To: library user
It might be to late. The black community is now too invested in him. The MSM and the Dems in general have done Obama a disservice by not vetting him. It has to be truly stunning to make the party elites decide against Obama at the risk of appearing racist. That’s what they’ll be called.
110 posted on
06/03/2008 5:53:27 AM PDT by
(Michelle O's handlers: "Get me white people...!!!")
To: PghBaldy
Only some of the black community is invested in Obama just as in Hillary.
114 posted on
06/03/2008 5:55:20 AM PDT by
(Give me back my conservative vote.)
To: PghBaldy
It might be to late. The black community is now too invested in him.
The Dems have created themselves a huge identity politics pickle.
A large number of Barack's supporters would not vote if Obama is not on the ticket.
A large number of HIllary's supporters will vote for McCain if she is not on the ticket.
They are trying to figure out which is worse for their prospects of getting in the White House.
121 posted on
06/03/2008 5:57:58 AM PDT by
(Voting for McCain is like deciding to cut off your leg because it is stuck in a bear trap.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson