to be acquiring, as much as possible, the food and supplies.


Because much of the food and supplies listed on the last page of this guide may quickly become unavailable, you need to assign someone NOW to immediately go to the stores with that list! Get cash from the bank and ATM's first, but try and use credit cards at the stores, if at all possible, to preserve your cash.

#4 - WATER

With one or more adults now heading to the stores with the list on the last page, those remaining need to begin storing water IMMEDIATELY! Lack of clean water will devastate your family much more quickly and more severely than any lack of food. Without water for both drinking and continued good sanitary practices in food preparation and for bathroom excursions (which will inevitably be much less sanitary than normal), debilitating sickness could rampage through your household with little hope of prompt medical attention. That is a highly likely but, avoidable, disaster, ONLY IF you have enough water.

Every possible container needs to be filled with water RIGHT NOW! It will be very hard to have stored too much water. When the electricity/pumps go down or everybody in your community is doing the same thing, thus dropping the water pressure, what you've got is all you might be getting for a very long time. Empty pop bottles (1-3 liter) are ideal for water storage, also filling up the bathtub and washing machine. (Remember, later you'll have some in your hot water tank.) If you have any kiddie pools or old water beds, pull them out and fill them up, too. (Water from a water bed should be used only for bathing or cleaning, not for drinking as it may contain traces of algaecide and/or fungicides.) Anything and everything that'll hold water needs to be filled up quickly RIGHT NOW!!

One of the shopping items listed on the last page is new garbage cans and liner bags which you'll also use for storing water. If you can't get any more new cans, you could clean out an existing garbage can and scrub it throughout with bleach, then put in a new garbage bag liner and fill it with water. Even sturdy boxes could be used with bag liners. (Use two liners if they are very thin/flimsy.) Choose well where you fill up garbage cans with water because they won't easily be moved once full and many of them together could be too heavy for some upper floor locations. Ideally, they need to be very near where your shelter will be constructed and can actually add to its shielding properties, as you'll see below. BE ASSURED, YOU CANNOT STORE AND HAVE TOO MUCH WATER! Do not hesitate, fill up every possible container, RIGHT NOW!


The principles of radiation protection are simple - with many options and resources families can use to prepare or improvise a very effective shelter. You must throw off the self-defeating myths of nuclear un-survivability that may needlessly seal the fate of less informed families.


Radioactive fallout is the particulate matter (dust) produced by a nuclear explosion and carried high up into the air by the mushroom cloud. It drifts on the wind and most of it settles back to earth downwind of the explosion. The heaviest, most dangerous, and most noticeable fallout, will 'fall out' first close to ground zero. It may begin arriving minutes after an explosion. While the smaller and lighter dust-like particles will typically be arriving hours later, as they drift much farther downwind, often for hundreds of miles. As it settles, whether you can see it or not, fallout will accumulate and blow around everywhere just like dust or light snow does on the ground and roofs. Wind and rain can concentrate the fallout into localized 'hot spots' of much more intense radiation with no visible indication of its presence.

This radioactive fallout 'dust' is dangerous because it is emitting penetrating radiation energy (similar to x-ray's). This radiation (not the fallout dust) can go right through walls, roofs and protective clothing. Even if you manage not to inhale or ingest the dust, and keep it off your skin, hair, and clothes, and even if none gets inside your house, the radiation penetrating your home is still extremely dangerous, and can injure or kill you inside.

Radioactive fallout from a nuclear explosion, though very dangerous initially, loses its intensity quickly because it is giving off so much energy. For example, fallout emitting gamma ray radiation at a rate of 500 R/hr (fatal with one hour of exposure) shortly after an explosion, weakens to only 1/10th as strong 7 hours later. Two days later, it's only 1/100th as strong, or as deadly, as it was initially.

That is really very good news, because our families can readily survive it IF we get them into a proper shelter to safely wait it out as it becomes less dangerous with every passing hour
There is much more to be done - read the rest here.

TIP: Potassium iodide tablets help block the thyroid from absorbing radiation. They were distributed to many government workers after 9/11. They are cheap and safe. (here) hat tip Howard

al-Qaeda Claims to Have Nukes Yid with lid

Khalid Sheik Mohammed, mastermind of 9/11 and chief operating officer of al-Qaeda, who revealed under intensive interrogation -- including the much-maligned tactic of waterboarding -- that a nuclear attack against the United States was a top priority for al-Qaeda. He wants to execute it in a way that kills up to 10,000,000 Americans.

Former Clinton Secretary of Defense William Perry and former Assistant Secretary of Defense Graham Allison believe that the nuclear destruction of one or more American cities is more probable than not in the very near future. Scary isn't it. Especially when you consider how close terrorist supporter Iran is to getting the "bomb." So while "President Obama" will be talking to Iran, some nut sent by one of Irans's buddies may be melting NYC.

Our new government doesn't really understand the threat. We keep hearing politicians talk about the retribution that Iran would receive should there be a nuclear attack on Israel or the US. What they don't get is mutually assured destruction  is not a threat to people who  strap bombs onto their children's backs so they can blow themselves up. YOU CAN'T TALK TO CRAZY PEOPLE. If they don't care about their children, what in heaven's name makes one think they are going to care about yours?

According to the head or al-Qaeda in Yemen, Nasir Abdul Kareem al-Wahayshi we should find out soon. Nasir claims that al-Qaeda already has their hands on nuclear weapons:

Leader of Yemen's Mujahideen Claims al-Qaeda has a Nuclear Weapon
By: Abdul Hameed Bakier

In a recent interview posted to jihadi websites, al-Qaeda's leader in Yemen claims the organization possesses nuclear weapons and vows to attack U.S. and Western interests to compel them to withdraw their forces from the region (, January 27).

