Posted on 08/18/2008 4:56:08 AM PDT by
In 1981, a group of internationally known scientists appeared before a Senate judiciary subcommittee to answer the question, When does human life begin? Their answers are below and make Pro-Aborts very uncomfortable. But nowhere near as uncomfortable as the last moments of life will be for the 3,500 babies who will be aborted tomorrow.
At the Saddleback Civil Forum on the Presidency, Rev. Rick Warren asked both candidates the question: At what point does a baby gets human rights. McCains answer was direct At the moment of conception.
Obamas answer was the non-answer heard round the political world. His voting record is solidly Pro-Abortion and as an Illinois senator he defended Live Birth Abortions for three years. So why didnt Obama answer at birth or at birth as long as the mother does not want the baby to die?
answering that question with specificity is, you know, above my pay grade..
No Sen. Obama. Answering that question with specificity would abort your campaign.
We must hammer home the SCIENTIFIC FACT that LIFE BEGINS AT CONCEPTION. We have to take control of the language used in the abortion debate. We must stop Pro-Aborts from confusing the issue by claiming the question about the beginning of life is a theological matter. It is biological science.
And abortion itself is a civil rights issue.
Late to the thread, and haven’t read all the posts closely. What kind of an answer is this “above my pay grade” nonsense? BHO is running for the Presidency of the USA. There is no “higher pay grade” than this. The POTUS is asked to make life and death decisions that affect large numbers of people. If he ain’t up to the pay grade, don’t apply for the job. This is a hard question only for those who don’t want to admit the obvious. The “ProChoice” crowd needs the old tag of “ProAbortion”. Facts are facts. State for the record that they are willing to disregard the life of the unborn child. Don’t nuance around about this possibly not being “life”.
There are pluses and minuses to the influx of foreign cash for democrat candidates: it brings money back into the country from those to whom we’ve paid it for oil and foreign aid; the influx of millions and millions goes to strengthen the media which is paid to promote these marxist democrats.
That was a good point. He supports and votes for a philosophy that posits that people don’t have “human rights” until they’re born. Why not just say that?
**It is truly amazing how Obama could say so little with so many words, while McCain said so much with just a few.**
McCain has gravitas and is ready to be the Presdient as well as the Commander in Chief.
Expect a landslide for McCain. (My prediction)
Obama pay grade comment purposely ignores SCIENTIFIC FACT that LIFE BEGINS AT CONCEPTION
Barack Obama Repeats False Claim Abortions Haven't Declined Under Bush
Obama and Abortion
Obama Says Right to Life Coalition Is Lying About His Record
Barack Obama Says Pro-Life Group Lying About His Pro-Infanticide Votes
Obama's infanticide problem>
Obama and McCain Woo Catholics
Obama's Christian Creds Vs. Abortion and Infanticide
Obama's 10 reasons for supporting infanticide
Mommy Won't Help Dems on Abortion
Abortion Leader Confirms that Democratic Platform is More Pro-Abortion than Ever
Obama More Than An Abortion Radical
Obamas Abortion Lies (Obama cover-up on born-alive survivors bill)
Life with Obama: Abortion champion
Knighting the Catholic Vote (K of C urging Catholics to vote pro-life)
Linda Chavez: Obamas Catholic problem
Catholic Voters and 2008
Barack Obama Supports the Murder of Newborn Infants
Obama Lied About Abortion Record
What Barack Obama defended three times: Live Birth Abortion
[OPEN] Supreme K of C Calls for Real "Change" on Abortion and Catholic Revolt against Obama Nation
Obama's Catholic Problem ( Linda Chavez )
Obamas View on Abortion May Divide Catholics ( "May Divide?" )
Obama loses 26 points among Catholics
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Barack Obama's Pledge to Overturn Every Pro-Life Abortion Law One Year Old
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Roman Catholics for Obama '08
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Barack Obama Slams John McCain For Opposing Abortion, Activist Judges
Catholics and Obama
COMMENTARY: Quandry for Catholics At Election Time
The Latest Refinement (Obama on Abortion)
CNN Runs Biased News Story Covering Up Barack Obamas Pro-Abortion Record
Jill Stanek: Obama's biggest lie about supporting infanticide
The Battle for Catholic Voters
New Report Indicates Voters Most Interested in Barack Obamas Position on Abortion
Deal Hudson: Obama and Infanticide?
Ad asks Obama: If fatherhood begins at conception, when does life begin?
