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America Held Hostage- the Obama Files...
various links ^ | 11-8-08 | The Heavy Equipment Guy

Posted on 11/08/2008 3:06:12 AM PST by backhoe

America Held Hostage- the Obama Files...

With a hattip to Rush ( His idea during the Clinton plague upon America ) I am starting a file on “The One,” mostly starting from the election date.

Older stuff- links, quotes, quips, and sometimes pointed graphics can be found by scrolling back from these two posts:

-Hillary Clinton- archives, comments, and opposition research--

-Sarah Palin- links, from the beginning--

There is some good material in those posts that raises a lot of uncomfortable questions that everyone ought to be asking, and probably will once the “new” wears off, and we are stuck with four ( more likely eight, since 95% of the news & entertainment media are in his pocket ) years of a typical corrupt Chicago Political Machine Politician trying to jerk the whole country in one direction and then the next.

You've all heard the saying,

”People get the kind of government they want...
...and deserve?”

Well, America, you are about to “get it, good & hard...”

Don't say you weren't warned- we tried to tell you...

We did everything we could, and our state went for the Old Guy & the Naughty Librarian, but too many other voters were made stupid by the TV and public schools for it to matter.

We're in a Hell of a mess, and the worst thing is, "we"- the collective we, not you & I-- got us here.

Is Obama really the Abyss...

staring back at us?

I like to make points with humorous graphics- this one sums it up as well as any:


Then, in a nutshell, "everything I see going bad with all this hopi- changi- stuff The One is peddling-- forced labor, censorship, spin, and pure mean-spirited rudness:

Email of the day

Atlas readers rock! I am blown away by the overwhelming response to this post  (and this one) to get involved to take back our country from the Soros, socialists, and the self proclaimed messiah - oy. More than one email brought a tear to my eye but I wanted to share this one with you.

If this best represents who we are, what we want and where we are going, there is no way we can lose. Greatness is in the house. I am proud to count you as my friends. Prouder still to stand with you and fight this great fight.

I want to lead a county.

I was born in Cuba, and know the language of Communism, Obama speaks it well.  My grandfather's family had to flee Lebanon because of the Muslims to Cuba. We fled Cuba because of Castro.

This is the best country in the whole wide world.  I was a child when I left Cuba with the clothe on my back, we left my parent's sister and I, left behind everything. 

America is Worth fighting for and Freedom is worth defending.  I do not want my children to grow up in oppression, nor do I wish exile upon them.

Please allow me to help, again, Id like to lead a county.

My name is Ingrid and Im in Miami, in Miami Dade County

May the Light always shine upon America,


UPDATE: In case there was any doubt as to what the victorious zombies have in mind. Check out this comment (left in the comment section) . Can you say rude awakening?

You people are pathetic!

Your racist fear mongering will not go unchallenged!  Soon we will shut down your hate spewing web sites.  We will confiscate your firearms.  In prison, you will get an education on the error of your ways.  We will take your children and raise them as our own and instill in them the values of social justice.  We will have a new American Republic of justice and order for all!

You time is almost up!  Prepare for the dung heap of history!

It sounds insane (which it is) but I believe the writer is quite serious.

| | Comments (21)

"We will confiscate your firearms. In prison, you will get an education on the error of your ways. We will take your children and raise them as our own and instill in them the values of social justice".....

Heh heh heh....I am sure you are serious, but that is funny!

Values of social Mao? Stalin? Lenin? Ho-chi Min? Pol Pot? Which of these butchers of social justice did you have in mind?"

That's the number of civilians that have been murdered by their own governments in the 20th century alone.

Innocents Betrayed is a must see video produced by Jews for the Preservation of Firearms (scroll down to see links to view the Introduction to Innocents Betrayed)

Now consider Obama's 'civilian defense force' which he intends to fund and equip as well as our standing military coupled with his promise to revisit the second amendment (repeal concealed carry privilege) and then compound this injury with Ayers' inspired youth corps.

Learn from the Slicksters


Obamessiah has a new site up as President-elect soliciting ideas form the proletariat.
Let's hope it doesn't become the hub for the hate whitey and Jew boy Obamavomit that his last site was.

Surf the site. Take note. Keep your eye on the The Obama National Service Plan- the page is empty (how apropos) but that piques my interest.

President Obama To Bring Back Slavery

Just in case anyone think Mr. Obama is not serious about this, bear in mind that his new Chief of Staff wrote a book demanding this very thing: The Plan: Big Ideas for America: Rahm Emanuel, Bruce Reed: Books;sr=1-1

Don’t forget they want a Gestapo/KKK civilian force the size of the pentagon to keep everybody inline and things running smoothly.

“Suddenly, all mention of “required” has been disappeared. ”

SOME THOUGHTS ON OBAMA'S mandatory volunteerism plan. Plus, reader Nancy Anne Potts writes:

Looks like the site is true to it's title - it changes!

During the time when I was looking at the blog you linked to concerned mandatory community service the page saying "require community service" changed to goal for community service. The new wording is:

"..... Obama will call on citizens of all ages to serve America, by setting a goal that all middle school and high school students do 50 hours of community service a year and by developing a plan so that all college students who conduct 100 hours of community service receive a universal and fully refundable tax credit ensuring that the first $4,000 of their college education is completely free."

I found the the cached page on Google it has the original "required" wording.

Looks like they caught their "mistake". Now will the real plan please step forward -- goal or required. (Although the way government sets goals, they often wind up looking like requirements so maybe the two aren't all that different.)

Ugh! I see card check made the economy page too. He may be the president elect but I don't have to like his plans!

Not until the second term. Then that will be made mandatory, too . . . .

Meanwhile, Robert Bidinotto comments: "Anyone recall what the Soviets used to do to history books?" The Obama folks have a history of airbrushing.

IF YOU VOTED FOR MCCAIN, you're a racist. Just in case nobody had bothered to tell you.

President-Elect D’oh-bama’s Gaffe #1: Sorry, Nancy

By Michelle Malkin  •  November 7, 2008 07:30 PM

And so it begins.

Or rather, continues.

President-elect D’oh-bama apologizes (vid here in case you missed it):

More of the incessant symbolism bullshit from teh Obama Campaign


I believe the idea is to give the impression he’s already on the job. It strikes me as bad advice and an ego that knows no limits

President-Elect Douchebag Mocks Nancy Reagan


Now here is the first thing to really *hammer* Obama on, something that he’s doing *right now* — as opposed to all the other things in the past. This is “right now” and it indicates that he’s totally lying about “transparency”...Now here is the first thing to really *hammer* Obama on, something that he’s doing *right now* — as opposed to all the other things in the past. This is “right now” and it indicates that he’s totally lying about “transparency”...
Gag alert:

President-elect Barack Obama's First Press Conference - Complete Video 11/7/08

Obama Mocks Nancy Reagan in 1st Press Conference

It's  classless to mock a frail, elderly woman. (Note he was not kind in his revelation about his own "typical white person" grandmother, either.)

It's even worse to mock the widow of a great former president. Whatever you think of her, she deserves respect.

Especially classless was mocking Nancy Reagan on stage, before hundreds of reporters and television cameras, knowing the "joke" would be heard by millions. This wasn't some private remark that got picked up by a live mike.

What the hell is the “Office of the President-Elect?”

In Fort Worth, Obama's election prompts run on guns and ammunition

Get 'em while you can-- from my files:

Sitting in committee, just waiting for The One:

H.R. 1022: Assault Weapons Ban and Law Enforcement Protection Act of 2007

On Concerns Over Gun Control, Gun Sales Are Up

From "", the official transition website. Agenda tab and then select "urban policy" and go down to "Crime Control".

Address Gun Violence in Cities:
As president, Barack Obama would repeal the Tiahrt Amendment, which restricts the ability of local law enforcement to access important gun trace information, and give police officers across the nation the tools they need to solve gun crimes and fight the illegal arms trade. Obama and Biden also favor commonsense measures that respect the Second Amendment rights of gun owners, while keeping guns away from children and from criminals who shouldn't have them. They support closing the gun show loophole and making guns in this country childproof. They also support making the expired federal Assault Weapons Ban permanent, as such weapons belong on foreign battlefields and not on our streets.

There will be no one left to protect you
Barack Obama wants to institute a Civilian National Security Force, a vast militia not unlike Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, a personal army. He knows he would need such a force to protect him and to enforce his will on Americans. Americans will have not seen such arbitrary power used against them since the days of the Civil War when Lincoln put the Constitution in the bottom drawer of his desk and set about arresting anyone who opposed his policies...

VIDEO of Obama calling for a Secret Police Force: CIVILIAN NATIONAL SECURITY FORCE??

QUESTIONS ABOUT THAT civilian national security force.

“Just as powerful, just as strong, and just as well funded.” So the astute observer and deep thinker might reflect for a minute and be compelled to pose several questions (although the MSM won’t)...


Kindly note the quote, from our new First Lady, err, female black Bigot...

Obama's plan to disarm America (video, in his own words)


Michelle Malkin: New national anthem: "My president is black"


Is Obama "Your President"?

Friday, November 07, 2008 3:01:30 PM · 57 of 180
backhoe to brownsfan
Hmmmm... this one is very difficult. I was in the military, and we were taught we salute the uniform, not the man. So I respect the office, not the man. However, I am adopting a wait and see. If Obama governs as if he cares about America, even if we disagree, I can accept that. If Obama governs as I expect, like a Manchurian candidate who is bent on America’s deconstruction, that is when he will disqualify himself as being my president.

Liberal activists have long legislative wish list

National Organization for Women. "Since 1994, we've been losing over and over on legislation related to equality and fair treatment for women."
The gay-rights movement also campaigned vigorously for Obama.
NARAL Pro-Choice America and the Planned Parenthood Federation of America want Obama and Congress to move aggressively...
An array of other advocacy groups are stepping forward with their priorities for the new Congress.

Guess Who's Getting the Nuclear Football in January?

BO is doing away with our nukes, the officer assigned to carry the nuclear football will instead be carrying the teleprompter.

Angelou: Now I Won't Have To Apologize For My Country When Abroad

Democratic RevolutionWith all that being said, we are looking at potentially 9.2 million fraudulent votes...
This wasn't an election. It was peaceful Socialist revolution. Perhaps we should refer to President Obama as "His Fraudulency". But not too loudly...
- Hugh Farnham

Rahm Emanuel's Big Plan for America

Yes we can--draft your @ss

You know, I warn, and I warn, and I warn, and I warn, but nobody listens.

OMG you won't believe what is written on Obama's new website: "America Serves"

Democrats talk of a ‘permanent progressive majority’

Libs Suddenly Find Themselves Defending the Flag It wasn't that long ago that the American Left was burning and crapping on the flag.
Suddenly, all of that has changed.

Rahm Emanuel's Big Plan for America

 From my files- note the date:

Bend over, America:

Paid for with 'everybody else's' money...

1,152 posted on Saturday, February 09, 2008

Emanuel Was Director Of Freddie Mac During Scandal

And folks should be sure to check out this thread....

Obama’s Chief of Staff Pick Took Campaign Contributions from Wall Street

And check out the info at

I hope someone sends these Emanuel links off to Limbaugh.


The Coup: a position paper

Cut Obama some slack, wait and listen

President Bush could not even claim his victory for weeks in the 2000 elections because of democRAT attempts to steal the election.

