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Photo of Barry Soetero school registration in Indonesia (as Indonesian citizen) Is this real?
AP ^ | 13 August 2008

Posted on 08/13/2008 4:29:21 PM PDT by SE Mom

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To: SE Mom
Thanks under “citizen of state” it is affirmative, which tells us that the stepfather declared Barry as such- it doesn’t show us actual records. BUT- it should be enough for SOME enterprising news organization to look into... ~~crickets~~

What bothers me is that everything is written by the same person, except for "Barry Soetoro." Who wrote it?

201 posted on 08/14/2008 7:32:56 AM PDT by Polarik ("The Greater Evil")
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To: Polarik

Some things that might be a bit enlightening.

The words on the facing page, (seen in reverse through the paper) Angka Nilai, means “Grades” or “Scores” This is a teacher’s grade book and student register.

There is a section delaing with “Bangsa” with three subheadings, a) Warga Negara, “citizenship”, b) Keturunan Asing, “foreign ethnic identity”, and c) Suku bangsa, “local ethnicity”. Barry was identified here only as an Indonesian citizen, and other categories were left blank.

Then there is a space for “Nama Orang Tua” or “father”: here we see the name “L. Soetoro, MA”. Interesting that the degree is mentioned.

Then we see “Pekerjaan” or “Occupation” (of the father); It says “Peg. Dunia Geografi and then I can’t make out the rest. This means Pegawai “employee” then “World Geography” and the rest is likely a reference to some school where Soetoro may have taught or studied. or a government department.

The 1/1/1968 date is the date “Deterima disekolah ini tgl.” or “tanggal (date) received in this school”. This is the matriculation date.

Then later the Heading “Meninggalkan sekolah ini” (Left this School) has an entry after the word “sebab” or “because” reading “pindah” or “moved”

That’s it guys and girls. This document is consistent with a genuine school record. I see no evidence of anything that would set off alarm bells with me.

Barry matriculated there, was registered as an Indonesian citizen of the Islam religion, and later left.

202 posted on 08/14/2008 7:38:24 AM PDT by John Valentine
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To: Polarik
His stepfather? The principle? Photobucket
203 posted on 08/14/2008 7:46:09 AM PDT by SE Mom (Proud mom of an Iraq war combat vet)
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To: SE Mom

There is nothing in this form that says anything about a “stepfather” or a “principal”.

If you have a question about any of the Indonesian text, I can clarify for you.

204 posted on 08/14/2008 7:50:30 AM PDT by John Valentine
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To: Polarik

I’m not sure that the name entry was made by a different person.

But, in any case these entries would have been made by whoever registered young Barry. One clerk could have entered the name and someone conducting the entrance interview could have made the other entries.

Or not. It could just be the difference between a ruler aligned entry and others that were entered without a ruler.

I’m not sure this is important except to act as an additional reason to take the document as genuine.

Another wrinkle. Note the space where “Barry Soetoro” is entered is labled on the right with an “L”, and the empty space below is labeled with a “P”. These are abbreviations for “Laki-laki” or male, and “Perempuan” or female.

205 posted on 08/14/2008 8:23:28 AM PDT by John Valentine
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To: John Valentine
That’s it guys and girls. This document is consistent with a genuine school record. I see no evidence of anything that would set off alarm bells with me.

I'd like to believe it, but I need to know why the entire record was written by one person EXCEPT for "Barry Soetoro," which was written by someone else.

Who wrote in his name here?

It's not GAME OVER for me until I have a definitive answer as to who wrote it.

206 posted on 08/14/2008 8:28:25 AM PDT by Polarik ("The Greater Evil")
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To: John Valentine

That’s what I meant by step-father or principal- it could have been someone else who entered the name first- then info filled in later.

My text showed up at the bottom- in error.

207 posted on 08/14/2008 8:34:23 AM PDT by SE Mom (Proud mom of an Iraq war combat vet)
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To: muawiyah
From Melanie Phillips, who has done more reporting on this issue than anyone else:

“As is explored in detail on Daniel Pipes’s website, Obama was enrolled at his primary schools in Indonesia as a Muslim; he attended the mosque during that period; his friends from that time testify that he was a devout Muslim boy. A former teacher at one of these schools, Tine Hahiyary, remembers a young Obama who was quite religious and actively took part in ‘mengaji’ classes which teach how to read the Koran in Arabic. The blogger from Indonesia who reported this commented:

‘Mengagi’ is a word and a term that is accorded the highest value and status in the mindset of fundamentalist societies here in Southeast Asia. To put it quite simply, “mengaji classes” are not something that a non practicing or so-called moderate Muslim family would ever send their child to... The fact that Obama had attended mengaji classes is well known in Indonesia and has left many there wondering just when Obama is going to come out of the closet.