According to the interview, the leader of al-Qaeda in Yemen, 33-year-old Nasir Abdul Kareem al-Wahayshi (a.k.a. Abu Basir), was Osama Bin Laden's secretary until he was arrested by Iran and extradited to Yemen in February 2002. Al-Wahayshi has been a fugitive since he escaped from a Yemeni prison in 2006 (see Terrorism Focus, February 7, 2006; March 18, 2008). In 2008, the second man in al-Qaeda, Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri, commended al-Wahayshi and named him the Amir of Mujahideen in Yemen. Since then, there has been a growing unity between al-Qaeda's Saudi and Yemeni affiliates and the mainstream al-Qaeda group in the Pakistan/Afghanistan border region. Led by an Amir, a deputy Amir, and a military and Shura council, the Saudi and Yemeni affiliates have joined together as al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP).

On the war in Gaza, al-Wahayshi said that the Muslim nation is longing for jihad, as is evident from the protests that broke out everywhere, but accused Hamas of refusing to receive the Salafi-jihadis that tried to aid Palestinians in the fighting. The Arab mujahideen went to Afghanistan only to prepare for jihad in Palestine, but before the mujahideen can go to Palestine, the blockade imposed by Arab regimes should be broken - an implicit call to topple Arab regimes, or what al-Qaeda identifies as "the near enemy." In the meantime, al-Wahayshi believes it is necessary to also attack the interests of the supporters of Israel, the United States and Europe in the Arabian Peninsula: "The Crusaders' campaign on our people in Palestine, Somalia and Afghanistan uses the Arabian Peninsula as a launching pad. The U.S., British and French fleets in the region are only there to protect the Jews in Palestine. The Arab leaders, among them the Yemeni leader [President Ali Abdullah Saleh], vigorously contribute military and logistical aid to the Crusaders' campaign."

Al-Wahayshi further asserts that until the mujahideen are able to infiltrate into Palestine and fight the Jews, Western tourists are a legitimate target for the mujahideen, as the tourists are part of the Crusaders' campaign. Western tourists are either Christian missionaries, depraved individuals, or Western government agents spying on Muslims. Al-Wahayshi justifies killing Muslims who protect Christian and Jewish interests such as embassies and cultural centers, referring to al-Qaeda's attack on the U.S. embassy in Sana'a in September 2008 in which six Yemeni security personnel, six attackers, and four bystanders were killed. "Shame on those who protect the embassies of the Crusaders' countries. Shame on them to watch U.S. rockets and Israeli white phosphorus shells tearing up and burning Gaza children and still protect their interests," says al-Wahayshi.

Asked why al-Qaeda targets the oil industry infrastructure that serves the economy of a Muslim country when the majority of employees in that industry are Muslims, al-Wahayshi insisted that Muslims do not benefit from Yemeni oil. On the contrary, it only sustains the lifeline of the Crusaders and Zionists who are attacking Muslims, thanks to President Saleh. On the topic of tourism, al-Wahayshi insists Muslims should not allow infidel Jews and Christians into the Arabian Peninsula in the name of tourism or any other purpose.

On the Yemeni leadership, al-Wahayshi refuses to recognize the authority of the Yemeni president, alleging that he came to power through sham elections: "Democracy is a religion invented and imposed on Muslim nations by the United States to create grudges and animosity among them. Democracy drains the energy of Muslim youths by keeping them occupied with elections and leaves the nation powerless and acquiescent to the Crusaders' campaign."

Refuting President Saleh's declaration that al-Qaeda extremists have no vision and only blow up and kill innocent people, al-Wahayshi said the Yemeni president has been stealing government funds and destroying the country for years without a vision or plan for the well being of the country and its people. Al-Wahayshi claims Yemen's president has turned Yemen into a base for Crusaders and Zionists. Al-Qaeda therefore aims to replace the current regime with a just and secure Islamic Shari'a government in Yemen that will end U.S. influence in the region. The Amir adds that mujahideen attacks on U.S. interests have weakened the U.S. economy, as seen in the current world economic crisis. Finally, al-Wahayshi claims al-Qaeda possesses a nuclear weapon and only refrained from using it in the 9/11 attacks because those attacks were only al-Qaeda's "first message" to the Americans.

Many ordinary Yemenis believe the nation's "enemies" are propagating false allegations that Yemen is becoming a regional base for al-Qaeda in order to damage its relations with Saudi Arabia ( January 25). Others anticipate more international support for the Yemeni government in its fight against AQAP in Yemen in response to AQAP's formation. Answering AQAP's threats, Yemen's Interior Ministry said the Yemeni security apparatus is on high alert and is conducting security sweeps of all possible AQAP hideouts, adding that Yemen and Saudi Arabia are cooperating fully to apprehend AQAP members (Dar al-Hayat, January 31).

The Good News About Nuclear Destruction

Jericho Syndrome - No Knowledge, No Instruments Equals Panic!

Nuclear War Survival Skills

"Know What To Do" 3 minute PSA video

Core shelter video (inner shelter basics that can be made in 30 minutes)

Civil Defense films made during the Cold War. Old fashioned, but tactics of radiation protection are timeless.

If there is also enough time to both order, and be shipped, your own radiation detection and monitoring instruments, potassium iodide anti-radiation tablets, Nuclear Survival handbooks, etc., check first for remaining availability at these links...

509 posted on 02/20/2009 1:16:40 AM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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To: All

Clyburn: Opposing the stimulus is racist or something

This word is used so often it’s lost all its clout. The best definition of racist now is “you disagree with me”.

In relation to Eric Holder’s sickening statements, see “a nation of cowards"

Massachusetts' Health Reform Costs Too Much For Too Little

Just like Bam-Bam's will...


There are more states that have already done this, Oklahoma and Montana are two of them. Lets stop the federal mandates and stop bankrupting the states with this bureaucratic crap.