He has been insulted and degraded like no other president in memory.

I, for one, will not cut this poser or his comrades ANY slack...

Obama-Supporting Teacher Bullies Student (video)

"White guilt gave us black Jesus"


Required re-education: Reagan's 1964 speech to the Republican Convention

I’ve already ordered my ‘Don’t Blame Me I Voted For Ron Paul’ bumper sticker. I’ll probably get a ‘Sarah-cuda’ one as well.

After the appropriate time has passed ( after Duh1 takes office and starts clowning around... ) I'm going to make this:

"Don't blame Me
I voted for Sarah"

Possibilities I'm entertaining in the interim?

"Where's mah Free Gas?"

"I want my mortgage paid!"

The new battle line?

choice versus control.


Mike Gallagher: Mourning In America

Change... Obama Announces Creation Of His Marxist Youth Corps (Heil Comrade Obama!)


Stores say gun-control fears spur firearms sales Well, duh!

I tried for months to wake people up- now, they will get "the kind of government they want, and deserve..."

Of course, we don't deserve it, but when just enough voters have been made stupid by the TV and public "education," what can you expect?

I dug in to the grocery money ( neither of us have a job... ) and renewed my membership in the NRA, GOA, and the Second Amendment Foundation. If we'd had more to spare, I'd have rejoined JPFO and the Second Amendment Sisters, too.

Keep these handy...

Gun Facts v4.2!

Click the pic to go to the Gun Facts v4.2 download page!


Barack Obama: The Kingfish Reborn

Do Unto Obama As Liberals Did Unto Bush

Coal stocks plummet. Average 15%, many over 30% since Tuesday Gee, wonder why?

Kate, this is important and you should listen to it. It's about Obama's cult of personality and it is short.

From the blogs- and, always, read the Anchoress:

Bush, Obama, & Ghosts of Hate - UPDATED

“The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country.” Lincoln’s Second Annual Message to Congress, December 1, 1862.

I would love nothing better than to be able to stop writing about “left” and “right.” I wish we had a better vocabulary to describe our distinctions, because these words are limiting and off-putting. I am determined, with the merciful conclusion of this abusively long election season, to work diligently at spending less time entertaining these distinctions. But for today, I think it is only fair to note a very important and glaring difference between “left and right” - and in so doing - consider how we may, finally, stop needing to indulge in what is tedious.

Victor Davis Hanson
says Let’s not imitate the left in our opposition. I agree.

It has been wonderful - really beyond wonderful - to consider how differently most of the right has reacted to their defeat than the left did in 2000 and 2004. In the two previous elections, the left responded by calling the other half of the country “stupid,” “morons,” and “Nazis” - Jane Smiley called them “unteachably ignorant” - they indulged in high drama, sniffling “apologies” to the globe, and denunciations of their fellow countrymen as “lying between repugnant and reptile in the dictionary.”

And oh, yeah (eyeroll) George W. Bush was not “their” president.

While you’ll see a few disgruntled extremists on the right say foolish, even ignorant things - and many throwing daggers at the sickening double-standards of the press - they’re not indulging in that sort of dehumanizing (and very adolescent) hate of their fellow countrymen or the president-elect. The reports they’re filing read very differently than those following the Bush wins. They read as grown-up, tolerant, open-minded discourses, not tantrums. There is a willingness to be hopeful, even in defeat.

And there is a determined respectfulness being offered to the winners - people who could not manage maturity and respectfulness in their defeat and who, sadly, are not always managing it in their victory, either.

I’m hopeful that the left - if it takes the time to actually condescend to notice how well it is being treated by the vanquished - might consider that self-indulgent defamation is the lesser way; that such a consideration may inspire introspection, and perhaps the smallest bit of regret for some of their appalling excesses toward the right and toward the American President who did not return hate in-kind.

I’m hopeful. I’m an optimist. I KNOW that the folks on the right - for all of their faults, and both sides certainly have faults - want America to be successful and strong and exceptional and free. I’m hopeful that hugely empowered left will discover that - beyond the feel-goodism of “free social programs” which are never free -they actually, really do want all of those things, too. That they’ll look back on the last 8 years and realize, finally, that their enemy was never George W. Bush. Bush, the guy who never dehumanized them, was only trying serve those corny ideals.

And then, miraculously, we may actually have unity.

Some similar thinking from my girl crush, Donna Brazile:

“The one mistake that we continue to make is that we label people. We say you’re conservatives, liberal, progressive, right wing, left wing. I think people just want to spend one day being Americans. They want to come together around a common purpose, common values.”

I wondered the other day if the catharsis of this election might open up “a vein of generosity” (or at least decency) from the left as concerns President Bush. I have not seen it yet, but I’m going to be optimistic and keep looking.

But maybe it’s enough just to see a little appreciation from the right, to start. Like this, for instance:

I link, therefore, I Err has a little mini-round-up of appreciation for George W. Bush. You’ll want to read it all.

From Alppuccino at Protein Wisdom:

At 10:40, President Bush will keep his streak alive by telling everyone how much he loves America. Just as he always has. And he’ll show everyone how much he loves America by preparing Obama as best he can for the next 4 years.

Read it all; it’s doubtful that Obama’s team will come into the White House finding O’s missing from their keyboards, any rude messages greeting them. And that is how it should be in America, a respectful transition.

Michael Gerson:

Many liberals refuse to concede Bush’s humanity, much less his achievements.

But that humanity is precisely what I will remember. I have seen President Bush show more loyalty than he has been given, more generosity than he has received. I have seen his buoyancy under the weight of malice and his forgiveness of faithless friends. Again and again, I have seen the natural tug of his pride swiftly overcome by a deeper decency — a decency that is privately engaging and publicly consequential.

[In 2005]…the White House senior staff overwhelmingly opposed a new initiative to fight malaria in Africa for reasons of cost and ideology…In the crucial policy meeting, one person supported it: the president of the United States, shutting off debate with a moral certitude that others have criticized. I saw how this moral framework led him to an immediate identification with the dying African child, the Chinese dissident, the Sudanese former slave, the Burmese women’s advocate. It is one reason I will never be cynical about government — or about President Bush.

Jeffery Scott Shapiro:

[The treatment of President Bush] from this country is nothing less than a disgrace. The attacks launched against him have been cruel and slanderous, proving to the world what little character and resolve we have…Our failure to stand by the one person who continued to stand by us has not gone unnoticed by our enemies. It has shown to the world how disloyal we can be when our president needed loyalty — a shameful display of arrogance and weakness that will haunt this nation long after Mr. Bush has left the White House.

Until we fix, within ourselves, our enthrallment with hate for others, simply because they hold differing views, we’ll never pull it together. In 2006 we watched a right-wing blogger be called less than human by a left-wing reader. We’ve seen President Bush being referred to as “the chimp” and “the monkey” by the wits who insisted that ideology trumped having a decent respect for another’s humanity. I wrote about that a little here:

Thus, George W. Bush is “Chimpy McHitler.” Hillary Clinton is “a pig in a pantsuit.” Barack Obama is “O-Bambi.” Cindy McCain, who has exhibited some courage and laudable compassion in her life, is reduced to a “pill-popping beer-frau,” and so forth. From there it is smooth sailing down an ever-descending river of hatred, until we are incapable of seeing anything good in the “other,” both because we have willfully hardened our hearts, and because our hate — especially when it is supported by a group of like minds — feels safe and inviolable.

With that in mind, you’ll want to read this excellent piece over at Conversion Diary, wherein Jenifer ponders pictures from a Nazi-era photo album and wonders, how such common-variety people managed to support and enable such profound evil.

One thing that stands out in all these examples is that the victims of the widespread evil were categorized as something less than human…not only that innocent people were killed or enslaved, but that their humanity was taken away by the societies around them…So here is the advice I would offer to my children, and to my children’s children:

Every decade or so, take a look around the society in which you live, and ask yourself if there is any group of human beings who are seen as something less than human. A big tipoff is if dehumanizing words — terms other than “man,” “woman,” “child,” “baby,” or “person” — are used to describe any category of people.

And if you ever see that going on, you might be in the midst of something gravely evil.

Dehumanizing people begins with baby-steps like name-calling, or the sort of intellectual dishonesty that delights in deliberately twisting the meaning of others in negative and misrepresentative ways. Those are the little gateways to the great evils that come once you’ve managed to thoroughly de-humanize others.

We’ve had 8 years - I’d say 12, really - of people demonizing and dehumanizing others, from both sides, and it is not getting us anyplace good. I believe that the response of most of the right to Obama’s victory is a step toward changing that. But the left has to do their part, too.

Pope Benedict XVI said, “those who hope live differently.” The election of Barack Obama was borne on this word, “Hope.”

If the people who voted for “hope” were sincere, then let them begin, today, to embrace it - and to live differently - without the kneejerk move to hate “the other side.” The right, responding levelly to their defeat, has offered the opening. Will the left take it?

UPDATE: Seems some will. Here is mostly accurate, and apprecited praise from a surprising quarter:

Would America have elected Barack Obama if white Americans had not gotten accustomed to seeing (in succession) two African-American Secretaries of State? I don’t think so. Before Bush, African-Americans were appointed to some good posts but not to our #1 foreign policy job. Two African Americans (one with a pretty odd first name) served as America’s face to the world. That eased Obama’s way. It is not Tiger Woods in whose footsteps Obama is walking — it’s Rice and Powell….Fact is, “W” never gave any evidence of holding racist attitudes…even just the slur the occasionally slips out of the mouth of even our most liberal leaders.

Same with Arabs and Muslims…Bush, after 9/11, never resorted to anti-Arab or Muslim stereotypes. He drew distinctions between terrorists and Arabs…Had he not done these things, Arabs and Muslims might have experienced not just hate crimes but pogroms.

Meanwhile, from Grand Rants:

Here is a man who is regularly compared to Hitler in casual conversation in Leftist circles high and low. His honor has been regularly impugned, his intelligence (or, as the press loves to put it, his “intellectual curiousity”) constantly demeaned, his verbal stumblings consistently mocked, and his accomplishments in office discounted or ignored. He is a man who kept his head down and did his job, despite the slings and arrows hurled at him by fortune made all the more outrageous by nearly the entire Democratic party.

I for one, would like to say thank you to Pres. Bush. For keeping us safe. For watching out for us. For persevering in spite of all the spite. I believe history will ultimately judge you as one of America’s best presidents, and I believe you deserve that judgement.

H/T to Opinionated Catholic, who writes:

The throwing under the bus of the President by even his friends and indeed the base has been shocking to me. Many groups will find out soon enough how they took Bush’s support and advocacy for them for granted, Catholics, especially.

Meanwhile, Jules Crittenden is beginning to enjoy Omerica, Quin Hillyer is saying America is over, kaput, finished, Evan Thomas suddenly finds Obama “slightly creepy” and when you refuse to release medical records, and the press doesn’t care…conjecture begins about your mental health.

