Smart girl. Wish more celebs would do likewise.
This lady is smart and beautiful, a winning combination, provided of course she isn’t voting for “O.”
Weird. I had just downloaded one of her songs just before I turned on FR.
Agree 100%. Smart young lady.
Regardless of who she secretly supports - whether it’s McCain and she doesn’t want to alienate democrats or it’s Obama and she doesn’t want to alienate republican listeners - this is the smartest musician quote I’ve read in months. Maybe years.
Good for her!
I read an article about Taylor Swift voting for the first time. Seems like she said she was still trying to decide who to vote for while in line.
Sorry, Carrie. It’s a “McCain/Palin Tradition”
She’s a PETA stooge and most likely offended by Sarah’s non-gubernatorial activities if you know what I mean. Carrie’s most likely voting Obama, but has the common sense not to say it noting it might offend her country fans ala Dixie Chicks.
One smart star who did not want to lose half her fan base, well in her case probably just a quarter.
Couldn’t agree more. One of the few top contenders to act with a great degree of class at all times. Never back-talk following (rare) criticism. One of the few that Simon pegged right off the bat, that she would be the most commercially successful Idol winner of all previous (and certainly since) winners.
I suspect a “closest conservative”. Also, very smart in that she does not want to alienate half her fan base (or since she is country, perhaps 25% of her fan base).
Couldn’t agree more. One of the few top contenders to act with a great degree of class at all times. Never back-talk following (rare) criticism. One of the few that Simon pegged right off the bat, that she would be the most commercially successful Idol winner of all previous (and certainly since) winners.
I suspect a “closest conservative”. Also, very smart in that she does not want to alienate half her fan base (or since she is country, perhaps 25% of her fan base).
I guess if Bocephus is a celebrity that he don’t give a rip what Miss Underwood thinks of him.
I recall Alice Cooper saying something along those lines, too. It's a shame more celebrities can't take Laura Ingraham's advice to 'shut up and sing'.
Oh the irony.
Earned a lot of respect for him as a citizen, already had great respect for his acting skills.
If CU supports Hussein, she is absolutely doing the right thing by being quiet about it. Bless her for having more sense than the liberal HACKS in her field, particularly McGraw and Hill.
No wonder she is running circles around them--she is more talented and, as evidenced by these remarks, smarter.
Sugarland went down a notch in my book when they decided to sing at the Democrat ObamaFest in Denver.