Poll: Obama beats Jesus as American 'hero' (I'm shocked O.J. Simpson didn't win)

I can't take 4 years of this crap.

Shazam! Mayor Bloomberg Finally Understands Who Pays NYC Taxes (40,000 people pay 50%)

More middle-schoolers leapfrog into advanced classes -- but are minorities being left behind?

Do away with mandatory...  school.

Eight years of schooling is enough to teach what is necessary.

Require every child to pass an 8th grade competency test until he/she passes or until he/she turns 18, whichever happens first.

After age 18, allow anyone (if they wish) to keep taking the 8th grade test until they pass, even if it takes them until 100+ years old.

Do away with grade levels based on age. Let students progress at their own speed and take competency tests to get to to the next level.

Our Self-Created Energy Problem

510 posted on 02/20/2009 2:20:00 AM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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Hillary Loses Nomination Dow 12,604 - Today Dow 7,343. (Hope & Change)

Another Huge Spending Bill Planned For Next Week

Rebel Yell: Taxpayers Revolt Against Gimme-Mania

MN: The 'gun show loophole' myth rears its ugly head in Minnesota

Brown Promotes Bill that Would Seize Guns from Domestic Abusers (Barf alert)

“If this law would protect one life, then you know it's worth it to me,” she said.”
Funny how that never applies to the unborn.
And again, a perfect example of how liberals with an agenda demonize “guns”, and ignore the real problem.

Mexico's bloody drug war is not the fault of 'lax U.S. gun laws'

A Cowardly Conversation Starter

A Nation of Cowards

When Holder and Clinton talk about confronting racial issues, what they really want is a national therapy session in which whites admit that their prejudice and discrimination -- past and present -- is responsible for all the ills that beset blacks today.

The Third Act In Obama’s Culture of Death, Embryonic Stem Cell Research

It’s not about whether it works or not. It’s about establishing a psychological crutch to those who seek abortions.

Obama’s Transportation Secretary Eyes Mileage Tax on American Motorists

The truth is that the criminals in DC squandered years of highway funding on other vote buying porkbarrel projects and in doing so allowed the infrastructure to atrophy.

Now the yearly revenues aren't sufficient to make-up for the years of neglect so they want to raise taxes again, and what better way to get all of those people that moved out of their inner city gulags than a mileage tax?

The Winds Of Civil War: Illinois-Driven Marxist Attempt To Conquer Union

That’s all fine, good and well, except for one thing.

There’s apparently a “Fox News Dynamics” Poll which shows over 50% of the respondents to be of the opinion that the Fed gov. owes everyone free housing, free food, free medical care, and a job “if they want one”.

That’s the constitution that’ll come out of a modern-day “Constitutional Convention”.

Deadbeat Obama Delinquent on $1.7 Mil He Owes Chicago

The Normalization Of Murder, Genocide And Terrorism

New ACORN Crime--> Breaking and Entering

Michelle Malkin: Anarchy in the USA by ACORN

CNN Omits ACORN's Role in Organizing Foreclosure Protest

Subsidize Bad Behavior?

President Obama’s massive mortgage-bailout plan is nothing more than a thinly disguised entitlement program that redistributes income from the responsible 92 percent of home-owning mortgage holders who pay their bills on time to the irresponsible defaulters who bought more than they could ever afford. This is Obama’s spread-the-wealth program in action.

The Great Obama Depression Is Coming

Related news...,216&lnk=b&ItemID=1580


They are using the Mexican drug wars as cover...

They want the guns off the streets for when there is riots...

The Tax Man’s Spy Eye in the Sky

511 posted on 02/20/2009 10:44:23 AM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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Newsflash: They don’t want a “stimulus” (MUST READ)

Obama Signs.....Allowing Palestinians to Resettle In US

Recent Policy Decisions and a Greater Depression


Watch Out, Mr. President, Because We’re Mad As Hell!

...I worry that the patriots on FR do not understand their fellow citizens.

Freepers are waiting and waiting for the American people to “see the light”, or for a knight in shining armor to emerge and lead all of us home.

We say everyday that Hussein's actions will get him in some hot water...that the public and press will turn on him.

They will not....I guarandamntee it. We are on our own, we only have each other...and we need to get busy.

Plunge Protection Team (PPT) at Work?

I am meeting a few battered Americans these days. There are not many left, but those that are seem to sound alike. Yes, I think I am beginning to understand Mr. Battered American, and he sounds tired and a bit like this.

“I’m sorry Mr. President, but we are just not dictatorial in the Middle East. You said the Saudis, not America, showed courage over there. But, Mr. President, the Saudis, they live under Sharia law! And my God!—they once engineered crippling oil boycotts against our nation. And wasn’t it they who produced 15 of the 19 killers on 9/11? So no, Mr. President, those Saudis—they simply are not courageous. Now Mr. Biden, there is no reason to set the reset button on foreign policy, as you promised all those Europeans. None at all. Tell that resetting stuff instead to Ahmadinejad, Chavez, that Korean nut, Putin, and all the other thugs who kill and cause misery, but not to our America that saves and feeds and helps. Mrs. Clinton, it’s now your turn. We are not impulsive as you told the world. So you can stop apologizing for America’s recent behavior—unless you think the world would be a better place with the Taliban, and Saddam and his two boys in power. Or maybe Europe should have Schroeder and Chirac back, or Libya with nuclear weapons, or Khalid Sheik Mohammed freed from Guantanamo. Or maybe America shouldn’t have given that $15 billion for AIDs relief in Africa, or helped with earthquakes in Pakistan and tsunamis in Indonesia. Now all that was sorta impulsive.”

