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"Numbers USA" (Anti-Illegal Aliens Group) Announces CONSTITUTION PARTY Has Best Candidate on Issue
Numbers USA ^ | 12 July 2008 | AmericanInTokyo

Posted on 07/12/2008 12:34:59 AM PDT by AmericanInTokyo

This non-partisan, national grassroots lobbying organization working day and night on issues pertaining to border sovereignty, recently updated their online 2008 Presidential Candidates score card.

On a variety of (15) issues relating to Immigration, the group ranked Presidential Candidate CHUCK BALDWIN of the US Constitution Party, as "EXCELLENT" in all categories.

Coming in second place with a high report card was Libertarian Party's CONGRESSMAN BOB BARR.

TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Crime/Corruption; Extended News
KEYWORDS: 2008; aliens; amnesty; baldwin; barr; borders; chuckbaldwin; constitutionparty; elections; illegals; immigrantlist; immigration; immigrationlist; numbersusa; roybeck; thirdparty
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To: bert
so why are you on this thread and (apparantly) worried about them?

it is because they are in fact a threat to your agenda and your candidate. otherwise you would not waste your time here.

case closed.

61 posted on 07/12/2008 9:51:47 PM PDT by AmericanInTokyo (No Matter HOW Liberal/Socialist Scarface's WHITE HOUSE Becomes There Won't Be A Single "FREEP" Of It)
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To: AuntB

When is McCain going to his La Raza meeting?

62 posted on 07/12/2008 9:59:10 PM PDT by dragnet2
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To: Conservativegreatgrandma
Which is the more dangerous? McCain or Obama?

In other words, which is more evil?

63 posted on 07/12/2008 10:05:41 PM PDT by dragnet2
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To: dragnet2


64 posted on 07/13/2008 3:52:09 AM PDT by Conservativegreatgrandma
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To: kabar
If McCain wins, he will move the GOP further to the Left and marginalize conservatives even more.

This may, or may not be true. I wouldn't bet the farm on it.

65 posted on 07/13/2008 3:55:10 AM PDT by Conservativegreatgrandma
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To: AmericanInTokyo
After observing the behavior of the CP during the 2000 and 2004 elections, they are more dangerous than the Republican party.

These fools actually used my money and tried to convince me and other voters that Bush was more dangerous than Gore and Kerry. Thank God they did not succeed. Can you imagine what the US would be like today if Gore had been president on 9/11?

The CP has not learned anything. They'll use your money and try to convince voters again that McCain is more dangerous than Obama. Again, I'll not be buying what they'll selling.

66 posted on 07/13/2008 4:03:21 AM PDT by Conservativegreatgrandma
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To: Conservativegreatgrandma

McCain is the party maverick. He has voted against his own party on many important issues. If he were to win by appealing to independents and moderates, McCain will say that you don’t need to be a conservative to win. Of course he will move the party to the Left. A win [for McCain] is proof positive that McCain’s positions on the issues represent where most Americans are.

67 posted on 07/13/2008 5:22:32 AM PDT by kabar
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To: Conservativegreatgrandma

The lessor of two evils is still evil.

68 posted on 07/13/2008 5:24:33 AM PDT by kabar
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To: AuntB

.....And the time to be a conservative is ALL the time!.....

The fallacy of your comment is that to be relevant in the Presidential election, you must vote for one of the two candidates. There is no other choice.

You can take your ball and go home but it doesen’t matter because your ball is not needed. If you want to be in the game, you must vote for one of the two the nominated candidates.

I must remind you that there was no significant conservative Presidential candidate in the race. There was no conservative candidate with adequate appeal to be a factor. That is the reason there is no conservative candidate now. The race for a conservative Presidential candidate was lost months ago.

It has nothing to do with the relative perceived strength of my conservatism. I see things as they actually are, you remain deluded.

69 posted on 07/13/2008 6:18:16 AM PDT by bert (K.E. N.P. +12 . Conservation? Let the NE Yankees freeze.... in the dark)
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To: bert

“There is no other choice. All other actions are a cop out. A cop out is mental insecurity, the inability to make a decision.”

Thank you Dr. Phill! My vote FOR Tom Tancredo is not a vote for any body but Tom Tancredo. If it offends you then so much the better! The constitution that I took an oath to defend,
would be betrayed by either mainstream candidate, voting for either of them would violate that oath.

70 posted on 07/13/2008 6:20:37 AM PDT by antisocial (Texas SCV - Deo Vindice)
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To: AmericanInTokyo

Please see my post 69 as well.

The point is that the issues being pushed are no longer issues. We did not have a conservative candidate with adequate appeal to be nominated. We must now choose between the two real nominees.

71 posted on 07/13/2008 6:26:31 AM PDT by bert (K.E. N.P. +12 . Conservation? Let the NE Yankees freeze.... in the dark)
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To: antisocial

.....My vote FOR Tom Tancredo is not a vote for any body but Tom Tancredo.......

Your primary vote for Tom Tancredo was an appropriate and correct demonstration of your values and commendable.

Tom Tancedo was. He is no longer a candidate. He lost. He is in fact now , a McCain supporter. He recognized the battle is over and rejoined the war to combat the real danger to Conservatism, Obama

72 posted on 07/13/2008 6:33:13 AM PDT by bert (K.E. N.P. +12 . Conservation? Let the NE Yankees freeze.... in the dark)
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To: Conservativegreatgrandma

So why would you vote for evil? Is this some kind of political suicide?

