They better be careful. The American people might just canonize Gov. Palin. Saint Sarah.........kinda has a good ring to it....don’t ya think?
I don't think this is true at all.
I'll vote for her because of her ideas.
But it is true that the blue staters hate her because she's a mom.
My advice to you is not to underestimate just how fed up many of us ‘out here’ are with Washington and politics in general. Many of us are at the point of desperation. We are ready for change, the kind of change that will assure our great nation of another 200 years of leading the the world.
Like Rumsfeld said, you fight the war with the army you got. Well, we've gotta fight this war with what we've got, and right now in large part that Sarah! Sarah! Sarah!. I (literally) thank God for sending us this bright area on the horizon. I doubt you media types realize just how dark the horizon was for us conservative before that bright flash and her sudden appearance.
Yes, we are very prone to over doing it and making her to us what liberals have made Obama to them. But I think we're working with a much better seed stock!
BIG difference between Hillery and Sarah.
Todd (supporter of his wife and his family) VS. Bill (supporter of Bill).
Yeah, not so much. This lady has made a permanent impact. She's here to stay. After veep, she's going to make it to the White House. It's going to be Palin/Pence 2016 & 2020, Pence/Jindal 2024 & 2028, Jindal/? 2032.............
I think the blogger is essentially correct in the sense that Women who weren’t really political now will be due to Sarah Palin’s presence on the ticket.
Should be interesting to see how this manifests itself politically, if the massive turnout for Sarah Palin happens in the manner I suspect, a new political force will emerge..
What that will mean no one can say right now.
You wish, Kay. Millions of women believe just the opposite because they've "multitasked" family, work, church, and community just fine. It doesn't mean they wouldn't like a day alone in a bubble bath, but they know it can be done. And that snarky comment about estrogen levels doesn't work either - there are many thousands of women who own and operate their own businesses and don't consider their "estrogen levels" to be a liability. Bitter old feminist hag.
My partner (and wife of 35 years) and I discuss all the major decisions. We each seek out the other's point of view. It has created a powerful team. Where one is stronger, the other becomes the supporting actor. It works. After I retired, my partner decided that she wanted to fulfill her dream of getting into law enforcement. I fully supported her. she went through the Federal law Enforcement Training Center at age 55 and finished despite being seriously injured in training. She has the HEART OF A LION. Her only handicap is that she's very petite. She even overcomes that by doing things differently than say I would. What a woman!!! I smile every time I think of her.
That's how I see Sarah Palin. She must truly terrify those who stake everything on "feminism" the way Gloria Steinem would describe it.
Andrea Dworkin
Betty Friedan
Robin Morgan
and lest I forget, Helen Thomas
Would I be right to say Robin Morgan takes the trophy for beauty queen ?
The disruptive powers of excessive national fecundity may have played a greater part in bursting the bonds of convention than either the power of ideas or the errors of autocracy.
- John Maynard Keynes (18831946)
What ignorance this statement displays!
The Sarah Palins in the red states absolutely do not have "a tendency to sentimentalize and trivialize politics." Rather, they tend to give great significance to politics by, in many cases, taking on the home schooling of their children in order to teach them the ideas of freedom embodied in their Declaration of Independence and Constitution; they serve in PTA's, on school boards, City Councils, Boards of County Commissioners, and they treasure the underlying idea of their nation's liberty by understanding it is the idea of Creator-endowed life and liberty that makes rights "unalienable" for each citizen.
This writer displays an amazingly naive and condescending attitude in her reference to "a more mature political culture."
She should read Alexis de Tocqueville's 1830's treatise on "Democracy in America." His observations about the citizens of the American backwoods possessing more intellectual abiliity than could be observed in all of the "mature political culture" (as she calls it) of France might enlighten her small, provincial worldview.
Guess he must have met someone from a small village like Wasilla!
Dear liberals,
Please keep up the smears on Gov. Palin, its doing wonders for our poll numbers and donations.
Your future President,
Sen. John S. McCain
Apparently they are still around.