As he thinks about this apology business, the battered American always gets a little angrier,

“And another thing. Mr. Holder, I’ve never said or done a racist thing in my life, not one. Always supported equal opportunity, always will. So don’t call me a “coward” or my countrymen “cowards,” not when you’re my Attorney General. You are The Attorney General of the United States of America, so please, no more playing Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson, leveling the latest shake-down charge on television. That’s not really in your job description to call your own countrymen “cowards.” When I was in high school I was taught that name-calling like that might be what they said was “projection.” So maybe, just maybe, you have been cowardly—and arrogant too—but not those whom you accused of all that. At least if someone asked me to help pardon a fugitive on the FBI’s most wanted list, I would have said “no.” Always, no exceptions, period! Anything else? That would be cowardly.”

Our battered American I noticed gets even more riled up and would say to our new energy secretary,

“And another thing Mr. Chu, California isn’t going anywhere. What’s this dry up and blow away nonsense? You’re our Energy Secretary, not Jimmy Carter in his cardigan sweater or Al Gore doing interviews on that private jet. So Americans aren’t going to “vanish” in rural California. We’re proud that we created, by blood, and hard work, and suffering, the richest agricultural valleys in the world. They won’t disappear soon—at least not if you allow us to have the water that our great-grandfathers tapped and brought down from the Sierra, instead of letting it run full blast into the sea so that Speaker Pelosi’s mice can live more nicely in the bay than we do on our farms.”

I think this battered American would also say,

“Mr. President, I passed on buying that bigger house. When I wanted to refinance and put in that extra room, I also backed out, since I couldn’t meet that additional $400 a month on the debt. I never flipped a house; I never missed a mortgage payment; and I never took out a second, third, or fourth mortgage either. I didn’t even know there were such crazy things. So please don’t tell me that the 93% of us that played by our grandfathers’ rules are obligated to come to the rescue of the 7%, who did the exact opposite. At one of your town meetings, just one, instead of pandering to those who defaulted, ask one of us to stand up for paying our debts and then say to the crowd, “Give a hand to Mrs. Battered American. She pays her mortgage, so the rest of us don’t have to!” Try that just once.”

Mrs. Battered American would go on,

“I have two credit cards, and only use one, and it is not maxed out. And when I hear the radio blaring to renegotiate my mortgage, to renounce my credit card debt, or stick it to the IRS, I turn it off. I was raised to pay what I owe—or not to borrow the money in the first place. I never thought what I make today I would necessarily always make tomorrow, and so I did not go into debt on the chance that our government—other Americans—should pay off what I charged.”

“I tried to put away a little away for college, Mr. President. Just a bit for tuition and such. But when I did, my kids no longer qualified for loans, and scholarships and federal help. So, yes, I want more education. But we are in debt for over a trillion dollars this year, and maybe, just once, you might advise us to pass on that big-screen television, that digital camera, and instead put a tiny bit away for our girls’ tuition, or our boys’ books, so others won’t have to.”

“And Mr. President,” the battered American would add,

 “When I add up my federal income tax, my state income tax, my Medicare, and my Social Security taxes, I am paying half my income to the government. Wait— far more than half my income, when I figure in my sales and property and car taxes. My accountant, when I can afford one, tells me to pay, not dodge, what I owe. And, oh, Mr. President I am so tired of all those taxes, so tired, but I am so lawful as well. And so I pay the bill, all of it. Every dime. Unlike your Treasury Secretary, who runs the IRS, I never cheat. I don’t write off my kid’s camp as a business expense—hell, I don’t even send him to camp in the first place. And unlike your cabinet nominee Mr. Daschle, I don’t have a limousine. And if I got a free one, I would think someone had to pay for it. If used it every day, why shouldn’t I pay taxes on it? And unlike your Labor Secretary nominee, I have no liens on my property, Mr. President. But if I did, I’d pay them off before you nominated me—or bow out if I didn’t.”

This battered American would remember all that—I’ve seen it happen—and get angrier,

 “Mr. President, I have never been nominated for much, but when I did serve someone or something, I never bowed out like Mr. Richardson, because the government was never investigating whether or not I was a crook. Sorry, never happened.”

Finally, Mr. Battered American would snap back to Mr. President:

“I played by the rules, and put a little away in my 401(k). I knew the risks, not because the broker, the bank, or the firm told me all the risks, but because I never shook hands with any of them or even knew those who took my money and promised it was safe—and so I was never sure it really was. And I lost 30% of it. I will live by that too. But please, don’t tell me I must pay for AIG, and the state of California, and all those who charged too much on their VISAs. Just take more of my money in taxes to do all that—but, again, please, no more lectures that I have to, that I must, that I am obligated to. And no more of your team’s lecturing me about being patriotic in paying my taxes, and unpatriotic in not wanting to borrow more trillions that my kids’ kids will have to pay back.”

512 posted on 02/20/2009 3:50:24 PM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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America Lost Its Free Press In a Willing & Enthusiastic Surrender

America lost its free press.
But it wasn't after a long struggle. It wasn't after a bloody epic battle.
It was in a willing, eager and enthusiastic surrender.
The Anchoress discusses the death of the free press today:

Watching Rick Santelli on CNBC proved the point of that study: he threw out the controls and said what he really thought - and it was liberating for the moment, and certainly great tv.

Now, we’ll have to see if he has a job tomorrow, or if he will be silenced. Will he be “suspended” as David Schuster was, from MSNBC for wondering if Hillary Clinton was “pimping Chelsea” to voters during the primary? Will he be made to apologize and grovel, as Chris Matthews was, when he suggested that Hillary Clinton’s post-White House career has been helped by her husband’s infidelity?

Hey, we’re watching police pull over drivers for sticking stupid (but not yet illegal) signs on their cars.

America has already lost her free press, but that was a free-surrender on the part of the press; the government did not shut the press down - it simply married them, hired them and subsumed them.

