Posted on 06/28/2008 7:01:21 AM PDT by SE Mom
The Washington Post has published an unintentionally amusing article this morning about one Danielle Allen, a "razor-sharp, 36-year-old political theorist" at Princeton's Institute for Advanced Studies. Allen, with doctorates from Cambridge and Harvard, won a $500,000 MacArthur Foundation genius grant a few years ago and now conducts studies at the Institute, where, according to the Post, "she works alongside groundbreaking physicists, mathematicians and social scientists. They don't have to teach, and they face no quotas on what they publish. Their only mandate is to work in the tradition of Einstein, wrestling with the most vexing problems in the universe."
And one of the most vexing problems in the universe, which Allen has decided to pursue in the tradition of Einstein, is the origin of a number of e-mails claiming that Barack Obama is a Muslim. Using the advanced research tools at her disposal, the razor-sharp Allen found a couple of posters on the Free Republic website, plus a former political rival of Obama's who sends out zillions of e-mails to reporters every day.
The former political rival appears to have been completely open about the stuff he sent out, some of which was based on arguments similar to an op-ed that appeared in the pages of the New York Times. As for Free Republic, according to the Post, Allen "counted 23 freepers among those engaging in regular discussions about Obama's religion, and isolated a handful whom she began to suspect as having a role in the e-mail. Sifting through hundreds of postings, she began to piece together their identities."
Allen gave her information to the Post reporter, who used it to track down two allegedly offending freepers, one a 69-year-old retired grandfather in the suburbs of Boston and the other a 60-year-old schoolteacher in rural Washington state. Both said they had nothing to do with the emails. And that's about it.
But the article has a pretty clear subtext, and it is that the exchange of such information on the Internet should be controlled. "I started thinking, 'How does one stop it?'" Allen told the Post. "Citizens and political scientists must face the fact that the Internet has enabled a new form of political organization that is just as influential on local and national elections as unions and political action committees This kind of misinformation campaign short-circuits judgment. It also aggressively disregards the fundamental principle of free societies that one be able to debate one's accusers."
Of course, we have laws that regulate the political activities of unions and political action committees. Is it going too far to guess that the scholar from the Institute for Advanced Studies might be searching for some way to do the same for Free Republic?
06/28 08:45 AM
Hmmmmm.......just means we need to increase our use of disinformation. Let them utterly waste their time prowling through posting records of the public.
I lived in New York back in the 80’s. I went to school in Spokane during the 40’s.
Yup, Jo. barackobama, the one factor that will insure that I will get to the polls on election day.
The media are all excited about the “enthusiasm gap” between the Obama and McCain voters. They do not understand that it has nothing whatever to do with enthusiasm FOR McCain.
And the Federalist Papers that defined the intent of the Constitution were published using pseudonyms. The "genius" in the tank for Obama turns out to be very ignorant.
Obama Supporter Violates FEC Laws in Stalking, Identifying McCain Voters? headline?
Oh, that's right: members of the press fear for their life when it comes to printing anything offensive to Obama's camp.
A sociologist, eh? Funniest afternoon I spent in grad school was listening to a PhD in Sociology defend his ability to claim that he was doing anything that could be described as a science.
Claiming that the lady is working with physicists and is therefore a “scientist in the tradition of Einstein” is almost more of a slander on real science as anything Al Gore has presented in his long-winded snake oil scam. Producing this drivel for WaPo to run as the opening gambit of attempts to frighten FReepers (just for starters) into silence is only validation of my theory on that subject.
These sophomoric antics are about to get on my last d*** nerve. The MSM has apparently decided that, since they have so thoroughly wrecked their own credibility, they can now dress their propaganda as “scientific study” and continue as before. I can only hope that they don’t destroy the reputations of too many genuine scientists while they’re engaged in this ploy.
Finally, if the lady is actually teaching or having any effect on the curriculum, I guess I’ve just added another school to the list of places that I would definitely NOT recommend to any of my family. Or MY students.
Excellent catch FRiend!
Looks like Daniyell Allen is in the tank for Obama-lama-ding-dong!
Who’da thunk it?!?!
I don't see how this can be unless she gave her phone # or something else equally as definitive. Using n IP Locator only turns up very general info such as the area and in my case even the town was wrong. The geographical center of the place I was in was a full 7 miles from where I am and that includes a lot of people. The only thing I can think of is if there is an instrument that can pick up IP address from the street and id the user that way. Can that be done?
Danielle Allen who is so stupid she has nothing better to do. Plus is a racist who will only vote for black candidates.
I can make lame ass accusations too. Is that just for minorities?
If I had her IQ I would put it to better use
Danielle Allen [Ramesh Ponnuru]
I have not followed her career, although I hear that her books are excellent. I knew her slightly in college. She was razor-sharp, and conservative. She interned at NR.
06/28 11:04 AM
Over at the Corner.
I thoroughly believe that Allen... the “Compartmental Genius”...
knows that she is safe to hunt down those who oppose Obama,
because it has been tested and proven that in America the law
only applies to conservatives, FReepers and Christians.
Woe to those who are all three!
In reference to Danielle’s credentials (wink-wink)
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I have not followed her career, although I hear that her books are excellent. I knew her slightly in college. She was razor-sharp, and conservative. She interned at NR>
[... then (Allen) was razor-sharp, and conservative...]
Either she has turned to the dark side or there’s a
“rope a dope” a comin’!
Hey Bro! Your #135 got nuked!
Was it something you said? LOL
How are things with you FRiend?
Here comes the fairness tyranny.
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