The Peoples Temple was initially structured as an inter-racial mission for the sick, homeless and jobless. [snip]"He preached a 'social gospel' of human freedom, equality, and love, which required helping the least and the lowliest of society's members.
Later on, however, this gospel became explicitly socialistic, or communistic in Jones' own view, and the hypocrisy of white Christianity was ridiculed while 'apostolic socialism' was preached."
HAD those craven editors at the Examiner not surrendered to Jim Jones and allowed the investigation to continue, the "rest of the story" would have seen daylight and over 900 could have had a chance.Other SF papers were afraid to investigate.
used "social activism and radicalized rhetoric" to whip his followers into a fervor
was a Marxist Messiah who made people think that everything would be fine if they would follow his lead
promised change and equality.
intimidated the media when they were critical of him
was charismatic
had a Temple as his stage
gave speeches in which he talked about the injustices of the US, especially with regards to Blacks and how US government was coming to get them, to destroy them.
did not like to have disparity between the rich and the poor
had the support of Leftist leaders
had a seat on San Francisco's housing commission
had a supportive relationship with radicals like Angela Davis; Russell Means of the American Indian Movement received a donation,
Jones and his temple had connections with members of the Symbionese Liberation Army (which had kidnapped Patty Hearst)
promised to bring CHANGE to the world.