That sounds exaggerated? Here, try this little exercise: Google putin warns don’t go socialist and see what it brings up. Blogs covering it - blogs covering this - but not US news agencies. Hit the “News” button on that search and see what you get. You get bupkis.

Okay, show of hands, how many of you were surprised that this story saw the light of day: "Dobson students question Obama’s plan"?

Think of all the stories you have known about but not seen covered by the Mainstream Press, from the robust economy that defined most of Bush’s presidency but was constantly called “recession” to our successes in Iraq to the recent protests of the stimulus bill? If a story does not serve the “established narrative,” it either does not get mentioned, or is quickly buried. The press has betrayed the public trust.

The press is not free, but for a little while we can still live without them.
Read the whole thing.

posted by Gateway Pundit at 2/20/2009 05:34:00 AM

513 posted on 02/20/2009 4:05:08 PM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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ORGANIZING AN Atlanta Taxpayers’ Protest. Check in if you’re interested in helping. Email’s on the upper right, or respond in the comments.

UPDATE: Advice on how to organize your own tea party protest.

 “MSM seems to be golluming Obama.

Rebel Yell: Taxpayers Revolt Against Gimme-Mania

By Michelle Malkin  •  February 20, 2009 09:01 AM

My syndicated column reports on the growing, grass-roots movement against porkulus/spending binges/the entitlement culture from Seattle to Denver to Mesa, Arizona and beyond. Why aren’t you hearing about it in the MSM? Because it doesn’t fit the victim mentality/government savior narrative. We don’t exist, remember?

Well, more of you non-existent rebels will be gathering in Overland Park, Kansas tomorrow, Saturday, at Rep. Dennis Moore’s office (D-KS) at 10 am. You heard it here first. And it’s on. Reader Amanda Grosserode (now a commenter here - her handle is Huskergirl) got the ball rolling. Talk show host Darla Jaye is on board (more details here) and I hear Kansas Americans for Prosperity is getting involved.

Louder, please!


Rebel yell: Taxpayers revolt against gimme-mania
by Michelle Malkin
Creators Syndicate
Copyright 2009

There’s something in the air. It’s the smell of roasted pork. President Obama heralded the signing of the trillion-dollar “stimulus” bill in Denver and promoted his massive mortgage entitlement expansion in Mesa, Arizona at tightly-controlled campaign events. But outside the Secret Service perimeters, a raucous grass-roots rebellion against Beltway spending binges has caught fire. The new Boston Tea Party is here, baby, and it’s doused in barbecue sauce.

The first revolt took place on President’s Day in Smurf-blue Seattle, where mom-blogger Keli Carender hastily organized a downtown demonstration to oppose what they called the “stimulus rip-off.” A motley band of nearly 100 protesters — moms and their kids, college students, libertarians, taxpayer groups, GOP activists — raised their voices and dined on pulled pork (donated by yours truly). They assailed both the substance of the overstuffed stimulus package and the short-circuited, non-transparent process by which it was passed.

Some wore pig noses. Others waved Old Glory and “Don’t Tread on Me” flags. Their handmade signs read: “Say No to Generational Theft;” “Obama’$ Porkulu$ Wear$ Lip$tick;” and “I don’t want to pay for the SwindleUs! I’m only 10 years old!” The event was peaceful, save for an unhinged city-dweller who showed his tolerance by barging onto the speakers’ stage and giving a Nazi salute.

Carender, a newcomer to political activism, shared advice for other first-timers: “Basically everyone, you just have to do it. Call up your police station or parks department and ask how you can obtain a permit, and then just start advertising. The word will spread. I am only one person, but with a little hard work this protest has become the efforts of a lot of people.”

Why bother? It’s for posterity’s sake. For the historical record. And, hopefully, it will spur others to move from the phones and computers to the streets. For Carender, it’s just the beginning. She gathered all the attendees’ e-mail addresses and will keep up the pressure.

“We need to show that we exist. Second, we need to show support for the Republicans and Democrats that voted against the porkulus. If they think, for one second, that they made a bad choice, we have no chance to fight. Third, it sends a message to Obama and Pelosi that we are awake and we know what’s happening, and we are not going to take it lying down. It is a message saying ‘Expect more opposition because we’re out here.’”

The anti-pork activists turned out in Denver, too. On Tuesday, while President Obama cocooned himself at the city’s Museum of Nature and Science for the stimulus signing, a crowd of nearly 300 gathered on the steps of the Capitol on their lunch hour to flame-broil the spending bill and feast on roasted pig (also donated by yours truly). Jim Pfaff of Colorado’s fiscal conservative citizens’ group Americans for Prosperity condemned the “Ponzi scheme, Madoff style” stimulus and led the crowd in chants of “No more pork!” Free-market think tank head Jon Caldara of the Independence Institute brought oversized checks representing the $30,000 stimulus debt load for American families.

On Wednesday in Mesa, Arizona, local conservative talk station KFYI spearheaded a third large protest to welcome President Obama as he unveiled a $100-$200 billion program to bailout out banks and beleaguered borrowers having trouble paying their mortgages. The entitlement theme played well last week in Florida, where Obama played Santa Claus to enraptured supporters shamelessly seeking government presents. But nearly 500 protesters in Mesa came to reject the savior-based economy with signs mocking gimme-mania.

Their posters jeered: “Give me Pelosi’s Plane;” “Annual Passes to Disneyland;” “Fund Bikini Wax Now;” “Stimulate the Economy: Give me a tummy tuck;” “Free Beer for My Horses.”

And my favorite: “Give me liberty or at least a big screen TV.”

