Posted on 09/12/2008 6:47:09 AM PDT by forkinsocket
He is one of the worlds foremost scholars of Islam and the Middle East. Bernard Lewis shares his thoughts on Iraq, Islamofascism, the roots of terrorism, and the two biggest misperceptions about the Muslim faith.
Foreign Policy: What do you see as the biggest misperception about Islam?
Bernard Lewis: Well, there are two. Sometimes one, sometimes the other, predominates. It depends when and where. I would call them the negative one and the positive one. The negative one sees Muslims as a collection of bloodthirsty barbarians offering people the choice of the Koran or the sword, and generally bringing tyranny and oppression wherever they go. And the other one is the exact opposite, what you might call the sanitized version, which presents Islam as a religion of love and peace, rather like the Quakers but without their aggressiveness. The truth is in its usual place, somewhere between the extremes.
FP: Do you believe in the clash of civilizations theory of Samuel P. Huntington, that the Islamic world and the West are destined to butt heads?
BL: Well, I dont go into destiny; Im a historian and I deal with the past. But I certainly think there is something in the clash of civilizations. What brought Islam and Christendom into conflict was not so much their differences as their resemblances. There are many religions in the world, but almost all of them are regional, local, ethnic, or whatever you choose to call it. Christianity and Islam are the only religions that claim universal truth.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
What's the misconception part?.................
“Christianity and Islam are the only religions that claim universal truth.”
What planet is this guy from? I’m not aware of any religion, including atheism, that doesn’t make such a claim.
Just as many people who call themselves Christians do not live up to the ideals of Christianity so most Muslims also do not hold to all of the tennents of their religion. The real core of the problem is that if a Christian does hold true to his beliefs he is likely to improve the world around him if a Muslim holds true to theirs it is likely to destroy the world around him.
I have met thousands of Muslims in my work at a University I would guess that I have had problems or concerns with about 10% of them. Most have been extremely polite, respectful, friendly etc. When I have talked to them about their religion they tell me about what they are taught - it seems like they do not even read the Koran (like many ‘Christians’ don’t read the Bible). It seems that if their Imam is a nice bloke and teaches about nice things then that is what they think their faith is of course the reverse remains true if their Imam is a nutter.
Most of the ones I have spoken to abhor terrorism. It’s a strange thing though that the converts to Islam I have met (whether English, Australian or American) tend to be more radical and make excuses for terrorism - i.e. It’s Bush’s fault etc.
This has generally been my experience also. It is especially true of those professionals who have been in the West for a number of years. It seems the newer or younger adherents get more riled up as well as those who do not assimilate.
A friend from Dubai considers a lot of these folks certifiable.
Islam over the last 14 centuries has brought slavery and disgrace to hundreds of millions of women, has led to economic ruin virtually every country it dominates, has destroyed democracy and promoted despotism in every country where it predominates, has led to the slaughter of tens of millions of innocent persons, stifles independent thought and reason, and has led billions of souls into hell.
I can think of no other philosophical system, with the possible exception of Marxism, which has brought so much misery.
It does seem that the better educated and the more they have exposure to western folks the more they realise that we are not little Satan’s. Also though, and I will give credit where it is due, some of the Imams are very nice fellows who love their flock and teach them about love and respect for others. I have met a few of them and they are so polite and friendly and they have talked with me about the love of family and God in most humble yet efferevescent tones.
I have also met a few nutters and they seem to only respond to stern words and having them put in their place and you know that they only back down because they are outnumbered in a foreign country. You have to treat these people like they are delusioned mental patients - clear, precise, forceful instructions so the certifiable part I can certainly understand.
It takes a peculiar and monumental mental blindness to call Christianity and islam "similar."
Might as well call "slaughterhouses" and islam similar today. I have no compunction about that qualitative image.
That's cute, but a totally useless and dangerous observation; part of the problem.
With Christianity, the disproportionate number of "bad" Christians, does not run into random murder, destruction, chaos and mayhem
If there have been homicidal demonstrations of Christians screaming incoherently with insane blood-lust in their eyes world-wide, I manged to miss them all.
Wish I could say the same for islam.
Sorry dude, I know crap when I see it.
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