A few people here demonstrated how actually going out of ones way and reasonably bringing it up in civil conversation creates converts. I’ve been doing that, that’s how conservatism has survived and that’s what it’s going to take if you want to see a semblance to the country you grew up in.
Our growing reliance for information through electronic means has quietly displaced our going over to next door and striking up a conversation. This has led to distrust of the real people we should know and rely upon in favor of an artificial facade that won’t be there if emergencies occur in real life.
I try to get about and strike up these “old timey” relationships with half of the people regarding me as government, criminal or pervert. As I’ve been as nice as possible this shows that the general population has become quite paranoid when confronted by a neighbor compared to their father’s generation. It it weren’t for pets immediately recognizing that I’m a good guy no doubt I’d have been shot for my efforts.
What a sad, distrustful and self-involved state we’ve become as a whole. That isn’t right. The Democrats reap from that while the Republicans can’t seem to see how this trend works against them.
I’m saying the breakdown of neighborhoods and communities are breaking down America itself for the sake of agendas that work against us.
No shock.