Plans are underway for anti-stimulus-palooza protests in Overland Park, Kansas, Nashville, and New York — home of smug Democrat Sen. Chuck Schumer. Schumer’s derisive comment on the Senate floor about the “chattering classes” who oppose reckless spending has not been forgotten or forgiven. The insult spurred central Kentucky talk show host Leland Conway to organize a pork rind drive. Angry taxpayers bombarded the senator’s office with 1,500 bags of cracklins.

Disgraced Democrat Sen. John Edwards was right about one thing: There are two Americas. One America is full of moochers, big and small, corporate and individual, trampling over themselves with their hands out demanding endless bailouts. The other America is full of disgusted, hard-working citizens getting sick of getting played for chumps and punished for practicing personal responsibility.

Now is the time for all good taxpayers to turn the tables on free-lunching countrymen and their enablers in Washington. Community organizing helped propel Barack Obama to the White House. It can work for fiscal conservatism, too.comments (92) 

"We can go national with this on April 15th."

"Enough. I’ve had it. I am so angry. I have spent my whole life working very hard and living modestly, well within my means. Guess why I don’t have a mortgage I can’t pay - it’s because I don’t even own a house. I rent.

So now let me get this straight: Because I’ve been fiscally responsible, saving my money in hopes that housing prices might someday drop enough that I could buy a home, I now must pay extra in order to keep housing prices so artificially high that I will never be able to afford my own place."

"Don’t you understand?
You and I, and most of us here, are supposed to be the willing host, for the socialist/statist/fascist parasites and their minions to feed off."


The liberal Marie-Antoinettes in Congress have modernized the famous quote, attributed to the French Queen of old, “Let them eat cake” to Schumer’s “Let them eat pork” (... or Wagyu, or Auruga...).

Now that these left-leaning, socialists have “won”, their remarks to the conservative masses are becoming more and more insulting. The bright side is we are becoming more and more energized to revolt against their attempts to ruin this country.

Hope and Change - I hope President Obama is out of office quickly and we change the makeup of Congress in each upcoming election."

Want to see how your stimulus dollars are being spent. Here’s a nice place, Stimulus Watch, that has updates every 10 minutes.

ok, so this is just military role-playing, but the timing is a little too coincidental for me.
“Who’s got guns?”

THE WHITE HOUSE ENCOURAGES SANTELLI, ON PURPOSE: “They’d rather the opposition be identified with Santelli and stock brokers than with, say, a Joe the Plumber type.”

Related item: “My husband and I always discuss, ‘Why do we try to better ourselves, when it seems if you do nothing, you get all the help in the world?’”

Like the song says, they’ll turn us all into beggars ’cause they’re easier to please.

UPDATE: C.J. Burch isn’t buying the White House strategy: “It was a stupid attack all the same, and will look more stupid next week as their plans for the bank bail out become more obvious. Not even a press as supine as this one can allow itself to become the president’s red headed step child.” I dunno, I’m expecting heavy orders for henna . . . .

ANOTHER UPDATE: Reader Frank Hosford notes Obama’s thin skin: “The Obama White House started with Hannity, then Rush, & now CNBC?? I’m confused: I thought we had freedom of the press?”

MORE: Reader Kyle Lagrois isn’t buying the White House take (via Ambinder, above) either:

Have you ever noticed Marc Ambinder is the reliable, go-to guy to give a reasonable or political explanation AFTER Obama does something that may look like a screw-up? . . .

Today, Gibbs called out a reporter in a very unseemly way, and Ambinder wants to paint it as some sort of strategic genius.

Keep an eye on it. He is- somehow- able to channel how Obama might want you to view what’s happened.

Meanwhile, Dan Riehl thinks that the White House isn’t upholding its dignity very well. “Although I might be concerned about any private info on file with the government were I Santelli. I think we’re seeing a WH that looks like it’s being run more like a Chicago Ward, than the house that most presidents lived in. This is about attacking everyone and everything that opposes you. In the end, it demeans the office and raises serious concerns as to whether these people can be trusted with the power they now have.”

Plus, Tom Elia wonders what, exactly, Gibbs brings to the table:

The most interesting thing about White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs response to CNBC’s Rick Santelli’s criticism of the Obama Administration’s anti-foreclosure plan was Gibb’s assertion that Santelli ‘doesn’t know what he’s talking about.’

Before joining CNBC, Santelli spent 20 years in the trading business, both on and off the trading floor.

Gibbs has spent his whole life in politics and apparently has no business experience, spending most of his professional career as a political spokesman.

To be fair, Gibbs has at least as much business experience as Barack Obama or Joe Biden.

MORE: The Anchoress emails:

Can anyone imagine Bush calling out Randi Rhodes, or his press sec mocking a member of the press?

Bush’s White House did not go after members of the press, or get defensive toward them. The press hated him, and his whole staff, but the admin never returned in kind.

Class tells.

Indeed it does.

A FEDERAL PLAN TO TAX MOTORISTS BY THE MILE? I had some thoughts on a similar Oregon plan, here.

NOW THEY TELL US: Guantánamo Meets Geneva Rules, Study Finds. “A Pentagon report requested by President Obama on the conditions at the Guantánamo Bay detention center concludes that the prison complies with the humanitarian requirements of the Geneva conventions.”

So, kinda like the Katrina stuff, this Guantanamo stink was all just a bunch of political propaganda?

UPDATE: Obama Administration Adopts (At Least for Now) The View that Bagram Detainees Have No Habeas Rights.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Katrina backtracking at the White House website.

ARNOLD KLING: Mr. Obama, Give Back My Wallet. “I’m tired of watching Paulson, Geithner, Bernanke, and now the Obama Administration picking through my wallet and giving my money to people who I don’t want to see get it.”

Trophy Wife Economics

A lengthy read for those looking to sit back and relax and mock faux rich folk who caused the housing crisis and successive global economic recession.

