Posted on 08/16/2008 2:19:15 PM PDT by HAL9000
Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia
On 16 August 2008 at approximately 4 p.m. local time, armed gangs of the Abkhazian separatist regime together with units of the Russian regular army shifted the administrative border of the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia towards the Enguri River. This caused the villages of the Zugdidi region Ganmukhuri and Khurcha, villages of the Tsalenjikha region Fakhulani, Tchale, Mujava and Fotskho-Etseri, as well as territory of the Enguri Hydro Power Plant and adjacent villages of Phichori, Otobaia, Nabakevi, Tagiloni, Chuburkhinji, Dikhazurga and Saberio to fall under the occupation of the Russian army and armed gangs of the Abkhazian separatist regime. In those villages Abkhazian separatist government set up temporary administration.
According to the reliable information, the criminal situation has rapidly deteriorated in the Georgian villages bordering the Enguri River. There are cases of physical abuse and looting. Abkhazian armed gangs together with Russian soldiers are robbing local population and smuggling the stolen goods to the other side of the Enguri River.
Furthermore, the Russian Federation still continues bombing of Georgian territories using the incendiary weapon prohibited by the International Convention. Today, at approximately 7 p.m. local time, Russian military helicopters bombed timber lands in the vicinity of the town Surami causing the new seats of fire.
Due to the extremely difficult situation, caused by the direct and uncovered occupation of Georgia by the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia calls upon the friendly countries and international community to provide urgent assistance in extinguishing the seats of fire across Georgia and again, condemns in the strongest terms Russian aggression against the sovereign state of Georgia.
Tbilisi, 16 August 2008
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Moveon? Code Pink? Anyone? Anyone at all?
Yeah Hal who are these people?
Which is just going to further add to the refugee burden in Tbilisi...
Georgia's Burning !
Aren’t “seperatisit” and “rebel”, etc, MSM code words for muslim?
Look at what Russia has started.
HUH?? What an alphabet soup mess!
Hey folks I have a brilliant idea, why doesn't the UN or whoever is in charge of that kind of thing just give every family in that region of the world their own little nation on a few acres of land and maybe build it a teensy weensy little capitol city in the middle? The citizens could call their nation the family surname with "stan" tacked on the end, for example "Tsalenjikhastan", name the capitol city after the family's favorite milk goat, and then apply for UN membership and US foreign aid all at the same time.
There must be dozens or scores of little one-horse nations in that area now who are perpetually at war with each other. Giving every family it's own national identity and some land for it's sovereign territory would add perhaps two or three thousand more little postage stamp size nations to the area, and that probably wouldn't cause any more fighting and killing than the present situation does. And it might even help smooth things over for the major nations in the Caucasus region, IOW Caucasian nations with over one thousand population.
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