OAKLAND — Mayor Ron Dellums fired City Administrator Deborah Edgerly on Tuesday, bringing to a close one chapter of a City Hall drama, but possibly opening another.

Edgerly came under fire recently for possibly tampering with a police investigation. Dellums' decision to fire her came a day after she indicated she planned to postpone her July 31 retirement after being put on paid leave Friday.

The next question: Will Edgerly will sue the city over her termination.

"We are sorry the mayor has apparently received bad legal advice and has taken an action that is clearly unlawful," said Doron Weinberg, Edgerly's attorney.

Edgerly has denied wrongdoing on allegations that she tipped off her nephew, William Lovan, 27, a suspected gang member, about an ongoing police investigation of West Oakland's notorious Acorn drug gang.

Asked about a lawsuit over Edgerly's firing, Weinberg said: "We're going to do what we have wanted to do from the beginning of this process, which is simply to take whatever steps we need to take to clear Deborah's name."

City Attorney John Russo could not be reached for comment Tuesday evening. City Council members were briefed on the possibility of litigation behind closed doors Monday, but those contacted by the Tribune would not comment on the briefing. Dellums' office refused to comment Tuesday.

The mayor has faced sharp criticism recently for not dealing with the Edgerly matter decisively. His letter to Edgerly on Tuesday was tersely worded.

"I have elected to terminate you, effective immediately," Dellums wrote.

He also said she would receive her last paycheck as soon as it could be processed as well as a letter about extended health benefits.

He directed Edgerly to return all city property, including building and parking passes — just as he did when placing her on leave Friday.

Dan Lindheim, the former head of the city's Community and Economic Development Agency, is filling in as acting city administrator.

Edgerly, 56, will no longer draw her salary of $260,457 a year. Her pension payments will not be affected by the termination, according to the city attorney's office.

And city spokeswoman Karen Boyd said Edgerly's pension will be determined by the standard California Public Employees' Retirement System formula.

Dellums was put to the test after allegations arose June 18 that the city's top nonelected official interfered with a police investigation.

He initially stood by Edgerly, joining her June 24 to say that she would be allowed to continue on the job through July 31.

He was said to be angered, however, when Edgerly concluded a news conference by saying: "I just want to make it clear that the understanding the mayor and I have, so that there's not misconceptions, I am the city administrator "... with all the duties and responsibilities that come with being the city administrator."

Dellums and Edgerly subsequently squabbled over who would have authority over the police department after Edgerly, at one point, agreed to relinquish authority because of the appearance of a conflict of interest.

And other elected officials were losing faith in Edgerly.

When Councilwoman Patricia Kernighan (Grand Lake-Chinatown) was asked June 24 whether she had confidence in Edgerly to do the job, she said, "I know that she is a very competent person who has the ability to manage the city. Right now, though, I am having a crisis of confidence about her ethics. A lot of doubts have been raised and I would really like to get some answers so I can know whether I can rely on her."

Dellums placed Edgerly on paid leave Friday in a decision Edgerly said she learned about from the media. Edgerly fired back Monday, writing letters to the mayor and City Council, saying she would postpone her retirement until she had the chance to clear her name.

Dellums spokesman Paul Rose declined to comment on either Edgerly's letter or the mayor's firing of her Tuesday, but Edgerly's attempt to postpone her retirement was, it appears, the last straw for Dellums.

Lovan, meantime, who is free on $100,000 bail after being arrested June 17, is due in court today. He could enter a plea on two firearms charges.