And a short funny haha. It actually goes a long way in explaining why it is the Chinese who are really bailing out this economy.

Posted by Captain at 11:12 AM| Comments (4)

514 posted on 02/21/2009 12:48:22 AM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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State Sovereignty Movement Keeps Growing

Gee, I wonder why?

National Guard scraps plans to invade rural town (Obama preparing for "Tea Party"??)

Here is a story from a few months ago regarding an exercise of the same kind in Indianapolis:

"The marines have been granted permission by state, federal and local authorities to fire weapons, conduct patrols, run vehicle checkpoints, react to ambushes and employ nonlethal weapons after landing helicopters and deploying throughout various parks, stadiums and fairgrounds. “We don’t want anyone thinking that there’s an invasion happening or that we declared martial law or something like that,” Debbi Fletcher of the Indianapolis/Marion County Emergency Management Agency commented. r aim in Indianapolis is to expose our Marines to realistic scenarios and stresses posed by operating in an actual urban community, thereby increasing their proficiency in built-up areas,” Col. Mark J. Desens, commander of the 26th MEU, said in a statement. “While some of the activity will take place around Camp Atterbury, residents in many areas can expect to see helicopters flying overhead, military vehicles on the roads and Marines patrolling on foot,” Desens said. "

National Guard scraps plans to invade rural town

 two sources for reference...
Army Sec.: Troops Ready for Iraq

NucNews - October 31, 2002
Army Sec.: Troops Ready for Iraq
White noted the difference in training for such warfare today compared to a decade ago, saying the Department of Defense (news - web sites) now has excellent facilities for training troops in urban fighting on a number of bases - not just at its major training centers.

So if there were so many facilities way back in 2002 you have to wonder why local towns are being used. 

Bobby Rush introduces bill to control firearms

Hey! Let's allow Big Brother to keep track of our highway mileage! Gonna be an Obameter on everything you own to measure and tax everything you do

And... like the New Thugocracy so far?

"This is Our House Now" - TV Crew Tapes ACORN Thugs Breaking Into Foreclosed Homes (video)

“This is our house now,” said Louis Beverly, ACORN.

And on Thursday afternoon, they literally broke the foreclosure padlock right off the front door and then broke into the house, letting Hanks back in for the first time in months.
Taxpayer-subsidized anarchy is on the way.

Mr. President? Mr. President?’

"If anybody trespasses in an abortion clinic, 300 cops materialize and drag them out. So, where are the cops removing these ACORN savages?"

Michelle Malkin: ACORN and Obama - together again

Image and video hosting by TinyPic 

Meanwhile... that MacManshion not worth what you thought?

The Hamptons Half-Price Sale---Prices for opulent weekend homes are slashed

Peter Schiff Presenting his book Crash Proof(Flashback of the financial Prophet warning us)

A Nation of Cowards?

Obama backs Bush: No rights for Bagram prisoners


DEMOCRATS SOLD OUT AMERICA FOR 30 PIECES OF SILVER By Frances Rice, Chairman of NBRA  NationalBlackRepublicans ^

How California Became France [WSJ Editorial Board Member Nails It]


What Rick Santelli Means for Obamanomics


515 posted on 02/21/2009 2:01:17 AM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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"Maybe, in a couple of days, my wife and I, with friends, will go looking for a bigger home…foreclosed, of course. Just snap the lock and move in. “THIS IS OUR HOUSE NOW”."
"What’s next? Can I just walk onto a car dealership, grab a GM or Chrysler off the lot and say, “It’s my car, now?” Do I get to walk through Safeway, fill up a shopping cart, walk it to my new car and say, “It’s my food, now?”

Where does this lawlessness stop?

Someone should go to Louis Beverly’s house, start taking his stuff, and just say, “Hey, it’s my stuff, now.”"

karnold said:

Jvette: thanks both for your personal account and the Joseph citation. And let’s take a moment to recall where the Joseph incident leads: Pharaoh nationalized the harvest and shared the wealth in return for the people’s cash, cattle, land, and lives. By the end, Pharaoh’s government owned all the grain, all the livestock, all the land, and the people became the slaves of Pharaoh’s government (Gen. 47:13-27).

Not that I’m trying to draw any untoward parallels, mind you - but there’s something to be said about people who don’t learn the lessons of history.

It makes me wonder if they’re using the wrong Biblical character to describe Obama. Perhaps he’s not the Messiah, but Pharaoh.

516 posted on 02/21/2009 2:29:14 AM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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Gold fever sweeps suburbia

Do campaign promises mean anything?

"No, I understand. And you're having fun," Obama continued...

Note to "President" Obama. We are the American people and we are NOT having fun. In fact, we are not even amused.

Are his four years up yet?

ACORN Brownshirts break into foreclosed homes in acts of 'civil disobedience'

8 posted on 02/21/2009 3:21:23 AM PST by CaliGirl-R

American Idle

Hillary Clinton Railroads Amnesty International! Drives The Obama Bus Right Over Human Rights!

Video: CNBC's Santelli Fires Back At White House Over Obamanomics Condemnation


Obama nixes plan to tax motorists on mileage

“Every day is a George Costanza Opposite Day, for the next 4 years.”
And then Bambi turns around and refutes them. Is this one of those Clinton schemes to see what the public’s response is going to be?

That's EXACTLY what is happening.

Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick, the "trial balloon" for Obama, wants microchips within inspection stickers by 2014.

Pardon me while I bring a hammer to the inspection office.

517 posted on 02/21/2009 3:36:15 AM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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Tea Party USA

Anti-Stimulus Protests Sprout Up

Presidential Gatling Gun-Equipped Suburban Badder Than New Cadillac Limo



The Obama Administration A Socialist disaster in the offing

I seriously think that Obama never thought that he would win, and now that he has, he doesn’t have a clue how to do the job.

