Posted on 10/24/2008 8:43:03 PM PDT by kristinn
Florida TV reporter Barbara West asked hard hitting questions of Joe Biden in an interview broadcast yesterday.
Biden was shocked when asked if Obama's spread the wealth plan was Marxist.
The four minute interview was not the typical softball CNN-MSNBC-ABC-CBS-NYT-LAT-WAPO-AP questions.
The Orlando Sentinel reports the Obama campaign was furious at West and called her "unprofessional" and "combative".
Biden also specifically denied Obama's plan was to "spread the wealth," a direct contradiction of what Obama famously told Joe the Plumber.
Click the source link to view the video. Popcorn and your favorite beverage highly recommended to enhance your viewing pleasure.
Joe the Gaffer was PISSED!!
Thank you for sharing the link! WOW! I’ll be sharing this!
Anyone know how to contact / email Ms. West? I’d love to thank her for helping in exposing Obama/Biden’s socialist agenda!
I now consider myself one of “the far right wing of the conservative party”! Thanks Joe!
McCain/Palin .. Country First!
PJ, check out THIS Biden video.
for your amusement...
Obama campaign paid over 800K to acorn, who is “joe the plagiarizer” kidding?
Wow, too bad she’s a local anchor. Isn’t Biden smarmy and condescending?
Wow! That’s the first tough questions asked of him in this campaign.
He was a little rattled.
Great Job!
Here’s the direct link. This is a great example of how much of a smart ass Biden is:
Finally, a Libbie like Biden runs into someone from the media who isn’t fawning all over him with softball questions.
Barbara West gave Biden some tough questions as is to be expected if this campaign were normal and had a BALANCED media.
Biden’s flippant remarks to her questions:
—”Let’s get real now”
—Asked about Obambi’s MARXIST policies, he says “Are you serious?” “Is that a real question?”
—”I don’t know who’s writing your questions”
He’s being a total smart ass and disrespectful.
Look at Biden about to blow a fuse at 4:22 when she says “Getting back to the ‘Spreading the wealth’ question...”
Biden shakes his head slightly and knits his brow as if he’s about ready to punch her out.
He’s a mean S.O.B. A dirty politician.
McCAIN should use this as an advertisement!!!
what he said was "we never gave money to ACORN to pay for voter registration.
They did give money to ACORN. It's just they gave it to a different wing of the same bird.
An honest journalist.
Direct link
Most folks do not realize that ACORN was started in Arkansas by a Weather Underground terrorist named Wade Rathke and it was originally called Arkansas Community Organization for Reform Now. When the movement went national they switched the name quickly to drop the 'Arkansas' and use Association.
National and local media, take note! Earn your respect back by asking Obama and Biden these and other tough questions. America deserves answers. And, btw, when there is one national press, there won't be enough jobs for all of you. You need to help defeat these controlling jerks for your own good.
The Bush Tax Rate Cuts increased overall revenue by 37%. The “rich” pay more of the overall income taxes than ever.
The bottom 50% only pay 3.7% of all income taxes.
Ten million taxpayers, previously in the 15% bracket, were taken off the tax rolls completely. The Bush Tax Rates will expire in 2011 unless Congress and the next President act. If that happens, everyone's taxes go up, not just the "rich". Yet, to the uninformed viewer, it looks like Plugs Biden has all the answers and the reporter is one sided. I looked at this with the typical “ignorant” voter in mind, and I am not convinced that it was bad for the Democrat.
Flame away...
She can kiss that network job goodbye! In fact, she’ll probably find her cat dead on her doorstep.
I proposed marriage.
And I'm going to go against the grain on one point. I think it was more emphatic, if you will, in her NOT asking follow-ups.
It made her look more "removed" or "unphased" of having hit him with straight-forward, crisp questions.
I actually think that it bugged Biden more that she didn't follow up. It actually removed any label on her of being "combative," (as Biden so falsely claimed.)
And it made him look like "sure, sure, Joe...anything you say, Joe. Okie-dokie."
I liked her style...perfectly.
Shows he doesn't think women are smart??? Is that what he means? Ol'Joe, you really need to go back to Obama's reeduction lab for some more treatments. Michelle is out, you can take her spot.
this video looked stage to give biden a good interview...
she had the opportunity to follow up with obama being wrong in iraq but didn’t go there... went back to socialism to give biden’s who’s writing your questions... the extreme right o fthe republican party.l..\\\
she’s a toadie.
Howzzat again Joe? Are we advocating some kind of co-Presidency? John McCain and/or Brack 0bama...
If the info-Babe had just asked a few follow-ups, we might have seen Joe get up and walk off the set. "What about the $800,000 Barack kicked back to ACORN for GOTV efforts?" "How do 95% get a refund if only 60% actually pay taxes?" Well, it was a good, if not perfect, moment.
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