Posted on 08/16/2008 2:03:10 PM PDT by Schnucki
GEORGIAN health minister Alexander Kvitashvili said 182 people, including 67 civilians, had been confirmed dead in the conflict with Russia.
Mr Kvitashvili said at a press briefing the conflict had also left 479 wounded so far, 157 of them civilians.
He said his number of dead and wounded included people only in areas controlled by Georgia, and there was evidence of mutilation of bodies.
"We're getting bodies mutilated, eyes gouged, arms severed," he said.
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Just the normal behavior of the Russian “army” and their Chechen thugs. And our press gets riled up by panties on the head. A free nation is being raped and butchered by barbarians and the “anti-war” crowd is DEAD silent.
Why would a health minister be concerned with dead people?
Dead folks have no health.
You seem surprised. Everything is so backwards now. Evil is good and good is now labeled evil. Honestly this sounds like the Chechens, which basically are mostly muslims. Russia’s hired thugs for creating terror. Hey we didn’t cut those people’s arms off it was the Chechens! Excuse me while I go throw up now.
This is SOP for Russia. They did the same to Berlin in 1945. And yes the American Left is silent - the useful idiots manipulated by our enemies.
Ain’t it something?
Russia needs to get slapped down.......hard and fast. Their ‘resurgence’ is nothing more than an attempt to resurrect the Soviet Union, and FAR too many of us put it on the line back in those years to win the Cold War.
I don’t want my sons fighting it all over again, damn it.
I don't understand why we aren't fighting these people.
Or at least the people that we trained could be fighting these people.
It doesn't look like Russia is worried about an "escalation."
And now he's sponsoring the same fiends to do the same to innocent people in Georgia. I know there are decent people in Russia; I just don't know how many. How I would love to see them rise up...
OTOH we know the destructive little rat got control of Russian media so the Russians are probably the only people in the world who don't know what evil is being done in their name. The people are probably too cowed anyway.
Sometimes I get so furious that part of me wants to see all of Russia leveled with not even any cockroaches left alive, but then I remember how people could have felt that way about me and mine during the Clintons' regime and I put that thought to rest. But I still do want to see the evil people in charge in Russia completely destroyed NOW.
Russia has done this before. The Beslan massacre was blowback for Russia’s support of the Chechen and Abkhazian genocide of Christian Georgians in 1992-1993. Obviously Russians learned nothing from Beslan and desire another lesson in the joys of dhimmitude.
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