A Surveillance Camera On Every Chicago Street Corner? Why not just go directly to putting them in our homes and be done with it.

White House objects to 'rant' on housing (Pointing out facts are now just "rants".)

Great point by point rebuttal

When the Secret Service Comes to My House...

So are they finally officially acknowledging that “Abort” means “Kill”?

Because in the pro-abortion debate it just means to “end a pregnancy”, which would mean this man wanted to “End Obama’s presidency”, but to say it is a threat implies “Abort” really means “Kill or harm”.


GMA Doesn’t Mention ‘Immigrant’ Chandra Suspect An Illegal

Rush Reads His WSJ Op-Ed

Bridges TV, a Wife's Beheading, and Honor Murder (Long but excellent read)

From Islamabad To Bradford (The New Spirit Of Appeasement Grips The West Alert)

Is This the Change You Voted For?

Obama ripped on 'sex agenda'

Police State 2009:

PBSO Plans To Draw Blood At DUI Checkpoints[Florida]

"But some drivers feel it's a bit too much."

Ya think?? Man, where are we going with this crap?

The USA is going to look like a cross between "1984" and the movie "Gattica."

518 posted on 02/21/2009 8:46:13 AM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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Gun registration under federal control bill

IBD/Malkin: A Massive Rebellion is Spreading...while Obama Announces Socialist Budget Plan

Chicago Tea Party Taking on Steam Nationwide

Its Time To Part Company

Maybe that's why Mo'Bam-Bam feels he needs this toy?

Presidential Gatling Gun-Equipped Suburban Badder Than New Cadillac Limo [Video]

This is not a tax cut

Obama's Proposed Spy Chief Publishes a Vicious Anti Israel Journal

Holder Advocated Regulating Internet Speech

Obama's Illinois Driver's License Abstract

"Indoctrinate U" Film

Firearms to own for beginners: Home Defense

Feds Propose Storing Internet User Data for 2 Years

ACORN Thug Makes Case for Squatters on FoxNews (video)

The Beginning of the End for Investing?

Comin' to Mo'Merica?

Drug violence spins Mexico toward civil war - drug gangs better equipped than the army

How our liberties have been destroyed[UK]

'Right to die' can become a 'duty to die'


Chilling, need-to-read book.


Grovelling Canuck Moment

Can we take the bags off our heads yet?

I find all this openly worshipful behaviour more than a little disturbing. I don’t like it when I see it directed to rock stars — What possesses people to chant their names in unison? Is it not enough to be a slave? Why do you have to advertise it? — but I really mistrust it when it slops over into the political arena. And is it not all just a bit more loathsome for being attached to a foreign leader? Could we be more craven? Usually we reserve such spinelessness for Quebec separatists.
Posted by Cjunk at 4:24 PM| Comments (11)

"The Left (Democrats, Liberals) tend to idolatry; that is, to invest a real person, a human being, with god-like or supernatural characteristics. They then attach themselves to this idol and thus invest themselves with this supernatural power. The reason the Left are involved in idolatry is because they are elitists. Their political framework has only two classes; the Elite Who Rule and the unruly Mass, the People. There is no middle class. The Elite are the Guardians, the Rulers, who Rule the Mass."

The Truth About the New Mortgage Rescue Plan...

It doesn’t matter. The people who voted for Obama and continue to support Obama are either too dumb to understand or to dumb to care.

"We’ll See Worst U.S. Economic Collapse Ever"- Trends Research Institute

519 posted on 02/21/2009 3:51:33 PM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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Hunting rifles--the next 'sniper weapons'

Gun confiscation: can it happen again?

My move to the Rebel Colonies, Pt.2: Living in America and buying my first handgun

Planning For Survival - How To Get Started

Saving America: Time to hit the streets? (Senator Jim DeMint>

Conservatives Get Their Mojo Goin' (Melanie Morgan comments on Tea Party)


The Boston Tea Party, 1773 (The History)

Colonialists attack,
tar and feather
a hapless tax collector

"A Nation Of Cowards"

...America and Her brave people have come far in our interracial relationships. But there is still a much longer journey ahead. The new President, his Attorney General and the rest of his Administration would be wise to look long and deep within their own hearts before they question the courage of the American people. Few of us would have sat silent with our wives and children in attendance for even one of Reverend Wright's hate filled racist rants. Even fewer would have returned for an encore. And hardly any of us would have sat silent for twenty years. Black or White...
OBAMA MAGAZINE - from an alternative universe

MUGABE'S MODEL: NORTH KOREA'S 'GREAT LEADER' And "Deer Leeder" as well... we tried to tell you, sheeple...

20% in Los Angeles County receive public aid One in five...

'Ruthless' for Obama (Camp Obama circa Sept. 2007)

” funny we didn’t hear about this during the campaign”

It was out there. I read about this and there are the pictures of those teen boys in cammies and black t shirts..all this was out there and on videos some posted here on FR.

Obama's Latest Executive Order: Office of Urban Affairs; ACORN and Obama's Shadow Government

Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley: Damn the high crimes rates, full speed ahead on gun control!

I Am Almost Ready to Support Succession

The Obama Recession: The Graphs To Prove It

click image to enlarge.

Men Will Be Men : When Guys Lose Jobs, The TV, Den And Gym Win. Women? Sex? Not So Much.

Obama's Unity Hustle

Obama destroying the USA to rebuild it in his own image?


Imagine That... Playing the 'Race' Card Again


NAACP calls for firing of N.Y. Post cartoonist (Libtards still playing the race card)

Obama Approval Ratings Hit All-Time Low

Read This Poll And Weep: 51% Think It’s Government Responsibility To Get Everyone A Job


520 posted on 02/22/2009 2:10:42 AM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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