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To: governsleastgovernsbest
2 posted on
11/06/2008 6:45:04 AM PST by
To: governsleastgovernsbest
I saw this and my JAW dropped!!! They are running DEFENSE like NO media has done since hiding FDR’s wheelchair!! PRAVDA HEAVY!
4 posted on
11/06/2008 6:46:40 AM PST by
Ann Archy
(Abortion.....The Human Sacrifice to the god of Convenience.)
To: governsleastgovernsbest
5 posted on
11/06/2008 6:46:40 AM PST by
("Duck I says... ")
To: governsleastgovernsbest
My job is to help this country. Retire, please!
6 posted on
11/06/2008 6:47:25 AM PST by
(Honk to indict the MSM for treason.)
To: governsleastgovernsbest
Our job is to never watch Matthews show.
9 posted on
11/06/2008 6:47:43 AM PST by
(Freedom prospers when religion is vibrant and the rule of law under God is acknowledged. The Gipper)
To: governsleastgovernsbest
I’m sure that Chrissy felt and said the same thing when W was first elected. /s
To: governsleastgovernsbest
What a patriotik Chris is.
Brings tears to your fibers.
12 posted on
11/06/2008 6:48:03 AM PST by
(Free Venezuela!)
To: governsleastgovernsbest
I can’t wait to vote against him when he runs for the Senate.
13 posted on
11/06/2008 6:48:41 AM PST by
(World Champion Phillies!)
To: governsleastgovernsbest
I saw it, and I could only start laughing. The rest of the panel was shocked, except for Joe.
Can you imagine the outcry if a journalist had said the same thing about any Republican?
14 posted on
11/06/2008 6:49:01 AM PST by
Night Hides Not
(McCain is Lucy, McCainiacs are Charlie Brown, & the football was a secure border...before Sarah.)
To: governsleastgovernsbest
Maybe he can tell us 1 plus 1 really equals 3 and the expiring Bush tax cuts will inspire patriotism.
He’d better get to work 24/7 on lowering the Obama voter expectations if he wants to keep his job as a journalist.
15 posted on
11/06/2008 6:49:30 AM PST by
(2 legs good, 4 legs baaaad!, ~~ Obama Hussein - You make it, we take it.)
To: governsleastgovernsbest
“Who is John Galt?” MSM. May your shares and jobs dry up.
17 posted on
11/06/2008 6:50:19 AM PST by
rollo tomasi
(Working hard to pay for deadbeats and corrupt politicians.)
To: governsleastgovernsbest
Chrissy sure has come a long way since Mission Accomplished where he praised Bush and was slamming Libs as against America.....wait what?
To: governsleastgovernsbest
My job is to tell everyone what an idiot Matthews is...oh wait ...I dont have to. He shows it nicely all by himself.
20 posted on
11/06/2008 6:51:00 AM PST by
(Will the real Obama please stand up?)
To: governsleastgovernsbest
My job is to make his employer BROKE.....
To: governsleastgovernsbest
The MSM are going to be the propaganda arm of Lord Buttock’s reign.
22 posted on
11/06/2008 6:51:38 AM PST by
(The 0bamanation: Marxism, Infanticide, Appeasement, Depression, and Thuggery)
To: governsleastgovernsbest
MATTHEWS: Yeah, it is my job. My job is to help destroy this country. There. Fixed it.
23 posted on
11/06/2008 6:51:46 AM PST by
To: governsleastgovernsbest
It’s a natural extension of his previous role, which was to make the Obama candidacy a success.
24 posted on
11/06/2008 6:51:47 AM PST by
Interesting Times
(For the truth about "swift boating" see
To: governsleastgovernsbest
First equipment order for the Obama White House: Knee pads.
To: governsleastgovernsbest
the founders of this country envisioned the role of the press as a check on government to help the electorate.
27 posted on
11/06/2008 6:52:06 AM PST by
(people die and you never hear from them again.)
To: governsleastgovernsbest
Chrissy has been appointed Chief Obama Rump-Swab of the MSM.
30 posted on
11/06/2008 6:53:24 AM PST by
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