Remember How The Left Reacting After Bush Won? « Blog Entry « Dr. Melissa Clouthier pinged back with Remember How The Left Reacting After Bush Won? « Blog Entry « Dr. Melissa Clouthier
Post-election Analysis — UPDATED « Living IRL pinged back with Post-election Analysis — UPDATED « Living IRL
Heartfelt Gratitude « Grand Rants pinged back with Heartfelt Gratitude « Grand Rants


Forty-Fourth President, Twelfth Imam

by Baron Bodissey

O-Man’s Fibonacci spiral haloThe election results were long expected, but now that the day has arrived it’s quite a letdown, anyway. Reading about the joy expressed by Hamas and Syria and Italy and Indonesia… contemplating Obama’s Secretary of State, or (God help us) Defense… Thinking about the USA becoming just like Sweden, only with a real army, and aircraft carriers, and nukes… First Lady Michelle…

It’s all too depressing.

So, as is my habit in such circumstances, instead of writing a post this evening or doing something else useful, I created yet another iconic image of The One. After looking around at some of his existing halos, I decided to make one myself. A man can’t have too many halos, right?

And then I pondered the phenomenon of halos appearing behind the heads of great national leaders, men who are born into modest Muslim circumstances, but in time become presidents of large countries that have nuclear weapons. It made me think of…
- - - - - - - - -
Mad Jad’s HaloMahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Ol’ Mad Jad got his halo when he went to visit the UN a couple of years ago. It appeared behind his head while he was speaking. Not only that, his audience was held in such rapt attention by his words that they were unable to blink for thirty minutes. We know all this is true because he told us so.

I wonder how many other resemblances there are between him and Barack Hussein Obama.

Ahmadinejad sees himself as preparing the way for the Twelfth Imam, as a sort of satanic John the Baptist for the man who is prophesied to return and usher in the apocalypse preceding the establishment of the permanent reign of Islam over the entire world.

And Obama’s got a bigger halo.

Does that mean…? Nah — it couldn’t be… But still… It makes me wonder…

What if the One were also the Twelfth?

Note to the literal-minded: this post is for fun, not to be taken seriously. Given the circumstances, it’s the only fun I’m likely to have for quite a while.

Read further...

Saul Alinsky Takes the White House My wife just got an e-mail from the head of HR saying that the post-election Obama jokes have to stop, especially if there is any hint that it might be related to racism. No notice before the election. And it was OK to get anti-Bush e-mails for 8 years. Oh yeah, she works for a bank that is hoping for a piece of the bailout action...

FReepers: we need you now more than ever. Don't go!

I’m not leaving as long as the Good Lord’s willing and the Creeks don’t rise.

Have no fear- The One will halt the rising creeks, heal the planet, and make the French love us again ( Oh, gag me! )...

Well, I’m not going anywhere as long as I have a voice.

We may have to go back to Xerox machines and small presses distributing handbills, but I’ll be damned if I let my country slip in to “That Good Night” without a fight.

I’m the one who dubbed Clinton “Little Big Fraud,” so I’ll have to work on something for The One.

We may have to set up a “Free Republic in Exile” like Degaulle did when the Nazis overran France, but we’ll manage.

It does distress me that so many people were suckered by a typical Chicago Machine empty suit, but he had 95% of both the press and entertainment arms of The Media Hive trying to get him elected, and covering up for him, so it’s not surprising.

Carry on.

Some realistic things to expect early in the Obama Administration

I work in Chicago. I deal with a great many attorneys in my job, many of whom are staunch Dims and breathless Obambi supporters; some were even active in his campaign. More than one told me that at or near the top of Obambi’s agenda is a new Hate Crimes bill, with a wide expansion of what will be considered a hate crime

Didn't you notice that Obama is a conservative?  "Obama is, in his own words, something of a Rorschach test. In his latest book, The Audacity of Hope, he writes, 'I am new enough on the national political scene that I serve as a blank screen on which people of vastly different political stripes project their own views.' "

Being an American is much more than being "cool"

Obama Bought The Presidency

Another Painful Lesson For The GOP

That’s what happens when you run a true left wing liberal against a liberal lite. The real one wins.

Remember, that's my theory why we went down to defeat in 2006...

I said something along the lines of,

"I've read all the theories why we lost so badly, and I still say this: Once elected, the Republicans taxed & spent & regulated like a bunch of Democrats- no wonder the voters decided to try The Real Thing!"



Here it comes, you bitter clingers:

Obama Victory Means ‘Stronger Support for Sensible Gun Laws’ ...why there is a new army command for domestic unrest...

Obama Pushes Abortion on Day One With Emanuel Pick Pro-Abortion, ANTI-gun zealot. He helped write the first AWB, and is going to help push the 2nd PERMANENT AWB.

Five Years to destabilize a nation. Yuri Bezmenov Explains Soviet Strategy for Subversion

Beware of the "manufactured crisis"

 The parasites are now in full control. The host taxpayer will be expected to work even harder just to stay even. This is a way of breaking the country. The Muslims are dancing in the streets as middle east money just bought the US presidency for a clown without a clue.

Much Of Arab World Rejoices Over Obama Election

Barack Obama, Mr. Hope-n-Change

But just remember- any critique, opposition, or naysaying?

This, is where we are going:

No, I'm not kidding.

I wish I were- the lights are going out, all across America.

Is There Nothing That Obama Can't Do?

The healing begins!

Your sickening unAmerican traitorous, racist, money-grubbing, torturing, hateful ideology got struck a death blow and you and your fellow jackal-blowhards are left writhing on the floor, gasping for breath as the final death tremors subside and your bodies stiffen into rigour mortis.

We heart4848.gif you too!


Posted by Kate at 12:30 PM | Comments (56) "It will be painful, but this election is good news. The only true cure for socialism is to actually get it; the US is about to get a big fat dose of cure for what ails them."

Final Thoughts Final Post

Wednesday, November 05, 2008 3:23:30 PM · 7 of 8
backhoe to Pagan Power
Well, after the 2006 debacle, I wrote this:

Call it a Twilight of the Gods moment
( "In the twilight of the gods, the twilight men will appear..."
Otto Basil, circa 1968 )
...but until further notice, I am suspending updates specific to this post.
I will continue to update this:
with "everything you need to be aware of."
But I'm just burned, and bummed out. The elections. The sellout of Israel. The Moonbats. The Stupid Party. The Evil Party.

Then again, after yesterday there's this:

”Zimbabwe On The Potomac...”

You know there were warning signs...

I kept telling people when Bill Clinton slithered in to office, and clung to it, despite all the scandals, and Impeachment itself-- “He's just a symptom. Like a fever is of a disease- there's something wrong with America.”

Like Popular Culture- look at the magazines-- I call it “thugs & jugs,” or “which Pop Tart is popping out whose baby this week?”

Or Katrina- ever seen so many people milling around with their hands out, when they should have been helping themselves?

We did it to ourselves, and The New, Improved Black Jesus is merely a symptom.

All civilizations have a shelf life- once enough citizens figure out that by electing the “right” representatives, they can use the power of the government to pick the pockets of others,'s all over, except for the details.

Well, we're in the “details,” now.

Meanwhile, I have to figure out what Miss Emily and I do with what's left of our lives, and bush hog her Mom's old place in the country, because City Life isn't going to be worth living from here on out.

I'll catch you all later...


9,520 posted on Wednesday, November 05, 2008

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Extended News; Government; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: 111th; agenda; americaheldhostage; americans4prosperity; bho2008; bho44; bhofascism; bhosocialism; bhotreason; bhotyranny; bo; davidharsanyi; deemocrats; democrat; democrats; donilon; kochbrothers; mdan; obama; obamafiles; obamatransitionfile; thekenyan; thomasdonilon; usurper; veroniquederugy
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Congress To Vote on Stimulus Bill They HAVEN'T READ!!!!

But, it's all Funny Money, anyway- who cares?


The recent bombshell that Rep. Kanjorski dropped gets bigger and bigger. Atlas reader Suzanne picked up on a mindblowing "detail" in my blog post: "RIGHT BEFORE THE ELECTION OF PRESIDENT HUSSEIN: "A $550 Billion Electronic Run on the Banks". Paul Kanjorski describes the closed door session of Congress where it was revealed that there was a $550 billion electronic run on the banks and that was what caused the economic crisis.
In the video, Kanjorski says this occurred on Thursday, September 15, 2008. September 15th was a MONDAY.

THURSDAY was  .......SEPTEMBER 11, 2008

This was a Financial Terrorist Attack on the seventh anniversary of 9/11. Aren't the American people entitled to know who was behind the run on the banks?

Why was this kept from the American people before the most important election in US history? And why did Obama treat it as an unimportant incident - accusing McCain of grandstanding when McCain left the campaign trail and flew to Washington? Remember what President Hussein said? "They'll call me if they need me."

FLASHBACK: "Call me if you need me"

When President Hussein was campaigning and the "economic crisis" hit, he did not think it pressing enough to leave the campaign trail, but now we should push through a trillion dollars in legislation without oversight because a few weeks later the King deems it urgent?

The financial crisis was deliberate, planned, staged. Who made the run? "Someone threw us in the middle of the Atlantic ocean without a life raft. We are trying to determine which is the closest shore and whether there is any chance in the world to swim that far. We don't know."

Electronic Run On Banks - $550 Billion Withdrawn In 1 Hour, Federal Reserve Halts Withdrawals - US Economy Would Have Collapsed Capitalism Gone Wild  hat tip Cathy

Rep. Paul Kanjorski of Pennsylvania explains what former Treasury Secretary Paulson and Fed Chairman Bernanke told congress during the September 2008 closed door session. During the first third of the video an enraged caller is ranting to Rep. Kanjorski about how wasteful the first $700 billion bailout was. The best part is 2 minutes and 15 seconds into the tape where Rep. Kanjorski reveals what Paulson and Bernanke told congress that shocked them into supporting the first $700 billion bailout.

"Why did we do that? Look I was there when the Secretary and the Chairman of the Federal Reserve came those days to talk to members of Congress about what was going on. It was about  September 15th. On Thursday (Thursday was September 11th] Here's the facts and we don't even talk about these things.

On Thursday [Thursday was September 11th] at about  11 o clock in the morning The Federal Reserve noticed a tremendous draw down of money market accounts in the USA to the tune of $550 Billion dollars in a matter of an hour or two. Money was being removed electronically."

The Treasury tried to help, opened their window and pumped in $150 Billion but quickly realized they could not stem the tide. We were having an electronic run on the banks. So they decided to closed down the accounts.

Had they not closed down the accounts they estimated that by 2 PM that afternoon. Within 3 hours. $5.5 Trillion would have been withdrawn and the entire economy of the United States would have collapsed, and within 24 hours the world economy would have collapsed.

Kanjorski also explains why Paulson spent the bailout money differently than he originally proposed.

Some other gems from the recording:

It would have been the end of our economic and political system.

We would have had to spend 3 to 4 Trillion dollars to buy up all the toxic assets. But we didn't have that much we only had 700 Billion.

Without a banking system you don't have an economy.

We are no better off now than we were three months ago.

Someone threw us in the middle of the Atlantic ocean without a life raft. We are trying to determine which is the closest shore and whether there is any chance in the world to swim that far. We don't know.

