Oh give me a break. The "grassroots" is really just a bunch of Ron Paul zealots who want to take over the state party convention and nominate a buch of Paulbots to make up the Texas delegation to the Republican National Convention.
“Oh give me a break. The “grassroots” is really just a bunch of Ron Paul zealots who want to take over the state party convention and nominate a buch of Paulbots to make up the Texas delegation to the Republican National Convention.”
Thats a typical gut reaction, but its not true. I am not involved in this mess, but I have been an active conservative Republican for a relatively long time [since collegeof course, there are colleagues of mine who have been active since well before I was born]. Our county party is currently very united and conservative, but that is because of a recent purge of former leadership, who was a more power hungry group.
Gary Poland is no nutcase. If you do not know who he is, just look him up on Google. He is about as grass roots as they come, including serving as Harris County Party Chair [a position that takes an amazing amount of time with zero pay]. He was instrumental in both State and National Republican gains during the late 1990s and early 2000s, and was considered one of the most effective County Chairs in the nation. If he has a concern, it is not something that the State Party should ignore.