208 posted on 08/14/2008 9:29:14 AM PDT by mojito
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To: John Valentine

Can you think of any institutional or government involvement in Indonesia where it is not required to identify your religious affiliation?

209 posted on 08/14/2008 9:35:37 AM PDT by muawiyah
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To: mojito
"fundies" in SE Asia ~ as in which country?

Indonesia gravitates between police state and oligarchy (and has been doing so for hundreds of years), so other than a handful of mad bombers and headhunters here and there, who has the opportunity to be an active, practicing "fundy"?

210 posted on 08/14/2008 9:40:18 AM PDT by muawiyah
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To: mojito


Lots of singing, tabala and clapping!!

211 posted on 08/14/2008 9:47:51 AM PDT by muawiyah
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To: muawiyah

Offhand, no.

212 posted on 08/14/2008 11:09:02 AM PDT by John Valentine
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To: SE Mom

There is no reason to believe that any Soetoro family member filled in any part of this form. Just the opposite. IN my experience, a teacher’s grade book or class registration would be filled in by a school employee or official.

Probably not the principal, though.

213 posted on 08/14/2008 11:12:23 AM PDT by John Valentine
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To: muawiyah
Check out Benedic Arnold. Odds are good that when he jumped ship he was not considered an immigrant by the Brits.

He was considered a person of slight character. But not an "immigrant" in the sense of a non-British subject. He was NOT considered "English" though.

214 posted on 08/14/2008 11:14:43 AM PDT by John Valentine
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To: Polarik
It's not GAME OVER for me until I have a definitive answer as to who wrote it.

I doubt you are ever going to know or find out who entered anonymous details into a routine school form forty years ago. You might even have a hard time finding out who worked in the school office then, as it might have varied day to day. Maybe one of the old timers could recognize the printing, but actual verification seems pretty far-fetched. The person(s) who entered the data that long ago would probably be "meninggal dunia" by now.

215 posted on 08/14/2008 11:22:30 AM PDT by John Valentine
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To: John Valentine
With a grandfather who'd been Governor of Rhode Island Benedict was as English as anyone.

Ben Franklin's eldest son, a noted Tory, had no problem "moving back home" to England.

Folks in the British North American colonies were quite free to relocate to anywhere in the empire (unless they were black slaves of course).

216 posted on 08/14/2008 11:56:48 AM PDT by muawiyah
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To: John Valentine
From what I've heard over the years from folks who lived there this question comes up constantly. It's like the Moslems who run the place are really not all sure of themselves.

Possibly the Dutch set the standard too.

217 posted on 08/14/2008 11:58:54 AM PDT by muawiyah
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No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

United States Constitution, Article II, Sect. 1

218 posted on 08/14/2008 2:31:12 PM PDT by TaxRelief (Walmart: Keeping my family on-budget since 1993.)
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To: muawiyah

My family (on my maternal grandfather’s side) is rife with Benedict Arnold stories, as they were United Empire Loyalists who moved to Canada after the Revolution. There is said to be a non-direct family connection to the man.

Colonials who moved to England were always considered colonials, their loyalty to the Crown notwithstanding.

219 posted on 08/14/2008 3:29:07 PM PDT by John Valentine
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To: John Valentine
Actually, it really doesn't matter to me because it's either real or not real, and that call cannot be based on handwriting alone.

With that said, I do see other entries made by the same hand that did "Barry Soetoro." Basically, all I need to hear is who would normally make entries in this record.

When you mentioned that "BS" could have been written using a ruler as a guide, that begs the question as to why use a ruler on ruled paper. As a handwriting analyst, I can say with some certainty, that two people wrote on this record book.

Even if you print a name and then write it in script, there are still commonalities to both that I can see.

220 posted on 08/14/2008 7:44:14 PM PDT by Polarik ("The Greater Evil")
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