Embryonic stem-cell research immoral, unnecessary, bishops say
Catholics should not vote for Obama
Catholic Caucus: It is a sin to vote/support Obama/DNC [abortion]
More Catholics leaning towards Democrats, poll reports (really not Catholics)
The Catholic-Obama Problem (Pope Benedict XVI instructs Catholics about pro-abortion candidates)
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Editorial: Disagreeing with Doug Kmiec One More Time
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Commentary: Faithful Citizenship and the Formed Conscience
Catholic League: Where's Obama's 'Catholic Advisory Council'? [Not to be found!]
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Catholics Debate Obama Vote
US Bishops Urge Voters to Give Priority to Life [Ecumenical]
Corralling the Catholic vote: Political necessity or pipe dream?
DOUG KMIEC: Catholic Reasons for Hope in the General Election
EDITORIAL: Why This Catholic Dreads the Campaign
The Catholic-Obama Problem (Pope Benedict XVI instructs Catholics about pro-abortion candidates)
Thoughts On Roman Catholics For Obama
How Obama's Catholics Will Dodge the Infanticide Question
Catholic Pro-Life Leader Feuds With Barack Obama's "Catholic" Backers
McCain and the Pope: McCain cannot win in November without the Catholic vote (Reagan re-visited?)
Catholics Cannot Vote for Pols Who Support Abortion, Except for Morally Grave Reasons: KY Bishops
"Living organisms
That's from my son's 8th grade Life Science book.
A doctor who cannot tell the difference between a live embryo and a dead one is --- at the very least --- unqualified to be an OB/GYN.
From your keyboard to God's monitor!
//I will not be voting for any pro-abortion candidate//
Me either.
Anyone calling themselves a Christian need only to look up a few Bible passages, and they will have their answer. Christ Jesus righteous anger at the swindlers selling things in the temple has nothing on the anger of whole-sale slaughter of innocent beings HE has created.
And, if you take the morally squishy route of
“I’m not sure when life begins”
what does it say about your moral character when you err on the side of killing something that you’re not sure is NOT human?
Of course, you can “logic trap” a leftist. They are “comfortable with contradiction”.
errr... you CAN’T “logic trap” a leftist.
Thanks for your 48. I get so furious with that kind of stupidity you took care of that I normally have to ignore it. Thanks!
In the classic "Hunters in the Underbrush" scenario, two hunters are out in the woods hoping to bag some deer. They become separated, and before long, one hunbter sees some movement in the bushes. He can't see what's making the bushes move. It could be his fellow hunter; it could be a deer.
Ethics question: Is he ethically permitted to shoot?
And the answer, class, is "No." Class, you cannot shoot unless you are morally certain that you are not endangering a human life. In doubtful situations you are always required to give "the benefit of the doubt" to human life.
Obama claims to be an advocate of human rights: but his whole philosophy appears to be built up on a firm foundation of absolutely nothing. He doesn't know what a human being is. He doesn't know that human rights begin when human life begins, and human life begins at the beginning.
To put it simply, at the level of Obama's pay grade: human life is transmitted from generation to generation. And it is transmitted with every act of human reproduction which results in fertilization. If an offspring has been begotten, human life has been successfully transmitted to a new generation.
And --- "Pay grade?" --- excuse me. The Presidency of the United States is not an entry-level trainee position.
For some reason, I cannot look at “pay grade” on an Obama thread without seeing “gay parade”.
Anyway, he’s asking to be hired for THE HIGHEST pay grade in the world,
and the question of when life begins, in this context,
which he, as highest Executive, is charged with enforcing.
He MUST answer this question, or not be qualified for the office.
You are saying that of a black American who is a member of a political party that for decades, refused blacks their humanity, citizenship, civil rights and liberty.
A black American who admires Supremacist Margaret Sanger, founder of the eugenics movement (the fetus of planned Parenthood) whose aim was to wipe out blacks.
A black American who disagrees with a Dred Scott SC that denied blacks were human or entitled to citizenship, yet agrees with a Roe v Wade SC that denied babies were human or entitled to citizenship or life.
He's contradictory and hypocritical across the board.
I wish there was another candidate out there that I could vote for. Hopefully McCain picks a Pro-life candidate.
Repeating the that mantra that Life begins with conception is to confuse the terms and confuse the issue. Adding in the scientific definition of living does us less than no good. Do we have absolute protection for all living things? This goes beyond even PETA territory into Jainism. Jains sweep the road ahead of them to avoid stepping on bugs. They're alive after all.
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