Posted on 07/09/2008 9:15:29 AM PDT by NormsRevenge
A San Francisco engineer testified Tuesday in Sacramento federal court that political fundraiser Julie Lee asked him to adopt fraudulent documents to satisfy auditors looking into Lee's use of state grant money.
James Li described for a jury how Lee, in the summer of 2004, brought him "a bundle of documents in an envelope and asked me to review them and be prepared to answer questions from state controller auditors."
Among the documents, Li told the jury, was a backdated invoice that purported to be from his firm seeking payment of $621,300 from Lee's nonprofit San Francisco Neighbors Resource Center for planning work on a new community center.
The invoice included charges he did not recognize and expenses that had not been incurred by April 16, 2001, the date on the invoice, Li testified under direct examination by First Assistant U.S. Attorney Lawrence Brown.
Two other documents, he said, were backdated agreements that he had never seen. ...
At Lee's request, Li signed the first agreement, and she asked him to take the second agreement to the construction company's owner, Li's brother-in-law Joseph Chen, for his signature, said Li, who was testifying under a grant of immunity.
He testified Chen would not sign the agreement and Lee did not protest his refusal.
Lee told him this all had to be done in anticipation of state auditors' inquiries, Li testified.
The auditors were tracking a $500,000 state grant to Lee's Neighbors Resource Center. The funds were earmarked for planning and development of a community center to serve the large Chinese American population in San Francisco's Sunset district. The grant was put in the state budget by Kevin Shelley, then a San Francisco assemblyman.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
And not one mention of the political affiliation of those involved. And we all know what that usually means...
I always thought it was assumed to be Democrat until noted otherwise. Makes things a lot simpler.
“And not one mention of the political affiliation of those involved. And we all know what that usually means...”
To be fair, this is California. There is only one party in California, and that is the Democrat Party. So the failure to mention party affiliation in California does not indicate bias, it simply goes without saying that all crooked California politicos are Democrats.
In a city that celebrates homosexuality pedophilia, drugs and most every perverted act and sort of immorality, why the uproar over a little graft and coruption?
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