Read the rest of this

481 posted on 02/13/2009 1:40:41 AM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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Breaking ABC - Porkuls passes House with NO Republican support

Obama, Democrats Refuse to Listen to the American People


Winners and losers in the final stimulus bill (It's real bad alert)

Posted on 02/13/2009 11:00:26 AM PST by Zakeet

Here is a breakdown of who gained, who lost and who survived in the final economic stimulus bill that the House and Senate are expected to vote on Friday:




Congressional Offices Don't Have the Stimulus Bill, Lobbyists Do

To victors go the Spoils: Who's up and Who's Down as Stimulus Package Heads to Obama's Desk


Coming Soon: Obama's Next Stimulus Plan

Lawrence Summers stutters, stammers, explaining "tax cuts"

Obama's financial guru Lawrence Summers had a little trouble explaining why the great tax cut of 2009 in the porkulous bill only gives workers an $8.00 per week tax savings. While Meredith Viera grilled him, Summers continued on telling how this great bill will help the economy and that Obama inherited the worst economy since the Great Depression and a huge deficit. He forgot to note that Obama and the porkulous plan will greatly increase the deficit. Almost sounds like these hacks know how ridiculous this package is, but have to support the boss.

Democrats Ready to Spend Billions, Yet Ration Healthcare

The "Tiny" Trillion-Dollar Turbaconducken You Don't Care About

Jimmy Carter and the Camp David Myth

Who Attacked Our Economy? Why Does No One Care?

A Real "Economic" Recovery (the religious-left at it again) President Obama's own Religious Left constituency is now flaking for their man. Of course, advocating their religious agenda (Global Warming, larger welfare state, disarmament and subordination to the United Nations, multiculturalism) is not theocratic, but timeless and universal pleas for justice and global harmony.

Alinsky-ites at the Gates of Talk Radio

Fellow citizens, if you like what ACORN did to the home mortgage industry, then you're going to just plum love what the Democrats have in mind for talk radio. For the past few years, hardly a week goes without some Democratic Party Senator or Representative throwing out the term, "Fairness Doctrine." Hardly a month passes without a Democrat spurning the so-called "dangers" of conservative talk radio, often invoking Rush Limbaugh by name.

Washington: Bibi’s In, “Peace” Is Dead-blinders have never been so tight]

Is 'Octomom' America's Future?

Washington knows exactly what to do, but won't because it destroys their chance to sop up the power that comes with handing out $700 billion. They want the credit for saving the system, even if what they are doing is actually counter-productive. What is needed is a $700 billion tax cut for those who actually pay taxes, and that the 60% of us who aren't on the public dole.

You want to see this mess end? Try this: Cut the max tax rate for personal income to 17%. Cut the corporate tax rate to 10%. (The fastest growing economy in the world right now is NOT China, it's Ireland. Do you think it's by coincidence that they have the world's lowest corporate tax rate of 12%?) If you did these two things, people's takehome pay would jump and they could plan for sustained increases in long run spending...exactly what's needed. Corporations in Europe and the Pacific Rim would bolt here in a heartbeat to set up shop and unemployment would drop like a stone.

You think Washington doesn't know these things? They do, but they would rather make Harry Reid happy with his LA-to-Vegas railroad plus all the other pork than address the real problem.

And before you start saying crap that "the tax cuts would lower gov't revenues, making the deficit even worse", read up on the Laffer Curve and the associated experience in England and India before you trot out that hackneyed excuse. The solution is simple...we just don't have enough people in Washington who aren't economic whores.

8 posted on 02/13/2009 5:45:05 AM PST by econjack

482 posted on 02/13/2009 11:38:13 AM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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Obama Years: Carter on Speed

It feels more and more like the 1970’s in America, but with a 1984 chaser.

Sen. Diane Feinstein spills classified information and tells the world that yes, we have drones based in Pakistan.

Today - in an apparently “unrelated” incident, and American UN worker is kidnapped in Pakistan!

The kidnappers of an American U.N. workers seized in Pakistan have threatened to kill him within 72 hours unless more than 100 prisoners are released.

The threat was contained in a letter delivered with a grainy video of the hostage, John Solecki, to a Pakistani news agency on Friday. Solecki appears blindfolded in the short clip and appeals to the world body to act quickly to secure his release.

This kidnapping may be unrelated to Feinstein’s idiocy, but the truth is her thoughtless slip will give cover and “justification” to people who will take any excuse they can to wreck havoc and mayhem.

Echoes of Carter are getting louder and they’re not reassuring. Obama has shown the weak horse, and all of the terrorists have seen it.

The “weak horse” you may remember, was what Osama bin Laden saw in America, when she did not respond to repeated provocations from Al Qaeda, from 1993 to 2000. The “weak horse” inspired 9/11.

The weak horse says we won’t try terrorists militarily and we will remain dependent on Middle Eastern Oil, too. The weak horse says, we’ll distort history if you will only love us.

As of last weekend, Obama had already covered Jimmy Carter’s Malaise.

Now, on a much more serious note, we’re moving into American Hostages being taken by Muslim extremists.

Up next, I suppose - on warp speed - double-digit unemployment, double-digit inflation, gas lines, and then what - killer rabbits on the loose?

Snark aside, pray. I’m really serious. Pray for this nation. Pray for the diplomatic corp that will now be at more intense risk. Pray for our military. Pray that this president and these people in charge come to their damn senses. No negative prayers - there are no negatives in Christ - but pray.

Even Carter did not try to take control of the census.

Little Round Up:
They used to call Carter peeved and churlish, too…or the equivalent.
Crittenden: those who don’t study history forget when Howard Dean used to yell, “remember the enemy is George W. Bush!”
Just words…just…just…words
Congress: Voting on a complete mystery
Questioning Patriotism: Don’t even
Unimpressive: But covered on all sides and guarantted “success”. Up is down. Transparency is Opaque.

by TheAnchoress @ 2:24 pm. Filed under Barack Obama, Dumb Democrat moves, Prayer

483 posted on 02/13/2009 12:05:43 PM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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Boehner Thunders to House, "Not one member of this body has read" the Stimulus Bill - Video 2/13/09

No Republicans voted for it, and seven Democrats voted against it. . . . (Watch Video)

House passes Obama's economic stimulus bill (246-183, No House Republican votes for Porkulus)


NO Republican voted for PORKULOUS in the House!!!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


Violence from Mexico spilling into U.S. far from border

Buffalo Man Who Launched Network to Show Muslims in Positive Light Arrested for Beheading His Wife


484 posted on 02/13/2009 1:07:38 PM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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Glenn Beck is about to talk about NH's threat to federal Government

NH introduced a bill to put the federal government on notice that it has overstepped its authority and is in danger of having its authority revoked.

You can find the text of the bill at

ABC News' Jake Tapper Nails Obama Press Secretary on Caterpillar Contradiction - Video 2/13/09


Good News! Specter's Numbers Tanking In PA

UN: Call for "new world economic order"

Every American will Pay The Price of Gross Ignorance

President's Plan if Stimulus Fails in Practice: Another Stimulus Bill

Vanity: Rep Itse HR 45 was rolled into Stimulus Package??

I heard that, too...

This is the Blair/Holt Gun Licensing (and Confiscation) Act!

It will make it illegal to own ANY firearm in America, (ANY FIREARM!!!) unless it is registered with the database in Washington D.C.

As a gun owner you will have to be finger printed, you will be required to provide your DL#, SS#, you must maintain a valid address at all times, submit to mental and physical health records being put on file, you will also be required to file any address changes and any ownership changes even if a private sale. Each yearly update will cost $25 PER WEAPON, and if you fail to comply you will lose your right to own firearms.

From what I gather it's a nasty rumor. ( So far! )

I checked the text the Obey said was Text and the word "firearm" is not in it.

Comin' to 0-Merica soon?

Preserving ‘Harmony’ for Islamic Radicals

485 posted on 02/13/2009 3:22:11 PM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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From the blogosphere:

“STIMULUS” BILL passes the Senate and goes to Obama. Oink.

UPDATE: Friday the 13th.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Scorching the Earth.


THE OBAMA YEARS: Carter on Speed?

INDEED: Gregg’s Withdrawal Stirs Speculation Over Obama’s Census Plan.

A reader suggests that this is Obama’s court-packing plan. Well, if so he got there a lot quicker than Roosevelt did.

More Background On Henrietta Hughes

February 13th, 2009

Our previous post about Henrietta Hughes triggered some investigative journalism and speculation from our reader Retire05:

President Barack Obama steps off the stage to take a question from Henrietta Hughes during a town hall meeting to discuss the economy, Tuesday, Feb. 10, 2009, at the Harborside Event Center in Fort Myers, Fla.

The Property Records Of Henrietta Hughes

According to Lee County, Florida property records:

6/18/01 Property (Lot 19, Block 35, Unit 9, Sec. 20, Twnshp 44S, Range 27, Lehigh Acres Subdivision) purchased by Henrietta and Corey Hughes

10/10/03 - $124,400.00 lien release due to payment in full to Henrietta and Corey Hughes.

8/9/06 - Quit claim deed signed by Henrietta Hughes granting full ownership to Corey Hughes.

No transactions since for either Henrietta Hughes or Corey Hughes which means that Corey Hughes still owns the property. Taxes current (paid) on 1/1/09.

There are a number of mortgage lien holder transfers between 2001 and when it was paid off in 2003. This is normal as liens are often sold (think one mortgage holder buying out another). What is interesting is how this lien for $124,400.00 was paid off in less than 28 months.

To access the records:

Enter last name first, first name last.

Has this property been sold in 2005, a transfer would have been recorded since the county records not only purchases but sales as well. Also, why would someone sell a property they paid at least $124,000.00 for in June, 2001 for $47,000.00 in 2005 when market prices were still high?

The fact is this scam artist did not sell her property that was jointly owned with her son, Corey Lamont, from day one. What she did do was sign a quit claim deed in 2006, giving TOTAL ownership to her son Corey Lamont. I would guess this is because the value of the property would affect SSDI benefits along with Medicare/Medicaid. It would also affect any welfare she might be eligible for under SSDI. My guess is she applied for SSDI and was told that she could only have so much worth. Yet, the 2004 Rochester, NY article states she is already receiving Medicare/Medicaid.

It is also interesting that in 2004, Corey Lamont Hughes sought, and received, free medical treatment in Rochester, NY while he and his mother were still owners of property in Florida…

Retire05 also added this:

Here is the history (remember to keep the lot numbers separate as that is important):

6/18/01 - Henrietta and Corey Hughes purchases Lot 18 and 19, Block 35 of Lehigh Acres

8/17/01 - Henrietta and Corey Hughes purchases Lot 22, Block 35 of Lehigh Acres

10/29/01 - Henrietta and Corey Hughes receives building permit for Lot 19, Block 35 of Lehigh Acres. The builder is Holiday Builders of Cape Coral, Florida

10/29/01 - (same day) Henrietta and Corey Hughes secures mortgage financing from Riverside Bank of The Gulf Coast, Cape Coral, Florida (this would be for the building of the structure constructed by Holiday Builders) in the amount of $124,400.00

7/15/03 - Forclosure filed by Riverside Bank of the Gulf Coast on Lot 19, Block 35 Lehigh Acres in an amount of slightly over $123,600.00 (meaning she paid about $800 of the mortgage in 21 months)

10/16/2003 - Mortgage satisfaction filed by Riverside Bank granting ownership to Henrietta and Corey Hughes for Lot 19, Block 35 of Lehigh Acres for $124,400.00

6/30/05 - Lot 22, Block 35 of Lehigh Acres sold to Homeland, LLC.