73 posted on 07/13/2008 8:09:18 AM PDT by dragnet2
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To: B4Ranch

Ironically, W. Bush tried following a second-half-of-the-19th Century Presidential philosophy, with disastrous results. He tried to restore balance in the government by encouraging the congress to make the law, and using his presidency just to execute it.

That is, he avoided proposing legislation to congress at all. Instead, he took the last few presidents’ new, and possibly unconstitutional approach, of attaching Presidential Signing Statements, explaining how he, as executive, planned to execute new laws.

This was a recipe for disaster. First, because the Republican congress had no, zero party discipline, so acted like greedy children in a candy store when the store owner had to leave in a hurry.

The second problem was that the PSSs infuriated congress as a whole, wildly reinterpreting the laws they had passed, either adding to or deleting from the laws what he wanted or didn’t want to execute.

This will have to be a big issue before the SCOTUS during the next presidency.

I would like to add that Ron Paul had “fail” written all over him, because while his goals were laudable, how he planned to bring them about were impossible.

To start with, the federal government needs to be severely hammered both in a major economic collapse, and extreme punishment at the polls. Congress will have to be loaded with freshmen.

The problem began with Frank Roosevelt. His solution to too much easy credit, which caused stock purchase on margin, resulting in the collapse of the stock market, was itself vast amounts of easy credit.

It mortgaged the future to pay for the present. And though it benefited the present very much, we are now living in the future, and the bill is due.

What is happening is a worldwide credit collapse. The eventual result is a foregone conclusion: you can no longer buy what you cannot afford. This applies from the individual level all the way up to the national and international level.

It is hard to imagine how different the US will be when it has to have a balanced budget, because no one will loan it money. The last time the US government ran out of money, J.P. Morgan, the man, stepped in to keep it from default.

The Laffer curve still applies, which even the US government has learned must be obeyed, because there will always be tax avoidance available to the wealthy. This means they cannot “tax America into prosperity”, as Rush Limbaugh points out.

In practical terms, those parts of the economy that have real value based products and services will continue. But those parts that are based in economic leverage are doomed.

The old saying will again apply, that “You can only have credit if you don’t need it”, with 100% or *more* collateral, carefully assessed for value and even put in escrow, prior to your receiving credit based on all or some part of its value.

For most people this means they will only have debit, not credit. And those that have credit will have a limit based on cash they have on deposit with the credit issuer. So why have credit at all?

I suspect that with the international credit crisis, the US will fractionally redeem its international debt in exchange for food. That is, $10 bushels of produce for $10 cash, or $100, if they pay in relieved debt. And purchasers will have no choice, if they want to eat, yet have no cash, which most of them won’t.

This will also mean stiff trade tariffs. If some manufacturer wants to sell it here, they will have no choice but to make it here. Imports will be raw materials for food, exports for cash only or relieved debt.

74 posted on 07/13/2008 9:42:15 AM PDT by yefragetuwrabrumuy
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To: yefragetuwrabrumuy

re Presidential Signing Statements, I find it difficult to believe that noone in our government has decided to test the validity of them in a courtroom. They are a step (closer to dictatorship) beyond EO’s which IMO should have been declared invalid when coast to coast telephone service became available to all.

re Ron Paul. If he was a better speaker and had more inside support, I think he could have accomplished a lot. But he doesn’t know how to get his ideas across to the average person very well and the inside execs don’t want to loise their positions of power.

re finances. Stock up on silver and gold coins while they are available or buy a warehouse full of canned and dried foodstuffs. The one other option is learn how to live off the land. Looking over the horizen, I do not see a bright shining future for the US or the world.

75 posted on 07/13/2008 10:30:48 AM PDT by B4Ranch (Having custody of a loaded weapon does not arm you. The skill to use the weapon is what arms a man.)
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To: kabar

>McCain is the party maverick.<

No, McCain is the backstabber that nobody can trust.

76 posted on 07/13/2008 10:37:32 AM PDT by B4Ranch (Having custody of a loaded weapon does not arm you. The skill to use the weapon is what arms a man.)
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To: B4Ranch

LOL. I guess that is the similar to the difference between an undocumented worker and an illegal alien.

77 posted on 07/13/2008 10:42:03 AM PDT by kabar
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To: afnamvet; kabar
If John McCain can vote on the basis of principle and conscience over party, so can I.

Thanks afnamvet! I missed that. It's so perfect for a tagline, I haven't had one in a couple years. Hope it fits!

78 posted on 07/13/2008 10:50:38 AM PDT by ozarkgirl (If McCain can vote on the basis of principle and conscience over party, so can I.)
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To: AmericanInTokyo

In related news, they strongly advocate curling up into the fetal position and repeating over and over how they are right and everybody else is wrong.

79 posted on 07/13/2008 10:52:03 AM PDT by Sgt Joe Friday 714
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To: bert
You can take your ball and go home but it doesen’t matter because your ball is not needed.

Or you can take your ball and start a new game. If everyone likes your game better, they'll stop playing the old game and come over to yours. It may take them awhile to realize there is another game going but when they do, they'll realize it's a better game. Our long term future in America is more important. We survived Carter, we can survive Obama if it comes to that.

I might also note that the people in Missouri I've talked to voting McCain are not voting because they like him but because they feel they have no choice. It's about time we had a choice for the future of our grandchildren, for the future of America.

80 posted on 07/13/2008 10:58:49 AM PDT by ozarkgirl (If McCain can vote on the basis of principle and conscience over party, so can I.)
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