Posted on 08/13/2008 12:37:00 PM PDT by Jet Jaguar
Six out of 10 Americans (61%) say Congress should return to Washington immediately to vote on lifting the ban on offshore oil drilling, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. But voters overwhelmingly expect Congress to adjourn this year without taking action.
Even more (67%) recognize that Republicans are the ones pushing for offshore drilling, and 77% say the issue is important to them in terms of how they will vote for Congress this November. Forty-five percent (45%) of voters say it is Very Important. Voters see a clear difference between the political parties on this issue as 61% perceive that congressional Democrats oppose offshore drilling.
While their leaders in Congress oppose a vote on drilling, half of Democratic voters(48%) think the Democratic-led Congress should return right away to deal with it. Just 40% of Nancy Pelosi's party disagree. Seventy eight percent (78%) of Republicans and unaffiliated voters, by a two-to-one margin, believe Congress should return to vote immediately.
Overall, 30% of voters say Congress does not need to return right away.
In a separate survey released Monday, Rasmussen Reports found that 64% of Americans now support going ahead with offshore oil drilling.
The Democratic leadership, including the partys expected presidential nominee, Barack Obama, has opposed offshore drilling largely for environmental reasons, but Obama began wavering on the issue in recent weeks when his own internal polling reportedly showed growing public support for drilling.
McCains position on offshore drilling is a key reason he has remained competitive in the presidential race.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi adjourned the House last month until early September rather than allow a vote on a energy bill that included lifting the offshore drilling ban, but congressional Republicans have been staging a public protestof her decision in Washington ever since. On Monday Pelosi reversed course and said she was willing to allow such a vote in September.
Congress has been registering historically low approval ratings for months. Most recently in a survey conducted August 5, 50% of voters rated its performance as poor versus 10% who gave it good or excellent marks. In the same survey, 71% said members of Congress were more interested in helping their own careers than in helping the people they serve.
These views are perhaps reflected in the new survey when voters are asked whether they expect Congress to adjourn this year without okaying offshore drilling.Seventy-one percent (71%) say that is likely to happen, and only 16% disagree.Forty-two percent (42%) say it is Very Likely.
The Republicans have narrowed the gap with the Democrats to single digits in Rasmussen Reports latest Generic Congressional Ballot. The survey found this week that if given the choice, 45% of voters would choose their districts Democratic candidate while 37% would choose theRepublican.
Male voters see a stronger need for Congress to return right away to vote on offshore drilling than women voters. Sixty-five percent (65%) of men believe its necessary versus 56% of women. Thirty-one percent (31%) of women say its not necessary, compared to 28% of men. But 70% percent of women and 73% of men agree that offshore drilling is important to how they will vote this year.
The same is true in virtually all income and age groups. By substantial percentages, the issue of offshore oil drilling is important to how Americans say they will vote, as high gas and oil prices and their impact on the overall economy have taken center stage in the political debate.
Similarly, by overwhelming percentages, voters in nearly all age and income groups believe Congress needs to return immediately to vote on the offshore drilling issue. Only those earning $100,00 or more a year are divided on the issue, with 42% opposed to Congress returning right away and 41% in favor of it.
In terms of the presidential election, 80% of likely McCain voters think Congress needs to return immediately, compared to 42% of potential Obama voters. Forty-eight percent (48%) of Obama voters and 11% of McCain voters say theres no rush.
As for the relationship of offshore drilling to their upcoming votes for Congress, 89% of potential McCain voters rate the issue as important. But 65% of likely Obama voters feel that way, too.
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No compromise.
“Were we directed from Washington when to sow, and when to reap, we should soon want bread.”
— Thomas Jefferson (Autobiography, 1821)
OHHHH hear that Nancy? That’s got to hurt!
The Rats will vote on some worthless compromise very soon, take credit for it with the Media’s help, retain control, then move along and never act or fund it.
Apparently it’s better for America if they don’t vote.
The ban on offshore drilling will expire in October. If congress votes, it’s to re-impose a more limited ban and probably to add various Democrat programs to it.
Which is why Conservative should not fall for it. GOP “Do it all” bill IS a compromise bill.
No it would be better if they vote since the GOP “Do it all” bill has the votes to pass. 50 Conservative Southern and Western Democrats are on board for it.
That’s really low. Only 60% want a vote? And the other 40% said “Screw it, let the do-nothings go on vacation?”
“Six out of 10 Americans (61%) say Congress should return to Washington immediately to vote on lifting the ban on offshore oil drilling, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. But voters overwhelmingly expect Congress to adjourn this year without taking action.
Even more (67%) recognize that Republicans are the ones pushing for offshore drilling, and 77% say the issue is important to them in terms of how they will vote for Congress this November. Forty-five percent (45%) of voters say it is Very Important. Voters see a clear difference between the political parties on this issue as 61% perceive that congressional Democrats oppose offshore drilling. “
60% want Congress to return NOW for a vote.
Sounds like Pelosi needs to call them into session before there’s a revolt.
Gosh... imagine that.
America fighting the War on Terror, fighting the Russians and FIRING Congress all at once.
“60% want Congress to return NOW for a vote.”
Exactly, while 40% don’t seem to recognize the immediate need. That seems high to me.
Yeah, brother. That Saxby Chambliss bill is a cave in and will not do much but help the Dims in November.
Stop by Hannity and say “hey.”
Can you say “drilling” in the same sentence as “border fence?”
Not if you are voting for McAmnesty McCain. Seems like the sheeple are being redirected from McCain’s amnesty. It’s the oldest trick in the book, shell game.
100% of FReepers named EagleandLiberty wants the congress to DRILL HERE, DRILL NOW!!
I see the Democrat Party caucus here is flying around from thread to thread desperately trying to deflect attention from focusing on their Do Nothing Democrat Party leadership.
Umm if you read the poll 30% says that Congress needs to do something but do not need to come back to do it. Only 10% want to do nothing
Wait until people in the Northeast start getting their heating oil bills.
Most people can adjust their driving habits. It is going to be VERY difficult for dims , independents and pubbies alike to pay $4.00+/gallon for heating oil this winter.
That can mean over $4000 to heat your home this winter.
That will make people freak.
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