8/9/06 - Quit claim deed signed by Henrietta Hughes to Corey Hughes for Lot 18, Block 35 of Lehigh Acres.

She originally owned 3 lots, #18, #19 and #22. Number #22 was sold in 2005 (when she claims she lost her home) to Homeland, LLC in June, 2005 and #18 was transferred to her son, Corey Lamont, on 8/9/06 (signing a quit claim deed gave him total ownership of #18 which they had bought jointly).

I can find no record of any subsequent sales of the home build on Lot 19.

At the very least it would seem that Mrs. Hughes circumstances are not quite the way they have been represented in the media.

(There is further exploration of the topic from Retire05 other correspondents in the comments section.)

Lost amidst the Buffalo plane crash, a muslim beheading / honor killing in that city
Extreme MoonBat ( yes, she gets her news via satellite! ) Warning:

Garofalo Goes Off On Conservatives & Jews

Today's crazy rant from Hollywood:

Their policies of deregulation, pre-emptive strikes, unmitigated support for Israel to the detriment of the Israelis, Palestinians, Americans, the British. Every single policy that “conservative republicans” have put forth since Reagan has destroyed us.

Moderate New York Muslim Leader Beheads Wife

I guess he wasn't so moderate?

Muzzammil Hassan and his wife Aasiya Z. Hassan. (WIVB)

Islam In Action reported:

A New York Muslim leader has pulled a Mohammad and beheaded his wife. Muzzammil Hassan was a community leader and a so called "moderate" Muslim. He was the founder and Chief Executive of Bridges TV a show started to help combat the negative perceptions of Islam and also to build bridges to the non-Muslim world. Does that include beheadings?
Jihad Watch and Editor and Publisher have more on this moderate.

486 posted on 02/14/2009 12:29:59 AM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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Democrat Staffer: "They're Just People"

The Obama-Geithner Bear Market

There was an outstanding article titled "Reaganomics vs. Obamanomics" in the Wall Street Journal this week. The core of the article is this...

In 1980, amid a seriously dysfunctional economy, Reagan campaigned for president on an economic recovery program with four specific components.

The first was across-the-board reductions in tax rates to provide incentives for saving, investment, entrepreneurship and work.

The second component was deregulation to remove unnecessary costs on the economy. In today's world, that would especially mean removing the onerous restrictions on energy production -- allowing drilling offshore and onshore for oil and natural gas, revival of the nuclear power industry, and construction of more electric power plants.

Third was the control of government spending. In 1981, Reagan forced through Congress not only his famed, historic tax cuts, but also a package of budget cuts close to 5% of the federal budget -- equivalent to roughly $150 billion today. In constant dollars, nondefense discretionary spending declined by 14.4% from 1981 to 1982, and by 16.8% from 1981 to 1983. Moreover, in constant dollars, this nondefense discretionary spending never returned to its 1981 level for the rest of Reagan's two terms. By 1988, this spending was still down 14.4% from its 1981 level in constant dollars.

Even with the Reagan defense buildup, which helped win the Cold War, total federal spending declined to 21.2% of GDP in 1989 from 23.5% of GDP in 1983. That's a real reduction of 10% in the size of government relative to the economy. The fourth component of the Reagan recovery plan was tight, anti-inflation monetary policy, which was spectacularly successful. Inflation was cut in half to 6.2% in 1982 from 13.2% in 1980, and cut in half again to 3.2% in 1983.

We know such policies work because they turned around in just two years an economy far worse than today's. We were suffering from multiyear, double-digit inflation, double-digit unemployment, double-digit interest rates, declining incomes, and rising poverty. In fact, what we suffer with today is not the worst economy since the Great Depression, but the worst economy since Jimmy Carter -- the last time liberals were dominant politically and intellectually.

It is truly tragic our nation didn't learn from this lesson. Slightly more than half of our people elected the biggest moron to ever hold the Presidency who is doing EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE of the Reagan prescriptions.

We are in for at least a decade of going sideways, just when the baby boom generation is retiring. This must be a master strategy to make all of us baby boomers wards of the state in our retirement. We never dreamed we'd retire being serfs of colossal government.

18 posted on 02/13/2009 7:43:52 PM PST by ProtectOurFreedom

Federal obligations exceed world GDP

Congress: Stupid, Arrogant and Dangerous

Image Hosted by
OBAMA'S PORKULUS Pictures, Images and Photos 

Rep. McCotter Reads to House A Furious Letter from Jobless Constituent Blasting Porkulus

Vanity: Flying Flag Upside Down? Ribbons? Tea Bags?


And Now! Even More from the Creepy Cargo Cult:

State unveils Barack Obama license plates



Senators Thune, Feinstein, Grassley, Et Al

Look at all the name variations of Stanley Ann and Barack Obama and the properties in the name variations. Notice that some of the Stanley Anns are alive and some are dead.

The 'Old' New Deal Still Isn't Paid For

"Take your knife and cut the throat of each Christian around you. No pity."

487 posted on 02/14/2009 3:01:05 AM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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33 Minutes: Protecting America in the New Missile Age- MUST SEE film from Heritage Foundation




Peter Schiff: Stimulus Bill Will Lead to "Unmitigated Disaster" [Messiah Disagrees]



The Conyers bill is back [restricting access to research we paid for]

Muslim Beheadings Come to American Soil

Despite the Riots, Threats, I Stand By What I Wrote

Suddenly, They Don’t Want Us To ‘Snark’

Over the last eight years, when the MSM was engaged in one, long Chimpy-Bush-Hitler-Darth Vader of a sneer, do you recall any liberal media member writing to complain of the coarsening of dialogue? Neither do I.

But now ...

US intelligence czar warns about Venezuela


Obama continues to ignore Midwest storm victims

Where can a taxpayer download a copy of 0bama's spending bill?

The entire Stimulus Package can be found on the House Rules Committee website at:

The text of the Conference Report is available at:

If you want access portions of the Stimulus package:

To access Division A of the stimulus package click here:

To access the Joint Explanatory Statement for Division A click here:

To access Division B of the stimulus package, which was sent last evening, click here:

To access the Joint Explanatory Statement for Division B click here:

Division A and B combined constitute the entire text of the stimulus bill (H.R. 1).

The Joint Explanatory Statements for Divisions A and B constitute the Conference Committee Report on the stimulus package.

26 posted on 02/14/2009 6:28:42 AM PST by gartrell bibberts

488 posted on 02/14/2009 12:51:42 PM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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Rep. Kanjorski Drops Bomb... US Financial System Was Attacked On September 11th

Catastrophic Financial Attack On 9-11 Caused Economic Meltdown!
Rep. Paul Kanjorski (D-PA) told CSPAN: "It would have been the end of our economic and political system."

The catastrophic attack occurred on September 11, 2008?
Why is this news just now getting out?
Capitalism Gone Wild reported:

Rep. Paul Kanjorski of Pennsylvania explains what former Treasury Secretary Paulson and Fed Chairman Bernanke told congress during the September 2008 closed door session. During the first third of the video an enraged caller is ranting to Rep. Kanjorski about how wasteful the first $700 billion bailout was. The best part is 2 minutes and 15 seconds into the tape where Rep. Kanjorski reveals what Paulson and Bernanke told congress that shocked them into supporting the first $700 billion bailout.

On Thursday Sept 15, 2008 at roughly 11 AM The Federal Reserve noticed a tremendous draw down of money market accounts in the USA to the tune of $550 Billion dollars in a matter of an hour or two. Money was being removed electronically.

The Treasury tried to help, opened their window and pumped in $150 Billion but quickly realized they could not stem the tide. We were having an electronic run on the banks. So they decided to closed down the accounts.

Had they not closed down the accounts they estimated that by 2 PM that afternoon. Within 3 hours. $5.5 Trillion would have been withdrawn and the entire economy of the United States would have collapsed, and within 24 hours the world economy would have collapsed.
Rush Limbaugh commented on this bomb earlier in the week:

The question is who was doing this? Who was withdrawing all this money? And the next question is why? That's where my mind starts exploding, and this is dangerous to have these explosions going this way. Could it have been George Soros? Could it have been a consortium of countries -- Russia, China, Venezuela -- countries that are eager to have Barack Obama elected because they know that will make it easier for them to continue their own foreign policies in the world?
This is all very interesting-- When President Hussein was campaigning and the "economic crisis" hit, he did not think it pressing enough to leave the campaign trail, but now we should push through a trillion dollars in legislation without oversight because a few weeks later the King deems it urgent?

Pennsylvania Democrat reveals the financial crisis was deliberate, planned, staged:

At 2 minutes, 20 seconds into this C-SPAN video clip, Rep. Paul Kanjorski of Pennsylvania explains how the Federal Reserve told Congress members about a "tremendous draw-down of money market accounts in the United States, to the tune of $550 billion dollars." According to Kanjorski, this electronic transfer occured over the period of an hour or two.

More on this story:
Dianna West
Atlas Shrugs
Rush Limbaugh
As Rush said: "It's amazing this was said on C-SPAN on Thursday, January 27th, and nobody picked up on it."

posted by Gateway Pundit at 2/14/2009 11:33:00 AM


489 posted on 02/14/2009 1:12:02 PM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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The Death of our Republic

OBAMA runs for the memory hole. Again. Obama ran for the memory hole but didn't quite make it, apparently. If you think blogs and the practices they've mostly championed aren't catching on - consider this. The American Small Business League not only calls out Obama on a break with his campaign rhetoric, they discover the memory hole and accuse Obama of disappearing his statements into it. I love it!
Gerald Celente 2009 The World's Greatest Depression

51st Grammys: Another Obama Lovefest

WILLIAM BRIGGS, STATISTICIAN: Count ‘em: The White House should not control the Census.

Duke, Duke, Duke,

Duke0 Hope, Hope, Hope,

Duk0 Change...

Barack Obama: "Public Will Have 5 Days To Look At Every Bill That Lands On My Desk" (Video)

Barack Obama promised an audience on the campaign trail that, "The public would have five days to look over every bill that lands on my desk."
What hogwash.

Barack Obama is going to sign the largest spending bill in US history on Monday. It had only been posted online for 12 hours before it was voted on in the US House and Senate. On Monday this boondoggle will be signed into law... Total time online- less than 4 days.

Here's the video:
Candidate Obama on the campaign trail, speaking about no more back room bills, we will put every pork barrel project online for the public to see, I knew candidate Obama and President Obama are 2 different people, so after going through 250 videos, found what I was looking for.

posted by Gateway Pundit at 2/14/2009 02:38:00 PM |

"Barack Loopholbama never met a promise he couldn't break. He is Clinton on crack."

The barbaric Muslim beheading in Buffalo

February 14, 2009 11:22 AM by Michelle Malkin150 Comments | 12 Trackbacks


Jack Hinson's One Man War - The Story of a Confederate Sniper

free_life2 wrote:
Exactly What IS a Natural Born Citizen?

Barack Obama is NOT a natural born citizen, as required by the Constitution

Thank you for that very informative link-- everyone should watch it.

Unfortunately, I believe we have degenerated from a Constitutional Republic, into a Democracy- rule by popular vote, i.e., mob rule.

Pity about America...

AT POPULAR MECHANICS: Blacksmithing 101: How to Make a Forge and Start Hammering Metal. A fun project, an enjoyable hobby, and a potentially valuable skill in the event of civilizational collapse!

