For that reason alone, I say “Shoot the pig-molester until he’s dead.”
More likely Hague-like justice. Justice that moves at glacial speed. Better just to shoot him.
Why not just tie bin Laden in a chair in a large office building and fly a plane directly into him. He will then feel just how painful ignited jet fuel oil feels.
This is very bold of McCain. Just wow. I don’t think I’ve seen a Republican this bold. Amazing!
What are you going to do to my nation in the first 100 days, you jack ass?
Don’t forget to read him his rights, or we’ll have to let him go.
We screwed up with Saddam Hussein by taking him alive. Alive he spawned a media circus and lots of embarassment.
I would hope that we learned our lesson. Osama should only be taken dead.
No, no public trial. A quick military hearing where we document that this is indeed Bin Ladin, and a brief explanation for the books the reason we are going to hang him. And then we hang him. Shouldn’t take more than an afternoon.
If you turn this into a media circus, you’ll have done more harm than good. If you presume innocence and allow his attorneys to start subpoena’ing anybody and everybody, and this thing drags out for 6 months, you’ll do more harm than good. This should be run as a war-trial. Quick, too the point, outcome assured, and then straight to the gallows.
I say, once captured, one bullet to the back of the head, preferably by one of the 9/11 first responders who joined up for military service, then throw OBLs sorry dead ass in a ditch, douse it with gasoline and set it on fire then fill the hole with a mixture of dirt and pig manure and call it a day.
If he can’t be soaked in pheromones from an in-heat sow and put in a cage with a pack of boars, I hope he meets the John Dillinger end - no rights-reading, no trial, just gunned down while running.
Osama bin Laden should be raped by a dog and then “compelled” to commit suicide in a humiliating fashion (an act of cowardice). Either incarceration or direct execution would be an ideological victory for Islamofascists, who crave martyrdom as an end for their hero. Dying slowly while hiding in a cave is OK too I guess - it is at least a coward’s death as well.
My guess he was asked whether he would support a Nuremberg style commission.
Personally, I would rather bint Ladin face American frontier justice: Put together a jury in two hours, hear the case in 8 hours, deliberate for 4 hours, pass sentence in another hour, build the scaffold the next day, rub pig fat on the b@st@rd, hang him from the neck until dead, and leave him hanging until the vultures pick the dog’s carcas clean.
Skin him alive, douse him in flour, heat pig fat to just below the smoke point, pour into ears and eyes, then fry him in 100 gallons of the same.
All a bunch of stupid pap. Osama is already dead. McCain needs to get with the real world and drag his ass out of the lib mentality.
Oh wait....he is one.