“That is a mindless statement. To purposely allow the possibility of the Marxist Obama, Pelosi, Reid cabal is dereliction. It verges on spite, hate, bitter vengence. It is the action of a small child, not a reasoning adult.”
LOL, I just love how moderates try to win friends and influence people. Moderates are really just liberals that are afraid to make a decision.
Let’s set the record straight here. I’m not a moderate. I am a conservative and I will be supporting John McCain in November with my vote. For all of you conservatives out there who think that by voting for Baldwin or Barr that you’re registering a “protest” vote you are sadly mistaken. If you believe that by your own dereliction that electing the false messiah will somehow “right” the Republican party you are bordering on delusional.
We are currently a nation at war. Having Senator Greenhorn as our Commander and Chief in a time of war is similar to those funny Holiday Inn commercials. “No, I’m not your surgeon, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn.” The problem with this is that it’s deadly serious and I for one will not put the safety of my fellow Americans in the hands of this man. You may have plenty of issues with McCain, so be it. But don’t throw your vote away and possibly plunge this country into a black hole that it may not be able to recover from.
The time for conservative zealotry was the Presidential primaries. The Presidential candidates are chosen, there are but two. There are pretenders but they don't count. They are totally irrelevant.
It is now time to make a tough decision...McCain or Hussein.
There is no other choice. All other actions are a cop out. A cop out is mental insecurity, the inability to make a decision.
Will zealotry prevent a rational decision? Can you make a pragmatic decision untarnished by now irrelevant zealory that no longer applies to the '08 Presidential election?