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PALIN ATTACKS OBAMA WITH AYERS (Story breaking everywhere!) ^
| , October 04, 2008
| by Mark Murray
Posted on 10/04/2008 2:08:44 PM PDT by Maelstorm
"This is not a man who sees America as you see it and as I see America," Palin said today. "We see America as the greatest force for good in this world. If we can be that beacon of light and hope for others who seek freedom and democracy and can live in a country that would allow intolerance in the equal rights that again our military men and women fight for and die for, for all of us."
She then continued, "Our opponent though is someone who sees America, it seems, as being so imperfect that he's palling around with terrorists who would target their own country."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: Colorado
KEYWORDS: billayers; co2008; obama; palin; radicalleft; woodshed
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To: Steel Wolf
Thanks for the translation...
posted on
10/04/2008 2:43:32 PM PDT
("Duck I says... ")
To: HerrBlucher
True enough for the younger teachers I work with. I try to give them a history of the times and people. I never knew Ayers and Dohrn, but I knew radicals who did know them. The SDS and WU were networked quite effectively in the late 60s and early 70s. The SDS guys I knew at Fordham may have been third team when compared to Ayers, but they knew and communicated with them. These guys I went to school with and sometimes shared a drink or a class with were anti American Stalinists and many still are.
posted on
10/04/2008 2:43:47 PM PDT
(Freedom is purchased not with gold, but with steel.)
To: nikos1121; All
So they’re finally getting off their duff one month before the election after all this time being visciously attacked, and allowing Sarah to attack. (somewhat) Is it too little too late?
McCain needs to forget etiquette and running a respectful campaign, as he put it.
If he doesnt get off his duff and get out there and hit Obama every day, hes handing the presidency over to Barack Hussein Obama.
Why is he not mentioning such things as Obama trying to turn Missouri into a police state? Obama trying to turn our children into Hitler youth?
Email Republican headquarters/McCain.
To h*ll with bipartisian BS!
To h*ll with PC!
To h*ll with conducting a respectful campaignas McCain has said, and vowed to do.
lipstick on a pig and You can wrap AN OLD FISH in a piece of paper called change. Its still going to stink after eight years.
Take off the gloves, McCain!
Hit the Marxist/Muslim hard with Ayers, Acorn, Violation of Logan Act, abortion, 2nd admendment, Campaigning for Odinga!!
MCCAIN WEBSITE Fax: 202-228-2862
Send a fax FREE:,,,,,,,
(all the Republican movers and shakers)
To: tiredoflaundry
posted on
10/04/2008 2:44:16 PM PDT
(Moses dragged us through the desert for 40 years to the one place in the ME with no oil - Golda Meir)
To: Dr. Bogus Pachysandra
“In fact, the very newspaper story Gov. Palin cited in hurling her shameless attack made clear that Senator Obama is not close to Bill Ayers, much less pals,” This clown actually takes the NY Slimes seriously?!
Oh, I forgot, he's a leftist.
He takes everything the “UPTOWN DAILY WORKER” writes seriously.
To: nobama08
They’re not in the tank for Obama, they’re in the barrel.
posted on
10/04/2008 2:44:52 PM PDT
(2 Timothy 3:1-5)
To: jeepers creepers
You could also read it to mean that Palin and Ayers attacked Obama.
To: Maelstorm
JUDGEMENT matters!
CHARACTER matters!
Through his adult life obama has consistently used poor JUGEMENT with surrounding himself with people with bad CHARACTER.
Not able to judge - Not ready to lead!!!!
To: mainepatsfan
Yep! Slam Bam Give Me That Wink!
posted on
10/04/2008 2:47:41 PM PDT
Red_Devil 232
(VietVet - USMC All Ready On The Right? All Ready On The Left? All Ready On The Firing Line!)
To: All
Palin: Obama, terrorists "pals"
By Karen E. Crummy
The Denver Post
ENGLEWOOD Announcing that the "gloves are off, the heels are on," Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin today accused Barack Obama of "palling around with terrorists who would target their own country" a reference to the Democrat's association with a former 1960s radical.
Palin, stopping in Colorado for a fundraising event, stepped up her attacks on Obama as she and John McCain attempt to shift focus from the economy to Obama's character and personal contacts. In the past week, polls show Obama has made inroads in key battleground states.
Bill Ayers, to whom Palin was referring, was a founder of the Weatherman, a radical, antiVietnam war group that targeted bombs at buildings, including the Pentagon and the U.S. Capitol.
Obama, who has condemned both Ayers and the group's views, met Ayers years ago while a politician in Chicago. They lived a few blocks from each other. He once sat on a charity board with Ayers between 1999-2002.
When asked about the relationship in a primary debate, Obama said "This is a guy who lives in my neighborhood, who's a professor of English in Chicago who I know and who I have not received some official endorsement from. He's not somebody who I exchange ideas from on a regular basis." He went on to point out that he shouldn't be held accountable for "detestable acts" that happened when "I was 8 years old."
Speaking to about 500 donors in a hangar at Centennial airport, Palin, the governor of Alaska, said she and McCain see America as "the greatest force of good in this world."
