Posted on 07/22/2008 9:45:17 AM PDT by Ernest_at_the_Beach
Hello everyone - tried to post a blog earlier but I am afraid that it got lost in the system - perhaps it was eaten by that dog!
Anyway, to be brief, was trying to say tonight on air that I welcome the Obama trip overseas - and hope it sets a precedent for all future candidates. At the same time, as an old-fashioned institutionalist who was strongly shaped by working in the White House, I believe that whether a President is right or wrong on policy, we have only one President at a time and he must be the chief negotiator with other countries, especially in a time of war.
It is not clear that Senator Obama was trying to negotiate with Maliki - probably just the opposite - but in issuing that statement after the meeting, he left himself open to the charge that he was.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
The Coronation Hasnt Taken Place Yet Mr. Obama
Posted by: Curt @ 8:54 am in Barack Obama, MSM Bias
D avid Gergan believes Obama made another big mistake with this trip overseas by negotiating with our allies. Something the CIC is only allowed to do:
Video at the FA Link...
I’m starting to think McCain shouldn’t really say too much during this campaign and just let Obama’s mouth cause his own implosion.
Yes, he made a mistake. But he made a mistake out of ignorance and not malicious intent. He just has no clue how these international communications and negotiations are handled.
Obama hasn’t spent in hour in the Senate in years, but now he using his job with taxpayers money to fund a massive campaign. This is not a Congress Fact Finding mission. I demand reimbursement for this nonsense.
Is the Media Trying to Elect Obama?
by Dee Dee Myers July 21, 2008, 5:15 PM
The Project for Excellence in Journalism has some figures....and the answer is YES!
Obama is seriously out of touch with reality. You can see his brain swaying in the breeze. I really think he's losing it.
I don't think it was ever his real intention to go for Prez in 2008...I think it was 2016..He's unprepared in every way...
An orator and a communist...and nothing more.
Are you sure about that? Remember, this is the same guy who sat in a church pew for 20 years and listened to anti-America hate speech. I find it hard to believe it wasn't done out of spite for this country and President Bush.
Of course it is a campaign trip. Why else would he repaint the plane with his campaign logo if he was just on a fact finding mission for Congress? He needs to be called out on this. This is also a great way for him to avoid debating John McCain. I see many more fact finding missions in his immediate future.
Obama didn’t raise his troop
plan with Maliki-Baghdad
Reuters, by Staff
BAGHDAD - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama did not raise his plan to withdraw troops from Iraq within 16 months in his talks on Monday with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, the Iraqi government’s spokesman said. “This issue, we do not discuss ... ,” spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh told reporters when asked if Obama had brought up the 16-month timeframe.
“Remember, this is the same guy who sat in a church pew for 20 years and listened to anti-America hate speech. I find it hard to believe it wasn’t done out of spite for this country and President...”
I think those are different situations. He was just being himself while sitting in those pews for 20 years, gaining some street cred. But in sticking his nose into these international matters, I do think he is too ignorant to know how to observe proper diplomacy and protocol, and also too ignorant to know how to intentionally ignore proper protocol. He’s just winging it, or going on instincts that are usually poor.
He’s trying to appear thoughtful and responsible. He was talking about his “good judgment” this morning. And his more troops in Afghanistan is designed to look responsible on national defense while still sticking with his withdraw from Iraq position which he has really staked out and would look damned foolish if he abandoned it.
Obama Press Conference on Foxnews
He was NOT a Golden Tongued Orator, teleprompter....
any public photo ops weren’t negotiations. When Hussein negotiates, he’ll begin the talks with all the “In the name of Allah the merciful and compassionate” preamble.
He can't snow the world after all.
There is an oh crap moment coming.
See link at #16....
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