from a post on
Posted on 07/09/2008 3:06:12 PM PDT by Syncro
July 9, 2008
Last Friday, on the Fourth of July, the great American patriot Jesse Helms passed away. John Adams and Thomas Jefferson also went to their great reward on Independence Day, so this is further proof of God.
Helms is now the second great American patriot I've always wanted to meet and never will, at least in this lifetime. The only other one is the magnificent Reagan aide Lyn Nofziger. (Wikipedia quote: "I sometimes lie awake at night trying to think of something funny that Richard Nixon said.")
After a week of hundreds of Helms obituaries -- one or two of which were not completely dishonest -- I will mention just a few items that were not addressed or given sufficient attention.
The two most obsessively discussed topics among Senate staffers are: (1) Who is the stupidest senator? (Sen. Barbara Boxer pulled into the lead when Sen. Lincoln Chafee retired), and (2) which senators are beastly and which are wonderful to their staff?
When I worked in the Senate in the '90s, the two senators famous for being absolute princes to work for were Sen. Helms and -- it pains me to tell you this, so you know it has to be true -- Sen. Teddy Kennedy. (He was so nice to his staffers, he frequently offered them rides home in his car after parties.)
I never knew -- and you never knew, unless you read one of the two honest obituaries this past week -- that in 1962 Helms and his wife "Dot" adopted a 9-year-old orphan with cerebral palsy. They already had two daughters and Helms was 41 years old at the time. But it was Christmastime and they read about Charlie in a newspaper. He said all he wanted for Christmas was a mother and father.
In the 1976 North Carolina Republican primary, Helms engineered Ronald Reagan's upset victory over Gerald Ford, the sitting president. That victory carried Reagan to the convention and made him the front-runner in 1980. The night Reagan won the 1980 presidential election, Helms famously uttered the beautiful words: "God has given America one more chance."
Read more at AnnCoulter.Com
“It's pretty much the same thing liberals are accusing B. Hussein Obama of right now. In its July 4 editorial, the Times harangued Obama for his diversions from the liberal line on Iraq, the domestic surveillance bill, capital punishment and guns. I believe the editorial was titled something like, “Get in Line, N-word.””
If that one didn't take liberals’ breath away, this one did:
“To paraphrase Dan Quayle, to be called a racist by these people is a badge of honor. Rest in peace, Jesse Helms: New York Times stock was recently lowered to a notch above junk bond status.”
The best thing about her zingers is that they're TRUE!
I’m surprised Ann didn’t know Jesse and his wife adopted a son. That is known within conservative circles and the senator was too humble to boast about it.
As always, to the elites of the left, anyone who favors equality for all but dares to oppose preferential treatment for certain groups must be a racist. Then they say WE are the ones dividing America? Damn them for how they have harmed this country for so many decades.
I think that clarifies perfectly the sort of man Helms was and note he did it privately not like all these moonbat celebs who do it to crow about their international concerns usually toting a child of color etc
We have the same great taste. I suggest we form a mutual admiration society. Did you know that Kenneth Millar and Warren Zevon actually became friends when Warren moved to Montecito? Crystal Zevon wrote about their friendship in the Warren Zevon biography "I'll Sleep When I'm Dead".
I also liked John D. McDonald, especially 'Meyer' in the Travis McGee series. I wish Ross MacDonald would have been as prolific a writer, although Ross MacDonald followed the show biz addage: leave them wanting more.
Ann Coulter made a boo-boo by neglecting to mention that President James Monroe also died on the 4th of July. This was the same James Monroe known today especially for “The Monroe Doctrine”.
Somebody that Senator Jesse Helms knew a great deal about, respected and tried very hard to honor. In fact, Senator Jesse Helms, more than just about anyone in Washington, remembered and tried to uphold the Monroe Doctrine.
Ann needs to get married and have a dozen or so kids. NOW. We need her contribution to the gene pool.
My three adult children are quite pumped at the prospect and are treating this idea seriously. Here is a picture of my arch conservative daughter enjoying the current State of the Union. George Bush is on the screen and Richard Nixon is hanging on the wall. Yes, that is a 'Mitt Romney; He's More Man' shirt she is wearing.
Ditto McCain and his wife
A bird in hand is better than two in a bush.
I sure wish that McCain would not have attempted to explain his remark was a joke. It was the first "Straight Talk" I've heard from McCain in awhile.
The website made me realize today is the 26th anniversary of my last alcohol consumption. July 9th, 1982 I wrecked my car in one of those early morning single car accidents. When my husband arrived at the hospital I promised him that I would never drink again. A week or so later when I was getting stitches removed I had the Doctor give me a pregnancy test and the rabbit died. I was, needless to say, the only pregnant lady in my drunk driving class. This reinforced my determination to never touch the devil rum again.
That said, I am still willing to do my part in the fight for freedom so I shall take multiple bong rips before entering the polling place. Please do not let anyone know I am planning to do this as it is still a crime to smoke weed.
From Ann Coulter's new Website, Get Drunk And Vote 4 McCainGetdrunk website sweeps the nation!
July 9th, 2008from a post on
To: lonevoiceGetdrunkandvote4mccain.comMy three adult children are quite pumped at the prospect and are treating this idea seriously. Here is a picture of my arch conservative daughter enjoying the current State of the Union. George Bush is on the screen and Richard Nixon is hanging on the wall. Yes, that is a Mitt Romney; Hes More Man shirt she is wearing.
Let us not forget his efforts on behalf of our Second Amendment rights.
Thats where I got my Reagan quote from (see my tagline). President Reagan was talking to Lyn Nofziger.
Ann was born in December of 1961.
Her womb is barren.
Last week when I posted Ann's column, I clicked on
under the "topic" area as I usually do. Because Ann Coulter is a member of Free Republic, a dynamic supporter, and a friend of the Founder.
Free Republic
Plus she frequently mentions FR on her website.
A Mod (who shall go unnamed so I don't have to ping him/her :>) posted to me that the fr designation is for Free Republic Business only, and removed the "Topic" Free Republic.
And then later, Ms Coulter posted a Comment From Free Republic on her website. Therefore,qualifying the thread "Free Republic Business."
Not wanting to bother the Mod to ask for the topic Free Republic being reinstated, I put it in the title of this thread.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it...
Oh, and it's a double whammy, 'cause Ann has quoted the same poster on her Get Drunk And Vote Website from this thread of her column today!
I'm not going to post the rest of your weird comment.
If you don't like Ann Coulter, fine. If you want to debate something that she writes, go ahead if you can.
But to just post a personal attack on her is childish.
Anyway, she has quite a few Year Left
Some people choose to not have children. Hopefully you are one of them, kid.
Way to get in the back door; a wonderful example of American Ingenuity being practiced on Free Republic. I love it when people don't get discouraged, keep trying and succeed. I even like it when people give it their all and do not succeed. It is a good start for eventual success.
Ann Coulter is a member of Free Republic, a dynamic supporter, and a friend of the Founder.You got THAT right!
Ann has been with FR since the very beginning:
What was "weird" about my comment?
LiberConservative said, "Ann needs to get married and have a dozen or so kids. NOW. We need her contribution to the gene pool."
All I did was to point out that Ann is 46, going on 47, and that's TOO OLD [for almost all women] to have children.
What's "weird" about that?
Oh, and it's a double whammy, 'cause Ann has quoted the same poster on her Get Drunk And Vote Website from this thread of her column today!LOL!
It's a good thing that Zevonismymuse does not charge "Associated Press" rates for using his words. :o)
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