Obama on Clarence Thomas “not a strong enough jurist or legal thinker”
Just shows once again how Obama knows nothing about most everything he talks about! Justice Thomas is one of the most conservative, constitutionalists to ever serve on the SC! I pray that Justice Thomas gets to serve for many many more years!
Obama demonstrated why he was a law professor and not a real practicing lawyer.
Law professors are refugees from the legal profession.
Obama taught constitutional law. For those who don’t know, con law is a core class that in theory should be teachable by ANY lawyer.
People should also not forget that being a minority law professor, especially one of the rare black male law professor is a major quota queen diversity coupe. It is not about quality of teaching but the feel good quota at any cost.
I bet some of Obama’s students would back up his poor teaching. I even bet some students audio recorded his erronious views on the second amendment.