This is tragic...awful.
The Lord’s compassion to his family.
I always thought he looked like he had very high blood pressure.
There were times when Russert approached fair and balanced.
I thought that he was always able to ask the hard question, no matter what political stripe the person he was asking it was. He was a good American. From South Buffalo and I know something about those kinds of people from there. Mainly Irish-American and Catholic. I live in Buffalo and have had many a "discussion" with the boys, all dems of course, but great God-fearing Americans every one. Tim was one of them.
Yeah, he wasn't a snide, snotty, sarcastic, vengeful, bitchy, sniping, whiney, wimpy, pompous, weasel like a lot of media libs. (Did I leave anything out?) He did seem like a decent guy that you could just disagree with as opposed to some of the others that you would like to jump into the TV and strangle.
His very last “ Meet The Press” last Sunday...he had a all democrat panel, I believe with him it was 6 or 7 democrats, no Republicans, infact this week he never even had a pretend Republican on.
I am sorry he died also!!! GOD BLESS TIM! but do we always have to rewrite history every time one of these guys died?
Same thing happened when Peter Jennings died....all of a sudden he was this fair journalist...I was also sad he died.
Tim Russert was on the wrong side of the most serious issues the world has ever faced.
Wolf Blitzer said Tim was a “devout Catholic” whatever that means? Obviously he was at odds with Catholic doctrine and the Bible. Abortion etc
He was a democrat, he worked for Democrats he supported Democrats and he voted Democrat.
He bore false witness against President Bush, and Dick Cheney.
Having the most popular show on political television, he gave more air time to anti war, anti truth, probably putting more US troops in greater danger. even costing lives.
Yes God Bless Tim Russert!!!!!
lets not re write history.
He could have been on the right side of so many things, he could have made a difference.