490 posted on 02/14/2009 3:36:17 PM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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AP Calls Trillion Dollar Porkfest-- Obama's "Shock & Awe"

Oh Please. These pathetic Obamabot supporters in the press really need to stay off the Kool-Aid for a few days and let their heads clear.
AP writers Nancy Benac and Calvin Woodward are calling the Democrat's pork-bloated bill Obama's "shock and awe" plan for the economy.

What they fail to mention is that only one-tenth of the trillion dollar Obama "shock and awe" bill will be spent this year.
You'd think that would be important to mention in their report?

The Washington Post posted this graphic earlier in the week:

Click to Enlarge

Only $107 billion is targeted to be spent on projects this year. The CBO projects that the current recession will be over in 2009 without the stimulus anyway. That means nearly a trillion dollars will be spent in 2010 and beyond on Democratic pet projects. There are even reports the spending is to provide funding for a permanent Democratic patronage system.

From the AP:

America is bringing shock and awe to the home front, using dollars instead of bombs.

It's the military doctrine of lightning force — fast and brute, or as brute as the shaken country can manage — applied to the campaign for economic recovery.

With a record-busting stimulus plan, the U.S. is marshaling resources against economic catastrophe in ways not seen since Franklin Roosevelt put the New Deal in motion.

President Barack Obama is going with the best deal he could get. The stimulus bill is a landmark legislative achievement for a new president who inherited economic spoilage along with the spoils of power. Now the nation anxiously waits to see if it works.

Undermining federal balance sheets that were already deeply in the red, Obama and Congress settled on a nearly $800 billion plan that aims to spend more on the crisis at hand than the government has spent waging the Iraq war for six years.

The idea: fast cash, and lots of it, but with a strategic view to the future.
The only "shock and awe" from this plan is when the bill comes back to the taxpayers.
What catastrophe lies ahead, only God knows.

posted by Gateway Pundit at 2/14/2009 09:40:00 PM |

Democratic Party USA Stimulus screw you to fly over country

Foreign Policy as Magical Thinking

The Peron pattern (Socialism comes to America)

Duh! Øne...
NICHOLAS GUARIGLIA: Obama’s Broken Promises Were Entirely Predictable.

Rush In A Hurry -- Last Chance to Save the Country


The Show US Presidents -- Then and Now -- Don't Want You to Hear

MEXICO: A Western Somalia?

Obama & Dems: Put your dreams away…UPDATED

My husband works for a company that is trying to sell their product to places like Lowe’s and Home Depot.

I hear Obama say “BUILDING SPRAWL STOPS NOW!” and I think, there go 800,000 jobs. And along with those jobs, probably another 100,000 jobs in retail and business technologies.

And there goes an awful lot of tax revenue. How we are supposed to pay for this beast of a bill without taxable earnings is something the great “I Won” - who can’t say a positive word about industry, inventiveness or commercial drive - is not addressing.

Oh, yes, there are plenty of construction jobs in the new “stimulus” spending package that will be voted on this morning. They are mostly FEDERAL construction jobs meant to construct or shore up FEDERAL buildings and agencies in and around Washington, DC, where FEDERAL SPRAWL will be allowed. Some construction companies in Bethesda, Maryland may see boom times, but the rest of the country will not.

An American President and members of his party cannot stop flapping their gums, and every time they do, more jobs disappear as they reveal that they are driven less by a desire to serve than to control. They are more interested in backroom connivance than “transparency”.

“Transparency,” it turns out is just a word.

Barack Obama must be giving fits to those backroom supporters who never meant for the nation to so clearly recognise his hyperpartisan purposes - and his limitations - just three weeks into his presidency. Obama is telling his nation to find something else to do, something other than growing, working, creating, building. He wants “energy independence” but does not want drilling and refining, and the jobs that go with them, to take place in America. He wants everyone to have a house, but apparently we’re not supposed to build any new ones. He wants Americans to become less materialistic, more personally responsible for our mistakes, and he wants the government to “spend our way out of debt.”

Much of Obama’s rhetoric is empty, and what is not empty is cagey. He is, increasingly, the “just words” president. He speaks of American dreams, but works to limit them. And he is not alone.

Where does Barney Frank - a comparatively wealthy man
- get off telling free Americans what their salary caps should be?

Where does the extremely rich John Kerry get off worrying on the floor of the United States Senate that Americans are too “free to invest their money where ever they want!”

How dare does set-for-life Church Schumer show such contempt for us “little” people, who simply want to know what we’re being put on the hook for?

Corrupt and singular, many of these little kings and godlings serve themselves, alone, and merely play Legos with the rest of us.

Where do any of these “public servants” - who have either grown wealthy on the public purse or used their wealth to purchase of their office, or have used their office to protect their wealth - get off telling can-do Americans how much they can earn? How dare they begin to dismantle The American Dream, or to discourage the sort of dreaming that made America an exceptional nation of limitless possibility? How dare they - who aspire not to serve but to rule, create destructive, “historic and transformational” 1200-page bills behind closed doors and show them to lobbyists before they show them to legislators or the American public they are supposed to be “serving.”

These majority Democrats seem bent on having Americans labor only for the federal collective, and not for themselves. The already-have’s don’t much care about about anyone else’s dreams.

Now we read that Bill Clinton, desperate for some attention, is joining in on the cheap “end free speech as we know it” campaign that is distinctly the province of the left - the “tolerant” people who would censor a different point of view. They’ll try to regulate free speech on the internet, soon enough.

No good will come of any of this, and we have no free press, questioning anything - who don’t even care that the people voting on this bill will not even have read it, and nor will all but a handful of citizens. The press has become the very thing you can call an entity: utterly useless.

America has long-attracted dreamers, who understood that here existed an abundance of freedom and opportunity, and plenty of room to dream.

Our currently “leadership” want to apportion dreams, and make sure no one is dreaming too much. They - our betters - will do our dreaming for us. They can only handle one dream at a time, though, and right now that dream is socialism and silence, of a decidedly rigid and totalitarian bent.

We have a weapon of subversive freedom, though, in prayer. Use it. And make as much noise as you can with the phones. If nothing else it will be good practice for the coming Son of Stimulus.

Can I say “Godspeed Mrs. Pelosi and don’t hurry back”? No?

Meanwhile, Obama is faster with remarks about the Newark-to-Buffalo plane crash, which tragically claimed 50 lives than he was commenting on loss of over 50 in Kentucky due to ice storms, or honoring the American loss of life that brought Iraq to a stunningly forward-looking Iraqi election.

Added to my list of heinous Democrat flapping guns up above, let’s add Sen. Feinstein’s ability to put our troops at risk and weaken our positions… by accident, of course.

The Numbers Don’t Add Up
Economists: Stimulus won’t stimulate they’re saying doing nothing would be better.
Krauthammer: Ungenerous Obama ignores a stunning turn of events. Funny, that’s precisely the word I used, too.
President Bush, Cuba and Other People’s Lives
Brooks: The coming implosion

Oh, Shit. | Little Miss Attila pinged back with Oh, Shit. | Little Miss Attila
The View From The Foothills pinged back with A Bad Week, Cont.
Obama Years: Carter on Speed | The Anchoress pinged back with Obama Years: Carter on Speed | The Anchoress
Watching the meltdown is just sort of sad…. « I Think ^(Link) Therefore I Err pinged back with Watching the meltdown is just sort of sad…. « I Think ^(Link) Therefore I Err
Pray Your Members of Congress Took Speed Reading Lessons : The Sundries Shack pinged back with Pray Your Members of Congress Took Speed Reading Lessons : The Sundries Shack
Kerfuffles :: Little Kings and Little Godlings :: February :: 2009 pinged back with Kerfuffles :: Little Kings and Little Godlings :: February :: 2009
The Magic Marketplace No More « Kerfuffles and Flourishes pinged back with The Magic Marketplace No More « Kerfuffles and Flourishes

491 posted on 02/15/2009 1:19:39 AM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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Democrats, Health Care "Reform," And Your "Duty To Die"


Useless Eaters, take note of The Brave New 0-World we face:

Down syndrome a modern-day death sentence

I'm Sorry, But NICE Said Saving Your Life Isn't Cost Effective"

Obama's pork barrel is open – and it is stinking

“It always amazes me how much more candor about Obama is available in the European media than in our own.”

It’s All About The “O”: The Arrogance of Barack Obama


Is it time to start marching on our State Capitols and demand Secession?

Time to Unravel the Knot of Credit-Default Swaps (How bad is this problem?)

I have a pack of matches.

I agree to sell it to you for one million dollars.

You give me a note (iou) for the one million dollars and I give you the matches.

Now we both walk around and we have created two million dollars of assets.

And with a little creativity, we can magnify that amount ten times or more.

Imagine this scheme multiplied 50,000 times or more.
That’s how bad it is.

Commercial Real Estate Debt: Another Inflection Point for the Financial Sector

Hotshot greens caught wasting home heat(thermal imaging of their house done)

California Congresswoman discovers get-rich-quick

10 ways Microsoft's retail stores will differ from Apple's

Comin' to 0-Merica?

VIDEO : London police chased by muslims during demonstration EURABIA ALERT


Whoops! Already inside the gates...

Gun ownership rights are under 'stealth' attack. Hide your guns.

As I see it, the one way out of the dilemma which will make everything signed by the current President null and void is for CongressCritters to demand his long form birth certificate, his college transcripts and his thesis.

Congress has standing and if EVERY Republican would, as one solid unit, demand these items . . . chaos would reign for about sixty seconds, then sixty seconds of anarchy, then we’d be back at being a Representative Democracy.

When this sham and shameful period is over, the Constitution needs to be read, carefully, and adhered to by Congress. They are over stepping their boundaries and have been ever since . . . oh, at least Lincoln, if not before.

The Second Amendment is in the Bill of RIGHTS for a reason.

Nearly 70 computers missing from Los Alamos nuclear lab  Clinton, v3.0...

The enemies of Jim Crow (1964 Civil Rights Act--108 Southern Democrats did not vote YES)

Obama administration no longer issuing denials on Fairness Doctrine (video)

Remember when the Left laughed at conservatives’ concerns over the Fairness Doctrine? Barack Obama already said he opposed the reimposition of the FCC rule, they said. After all, Obama’s campaign gave this definitive statement in June 2008:

“Senator Obama does not support re-imposing the Fairness Doctrine on broadcasters,” said press secretary Michael Ortiz in an e-mail to B&C late Wednesday.

“He considers this debate to be a distraction from the conversation we should be having about opening up the airwaves and modern communications to as many diverse viewpoints as possible,” said Ortiz.

As our friend Jim Geraghty reminds us, all of Barack Obama’s statements come with an expiration date. Today, Chris Wallace interviewed David Axelrod and asked him directly about the Fairness Doctrine — and suddenly the White House adviser got a lot less definitive:




Military, veterans benefits only parts of ecomony cut by Porkulus

Just a start folks. They are going to gut the military much worse than Clinton!

492 posted on 02/15/2009 12:32:15 PM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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Obama Ready to Lift Ban on Stem Cell Research

Because ESC works to the advantage of the abortion industry.



Can Israel make it alone?  They had better...