"Our opponent, though, is someone who sees America, it seems, as being so imperfect, imperfect enough, that he's palling around with terrorists who would target their own country," she said. "This is not a man who sees America as you see America and as I see America."
The Obama campaign called Palin's comments "offensive" and "Swift-boat like."
"What's clear is that John McCain and Sarah Palin would rather spend their time tearing down Barack Obama than laying out a plan to build up our economy," said Obama-Biden spokesman Hari Sevugan.
Palin sandwiched her Colorado stop between fundraising events in Texas on Friday and California on Saturday night.
She held a special reception for VIP donors which cost $25,000 a person for coffee before the breakfast fundraiser. Those attendees paid anywhere from $1,000 to $2,500 a person. The McCain-Palin campaign refused to disclose how many people came to the coffee reception or how much money was raised.
Prior to arriving at the event, Palin stopped at Gunther Toody's diner in Greenwood Village to meet with some Blue Star Mothers, an organization of moms who have children serving, or have served, in the military. She spent more than 30 minutes talking to the group, shaking hands and smiling for photographs. Her 19-year-old son, Track, was deployed last month as a private with an Army combat team.
Although Palin told the Fox News Channel on Friday she would offer "whatever access the media would want," she took only one question, and reporters were permitted roughly five minutes in the diner.
As she left, a reporter asked if she was worried about declining poll numbers in key battleground states.
"I am not worried about it but just desiring more time and, you know, to put more effort in each one of these states," she said.
She also repeated her desire to return to Michigan where the McCain campaign pulled out of this week and reach out to its voters.
"Well, as I said the other day, I would sure love to get to run to Michigan and make sure that Michigan knows that we haven't given up there," Palin said. "We care much about Michigan and every other state."
Later at the fundraiser, Palin said that donors at the event had suggested she and McCain call "Obama on the carpet," and said a staffer advised her: "Sarah, the gloves are off, the heels are on, go get to them."
Karen Crummy: 303-954-1594 or
posted on
10/04/2008 2:48:13 PM PDT
LA Woman3
To: LA Woman3
posted on
10/04/2008 2:50:02 PM PDT
LA Woman3
To: patriot08
Someone posted here just now, that Reagan and Carter were tied in the polls three days, Nov 3 1980 before the election night.....
posted on
10/04/2008 2:50:54 PM PDT
(Obama-Biden Where's the beef?)
To: Marauder
Theyre not in the tank for Obama, theyre in the barrel. Heh.
They're not in the tank for Obama, they're under the desk. ;-)
posted on
10/04/2008 2:51:35 PM PDT
Steel Wolf
(Commander Barack "Spock" Obama, "But, Captain... that would be... illiberal...")
To: HerrBlucher
I was at a family reunion not long ago and I thought one young cousin was going to attack me when he asked if I was going to vote for 0bama. I said, “No, he’s a committed Marxist and so is anyone who votes for him.” I thought the fur was really about to fly, but he managed to control himself.
What I don’t understand is the mass hypnosis that appears to have seized this country.
posted on
10/04/2008 2:52:57 PM PDT
(2 Timothy 3:1-5)
To: Bobkk47
Kurtz and Diamond have the goods. McCain and Palin have all the info anyone would ever need. McCain’s too limp to really go hard at this. Hopefully, Palin will do even more than this one soundbite today. (Diamond’s Blog)
The Diamond blog has a good rejoinder to the NYTimes sugarcoating today. And, his archives are full of good reporting over the last several months.
posted on
10/04/2008 2:53:09 PM PDT
(Pray. Make Babies. Teach. Repeat.)
To: Maelstorm
Sarah’s interview.......... I get to bring this up not to pick a fight, but it was there in the New York Times, so we are gonna talk about it. Turns out one of Baracks earliest supporters is a man who, according to the New York Times, and they are hardly ever wrong,............
That is the sound of one hand clapping! (slapped up against the side of NYT face.....if I’m too vague).
posted on
10/04/2008 2:53:38 PM PDT
(I won't be happy until Jet-A is less than $2.00 a gallon)
To: Maelstorm
I don’t think this is going to change the minds of people set to vote for 0bomb....I’m sure they know what he is and it just dosen’t matter, but I do love the exposure and hope it helps.
posted on
10/04/2008 2:57:52 PM PDT
To: tessalu
“The real cause of financial trouble in America started when the jobs started fleeing the country.”
Jobs didn’t flee the country. Businesses fled to places where they were more welcome. Cut taxes, eliminate bureaucratic interference, and provide workers who are skilled, motivated and just as concerned about profitabiliy as they are about vacations, and those jobs will begin to return.
posted on
10/04/2008 2:58:27 PM PDT
To: Marauder
What I dont understand is the mass hypnosis that appears to have seized this country. 2 Thesalonians 2
9The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, 10and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.
posted on
10/04/2008 2:59:08 PM PDT
(I carry a gun because I can't carry a cop.)
To: nobama08
They say McCain/Palin are losing and are now using lies and they drink their kool-aid.
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