The Road To Payback

The Turning Of Kirsten Gillibrand (Also PDF File Of BATFE Fradulent Pay Claims)

FDA Declares Vitamin B6 A Drug

Stimulus Bill Broke 7 Obama Promises

February 15th, 2009

From YouTube:

7 Broken Promises in Record Time

1. Make government open and transparent.

2. Make it "impossible" for Congressmen to slip in pork barrel projects.

3. Meetings where laws are written will be more open to the public. (Even Congressional Republicans shut out.)

4. No more secrecy.

5. Public will have 5 days to look at a bill.

6. You’ll know what’s in it.

7. We will put every pork barrel project online.

Funny, but not one of Mr. Obama’s promises were met with the most expensive spending bill in our nation’s history.

Indeed, Mr. Obama has not kept his word on most of the bills so far passed, if any.


0bama - Too Big To Work

“I used to wonder what it would be like to live in a Third World country where the leader’s picture was plastered everywhere and he spent his time cavorting. Now I know.”
INDEED: Effusive Political Adoration Does Not Lead to Social Change. At least not good social change.

SEEMING SOMEHOW APPROPRIATE THESE DAYS: The Road to Serfdom in cartoons. Ironically, courtesy of General Motors. Thanks to reader Andrew Dubinsky for the link. Dubinsky comments: “Perhaps your readers can determine which chapter we are currently on.” Well, Michael Ledeen has his own view.


UPDATE: Related thoughts from Roger Kimball.

A Deliberate Plan to Continually Attack Gov. Palin

493 posted on 02/15/2009 3:57:16 PM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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Inside source reveals FEMA & DHS preparing for mass graves and martial law near Chicago

Gerald Celente: "Worst Economic Collapse Ever"

Defusing A $5.5T Run On The Banks



Much commentary on the trillion-plus "stimulus package" has noted its wastefulness and expansion of government power into every crevice of an individual citizen's life. But no one has caught what should be blindingly obvious: We have unilaterally disarmed ourselves of the financial power to wage war. The cost of this bill surpasses the total outlay of the combined wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and will serve as the irrefutable excuse for Obama's previously-expressed desire to de-weaponize our military. As the bill's costs mount - in welfare payments, health expenses, union kickbacks and more - we will simply be unable to summon the financial strength to answer attacks on our country. Combine this with the soon-to-come ending of sanctions against Syria and Iran, and the nationalization of our banks which can then freely convert to sharia finance models, and the situation is clear: Less than a month into Obama's presidency, the United States has already surrendered to radical Islam.

494 posted on 02/16/2009 1:21:54 AM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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Liberal Politicians: "Forget Controlling Guns; Let's Control the Ammo"

Gun owners are alarmed over what they're witnessing in Washington, DC and state legislatures across the country. Realizing they could not succeed in disarming American citizens, Liberal organizations and their political representatives have decided to allow armed citizens to possess all the guns they wish. The hitch is, according to political strategist Mike Baker, the so-called gun-grabbers have decided to track ammunition for those guns by encoding the cartridges and maintaining a database... also have provisions to make reloading illegal.

Democratic Leadership Requires Stimulus Job Access for Illegal Aliens -- Secret Negotiations

Change: Crazy Liberal Moonbats Want "Domestic Terrorists" Republicans "Prosecuted",

HBO Presents: Conservatives as Ignorant Racists Who Cling to God and Guns

Sorry, America, I'm the bearer of bad news

Towards the end of an American tour last week to promote my new book Welcome to Obamaland: I've Seen Your Future and It Doesn't Work, I began to feel ever so slightly guilty. Partly it was all those people I met still wearing their "Vote Obama" badges like religious talismans, still quite obviously brimming with audacious hope for their country's bright future under the new Obamessiah. Who was I to come from the other side of the pond and rain on their parade?

Mainly, though, it was because I'd never expected the Obama project to go pear-shaped quite so soon. Sure, it was nothing I hadn't predicted in the book: the cronyism, the corruption, the naivety, the incompetence, the wasting of taxpayers' money on pet, left-liberal causes. Even so, by the time I left Washington DC, I was feeling almost sorry for the guy. Couldn't he at least have had a honeymoon before the divorce papers came through?

It's still early days, of course, with plenty of "time for change". But, after only three weeks, Obama's presidency has begun more closely to resemble the shambles at the end of the John Major administration than the golden dawn we might have expected for this Tony Blair Mk II.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

The Teddy Bear of Terror

Barack Obama "Public Will Have 5 Days To Look At Every Bill That Lands On My Desk" (video)


How Democracies Become Tyrannies

If You Wanted To Intentionally Destroy This Country, What Would You Do? Uhh, we did it Nov. 4...


Bailout Guarantees at $9.7 Trillion and Counting: Who's Really in Charge Here?

The Stimulus Bill Smells of Turpentine (Cloward-Piven Strategy)

Uncle Jay Explains The Stimulus

Democrats Target Border Fence 30+ million new voters...

Greenwich ghost town (moribund Connecticut hedgers mansions)


Fraud in Medical Research - GSK Bribes Exposed

3 to 4.3 Billion Barrels of Technically Recoverable Oil —25 Times More Than 1995 Estimate—

“..Obama has cancelled leases for drilling on the Continental shelf and also limited drilling in Utah.”

What would you do if you wanted to continue America’s dependence on Muslim oil?

'Climate change' lacks teeth ('climate churn' or even 'climate convulsion' would better describe)

Chicago Sun Times: Burris Lied, And Liars Get Fired

495 posted on 02/16/2009 12:41:26 PM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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“Someone ought to find out where the paper editors all live and put their names and addresses up on the web.”

States’ Rights and the Growing Rebellion – A Status Report

Feds withhold highway funds, etc.
State withholds federal income tax withholding.
The Arizona Resolution is the best I've read so far.

Rush In A Hurry -- Obama to America: Hello, Suckers!

Obama administration defending Bush secrets (Hey Liberal Moonbats, how you like him now?)

UN urges G20 leaders to back "Green New Deal"


Experts say US "war on terror" eroded rights worldwide ... yes, the kleptocrats and dictator-lovers at the Useless nations, again...

Housing pattern crippled Phoenix

...people thinking their houses doubled in value in a couple of years and banks loaning twice what the homes were worth to people that couldn't afford it, crippled Phoenix.
Comin' to 0-Merica... wait, some are already here...

Somali radicals 'importing terror to UK' say intelligence analysts

Livni: Give up half of 'Land of Israel' MoonBat...

Housing pattern crippled Phoenix



Dear Mr. President, 'please make it rain candy'


Was Candidate Obama's "Civilian National Security Force" just established by Directive 1404.10?

Satellite Collision "Accident", Sub Collision "Accident":Obama being "tested"?- Prelude to nuke war?

496 posted on 02/16/2009 3:47:43 PM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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Evidence Unearthed Obamas Plan All Along Was to Repeal Clinton 96 Welfare Reform

Obama Plans Dramatic Changes to Reduce Nuclear Arsenal Kiss your sovereignty goodbye, 0-Merica...


Obama’s Revenge


They eyes have it

Obama Portrait GalleryAnd finally, while browsing the web this evening, I ran across Brad Warthen's blog at The State. Brad discovered some interesting pixellation embedded in the Obama- hope poster. Click on the photo to enlarge.

[cue spooky music...]


Los Angeles-based street artist Shepard Fairey is the man behind the design. Fairey first made a name for himself in the late '80s with black and white stickers featuring wrestling legend Andre the Giant. Fairey is known for putting his stickers and posters in unlikely and often illegal places. "That's always been my style," Fairey says. "I don't get permission. I just do it." He has the arrest record to prove it. And that's why, at first, he wasn't sure how the Obama campaign would feel about an artistic endorsement from him. But just before Super Tuesday, Fairey says, he got a call from the campaign telling him to go ahead and make a poster and distribute it in his typical guerrilla fashion.

The campaign asked him to make a poster. They approved it and asked him to distribute it. It speaks for itself.


FEMA Training Clergy to Quell Dissent During Martial Law (Video)

Obama cultist of the day

February 16, 2009 01:16 PM by Michelle Malkin130 Comments

"It’s people like her that elected Obama. Nothing else needs to be said about why that clown is in office. You get the government you deserve."

It just occured to me, this isn’t exactly a new phenomenon; remember the liberal woman  who publicly offered her, er, services to President Clinton as long as abortion remained legal during his presidency?

That was former Time mag reporter Nina Burleigh. On July 6, 1998, she told the Washington Post’s Howard Kurtz:

“I would be happy to give him [Clinton] a blow job just to thank him for keeping abortion legal. I think American women should be lining up with their presidential kneepads on to show their gratitude for keeping the theocracy off our backs.”

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JERRY POURNELLE ON California’s budget problems: “It is essentially the way the classical political philosophers would have predicted that democracy would go. It’s not so much that the voters vote themselves largess from the public treasury, although that certainly happens; it is that those with a particular interest, such as civil servants including teachers and prison guards unions will always organize effectively while those who are affected less directly won’t, and the result will go in one direction. We’re certainly getting an illustration of that in California.”

PICTURES FROM THE taxpayer protest in Seattle. Reportedly, there’ll be one in Denver tomorrow, and people are trying to organize them in Nashville and NYC.

More here.

Vintage kiddie books — Only OUTLAWS keep ‘em [Darleen Click]

While Dan exposes Henry Waxman’s [the Democrats' own Nosferatu] latest authoritarian crusade, let’s not forget the havoc that continues apace with his CPSIA (Consumer Product Safety Improvement [heh] Act of 2008).

As Walter Olson writes:

It’s hard to believe, but true: under a law Congress passed last year aimed at regulating hazards in children’s products, the federal government has now advised that children’s books published before 1985 should not be considered safe and may in many cases be unlawful to sell or distribute. Merchants, thrift stores, and booksellers may be at risk if they sell older volumes, or even give them away, without first subjecting them to testing—at prohibitive expense. Many used-book sellers, consignment stores, Goodwill outlets, and the like have accordingly begun to refuse new donations of pre-1985 volumes, yank existing ones off their shelves, and in some cases discard them en masse.

I have some beautiful children’s books I have kept for my kids and grandkids. A set of Bobbsey Twins from the early 1900’s, a volume of Biography of a Grizzly by Ernest Thompson Seton - also from the early 1900’s (my grandfather’s favorite childhood book). There are all my girls’ books from Beatrice Potter books to Chronicles of Narnia.

Love2learn blog has started an Illegal Books meme.

And don’t think that one will be able to use the Internet to slip some gently used baby clothes or old illustrated kiddie books into willing hands … cuz Henry is watching

In order to crack down on online sites such as Craigslist and Ebay, the CPSC says, they are currently working with an internet surveillance team to watch over the online marketplaces.

(h/t Ace)

497 posted on 02/17/2009 3:44:37 AM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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Is Nuclear Weakness on the Horizon?

No, it's the end of 0-Merica...

They’re Gunning For Us Now

The other shoe drops? (A national sales tax)

Foreign Policy as Magical Thinking [Talk, talk, more talk and appeasement]

Jihad camps in the USA

The 'truth to power' gap

Or, as Mark Steyn phrased it, “Speaking twaddle to power”.
did you catch this on the simulus pack.

Bill Would Turn Six Closed Bases into Emergency Shelters

Brzezinski: ‘Hell, There Could Be Even Riots’

Our Passage Into A Gathering ‘Night’ of Uncertainty

Hillary Trashes Christians

Bill, Hillary and Barack the Kenyan all have Indonesian connections.

Does “follow the money” apply here?

Oboma's body language

498 posted on 02/17/2009 1:43:11 PM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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Children Taught to Pray to Obama


The Price Of Fear

Trading Away Missile Defense

The White House's missing documents (Unannounced Executive Orders)


It seems Ann Coulter is now one of the bad guys --  can you say nookin futz!?!


Hey KGS, you left out Sean Hannity. Sean and Ann in a 24-hour period! Sweetness and Light takes down Charles's smear of Ann here. And now Johnson is after Hannity too -- there is no homegrown jihad? WTF is this?

And he belched:

 the “anti-jihad movement,” it is well and truly dead.

Uh, no. No it's not. Although 'No Johnson' has done everything in his greatly diminished power to kill it. Picking off every member of the resistance one by one.

LGF is truly dead.

Related stooopidty here and here and  ........... fuggeduhbouddit!

| | Comments (25)

"LGF must stand for Lost, Gone and Forgotten.

I agree that the left, the media, as well as islam is doing it's best to make conservatives look more and more like a "fringe" element of our society. It is THEIR stereotype that they are trying to stamp on anyone or any organization that is taking a stand for freedom, and conservatism. It is another intimidation tactic.

Because someone is concerned about Obambie and his administration (and rightly so) aquesing to his muslim friends they are quickly accused of being a "right wing lunatic".

'Re: Homegrown Jihad, I have more stories about it here:


And here:


Freedom of speech no longer exists in the nation that gave the world the Magna Carta. It has been replaced by Islamist tyranny.

I wish I could put it less bluntly, but the facts are against me. The British government -- my government, unfortunately -- has just sent a message to the world that no longer will it stand up for First Amendment-style principles. From now on, if you don’t like what someone has to say, our surrender-monkey government is quite happy to ban them from saying it. Provided, of course, you happen to be a Muslim.

You may not remember the name Geert Wilders, but you should. He’s the Dutch parliamentarian who gave us the 14-minute movie, Fitna.

If you haven’t seen it, you should. If you’ve seen it, you should take the time to see it again.

FABIUS MAXIMUS: “The media doing what it does best these days, feeding us disinformation.”

READER MATT HOLTZMANN WRITES: “Today’s Times has a front page expose’ of the secret drone base in Pakistan. It tells all, including fuel usage. This should immediately result in censure of Dianne Feinstein. She has recklessly endangered American lives once again. She should have her security clearance pulled at the very least.”


STILL MORE PICS from the Denver taxpayers’ rally.

Plus, news coverage in The Examiner and the Denver Post. From the latter:

As President Barack Obama’s pen touched paper today to make the federal stimulus bill law, hundreds of people rallied on the west side of the Colorado Capitol to decry the stimulus as irresponsible.

Protesters chanted, “No more pork!” and a few wore costume pig noses. They waved giant $30,000 novelty checks, representing the amount they said the stimulus would cost individual taxpayers. . . .

Many in the crowd professed great skepticism about whether the stimulus would spur the economy.

“I just think there’s no stimulus here,” said Peter Paulos of Denver. “It’s all pork barrel, and I think there are some hidden measures in it. Nobody really read the bill.”

Well, that’s certainly true.

Slash Taxes- Starve a feeding bureaucrat

MORE: Still more coverage, plus a photo slideshow.

Plus, reader Fred LaSor writes: “Did you notice who was NOT at the Denver Taxpayers’ Protest? Tim Geithner. ‘Cause he’s not a taxpayer?” Heh. Not really fair, but . . . not really unfair.



Plus, “Yes we care.” “Community organizing helped propel Barack Obama to the White House. It could work for fiscal conservatism, too.” Still more here. And reader Judith Sears emails:

I went to the Denver Pork Protest today. I don’t have a camera, so no pics. There was a good crowd - I’d guess 250 - 300, but I’m no expert. Somebody announced to us that the signing had only attracted about 75…but it was invite-only. The protest crowd was pumped and enthusiastic. The organizers brought up a pig, which got the most applause. Unfortunately, the Colorado Republicans are uninspiring speakers and didn’t seem to get the point that this was a rally - a time for chanting and hooting and hollering. Most read their speeches - poorly - and the speeches, although okay on substance, sounded like something that should be delivered on the floor of the House or Senate, not something for pumping up the base for a long political struggle. Nevertheless, we cheered whenever we got the chance and got some “No More Pork” chants going in between speakers.

Was anybody else there? Oh, yeah, here are more pictures.

And more pictures here.

POLITICO ON STANFORD FINANCIAL: Accused fraudster gave big to Dems. So, expect this story to die?

Plus, Dan Riehl is connecting the dots.

L.A. TIMES ROUNDS UP reactions to the stimulus-bill signing.

UPDATE: “The beginning of the end?”

ANOTHER UPDATE: “The administration official said the president was reserving for himself any decision on the viability of G.M. and Chrysler.”

Kind of a striking phrase, isn’t it?

MORE: “What you didn’t see.”

Nutroots suddenly hypersensitive about Nazi/president comparisons

February 17, 2009 11:38 PM by Michelle Malkin

For eight years, we’ve heard “Bushitler” invoked endlessly.

Nutroots suddenly hypersensitive about Nazi/president comparisons

By Michelle Malkin  •  February 17, 2009 11:38 PM

For eight years, we’ve heard “Bushitler” invoked endlessly.


And again.

And again.

And again.

And again:

But now, get this.

The left-wing blogosphere is suddenly up in arms over the sight of others mimicking their over-the-top rhetoric of the past eight years.

27 Comments | 2 Trackbacks
"I am just mentally picturing Jessie “The Body” Ventura, taking the mini-gun out of its case…. “Payback Time.” (Predator)"
"Just as NOW showed their true colors with Clinton, so do the leftists now that their Fearless Leader is president. "
"We should never compare Obama to Hitler. He’s much more like Mussolini."
"The only people I’ve compared to Nazis in the past are Feminists. 55 million babies and counting certainly qualifies. But I see many similarities in ideology in Obama, and his wanting a National Security force makes my skin crawl."
"You’ve got to be kidding me. I thought dissent was patriotic..."
ACORN-holed [Dan Collins]

Rob at Say Anything:

I just heard Rep. Michelle Bachman (R- MN) on the Scott Hennen show refer to ACORN getting $2 billion (yes, that’s billion) in new funding from the “economic stimulus” bill Obama and Democrats ram-rodded through Congress with as little debate and scrutiny as possible.

Frustrating, no? Bachman noted that the payment to ACORN wasn’t a “stimulus,” it was a pay off. Presumably for ACORN’s efforts in fraudulently registering Democrat voters across the country.

Well Bachman also noted that after she finally got the 1,000 page final version of the bill just after midnight on Friday, the one she was to vote on within 24 hours, many of the line items in the bill that appropriated millions of dollars had vague descriptions like “education” and “supplies.”

Census. Oppo researcher. Fairness Doctrine. ACORN. Transparency.

Way to go, Kickback Boy!

Not to be a total downer, so wish Patterico a happy 6th blogiversary.

Just so’s you knows who your masters are:

White House seeks to rein in executive pay excesses

Report: Postmaster Gen. Rakes In Big Bucks

Burma Shave

The Fascist States of America

Michael Reagan: Requiem for a Republic (Hussein is THE most leftist - what did you expect?)

Reparations: Overlooking African Complicity in the Slave Trade

Barack Hussein Obama's Family Were African Slave Traders; his Mama's family owned!

499 posted on 02/18/2009 2:03:59 AM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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What Obama Is Doing With Your Medical Records

Another take here:

Stimulus Bill Pushes for Universal E-Health Records

Obama’s War Against the Elderly

Democrats sneak Net neutrality rules into 'stimulus' bill (anti-1st Amendment)

State Department Floating Ammo Import Ban

Gee how convenient...those rounds must encompass 95% of the guns out there.

To put a finer point on it, these are the calibers used in the firearms that they don't want us to have.

Dispelling the myth of “The Wild West”

These are interesting times in the fight to protect and enhance our rights as gun owners. In Wisconsin, we stand on the eve of an historic court ruling regarding open carry. In Texas, South Carolina, Oklahoma and Arkansas, local activists have succeeded in making their voices heard regarding restoring open carry to these otherwise gun-friendly states. With all of this pro-gun activity, it should come as little surprise that the anti-gun forces are out in-force repeating their aged mantra … “This isn’t the wild west.”

And this rhetoric is not limited to anti-gunners. Recently, I was quoted in a USA Today article about the open carry initiatives around the country and in that article, Texas Senator Jeff Wentworth (R), a supposedly pro-gun legislator denounced open carry saying "I think that's harkening too far back to the Wild West."

With all this talk of “The Wild West”, I thought it might be informative to look at the reality of crime in the “wild west” cattle towns and compare them to the peaceful streets of such eastern, gun-control paradises as DC, New York, Baltimore and Newark.

In his book, Frontier Violence: Another Look, author W. Eugene Hollon, provides us with these astonishing facts:

In Abilene, Ellsworth, Wichita, Dodge City, and Caldwell, for the years from 1870 to 1885, there were only 45 total homicides. This equates to a rate of approximately 1 murder per 100,000 residents per year. In Abilene, supposedly one of the wildest of the cow towns, not a single person was killed in 1869 or 1870.

Zooming forward over a century to 2007, a quick look at Uniform Crime Report statistics shows us the following regarding the aforementioned gun control “paradise” cities of the east:

DC – 183 Murders (31 per 100,000 residents) New York – 494 Murders (6 per 100,000 residents) Baltimore – 281 Murders (45 per 100,000 residents) Newark – 104 Murders (37 per 100,000 residents)

It doesn’t take an advanced degree in statistics to see that a return to “wild west” levels of violent crime would be a huge improvement for the residents of these cities.

The truth of the matter is that the “wild west” wasn’t wild at all … not compared to a Saturday night in Newark.

Dem’s Use “Stimulus” as Cover for More Gun Control

Christina Beam: Common ground on gun control

"If enacted, the Blair Holt gun control bill would require, among other things, that all handgun owners obtain a license for ownership and that all firearm sales go through a licensed dealer."

Well, OK by me, then. Just list which other rights she would support having a license for and which must go through a licensed rights broker.

[UK]Terror trial: 'suicide bombers plotted to blow up trans-Atlantic airliners'

Wall Street Pans Bam

Upside Down Economics

From television specials to newspaper editorials, the media are pushing the idea that current economic problems were caused by the market and that only the government can rescue us.

What was lacking in the housing market, they say, was government regulation of the market's "greed." That makes great moral melodrama, but it turns the facts upside down.

'St. Obama' Candles Spark Priest's Ire

Does the St. Obama candle burn at both ends?

Look out Below.... Barry's Approval Rating is Free-Fallin'!!!

The American sheeple spoke on Nov. 4, 2008, and they decided essentially to dismantle the country...

Is the Main Stream Media waking up?

No. Rush constantly warns against this. They KNOW this stuff is socialist crap, but their Messiah is behind it, so they won’t be too tough. It will eventually be laid at the feet of Republicans.

Awaiting the Awakening of the Forgotten Man

500 posted on 02/18/2009 11:25:06 AM PST by backhoe (All across America, the Lights are going out...)
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