Posted on 05/31/2008 5:53:14 AM PDT by TornadoAlley3
All-night meeting fails to come up with resolution Rules committee searching for plan to count Michigan, Florida delegates Both states' delegations invalidated for violating party rules Members of the Democratic National Committee's rules and bylaws panel convened for more than five hours behind closed doors Friday evening. The meeting ended at 1:30 a.m. ET Saturday -- eight hours before the committee is scheduled to hold a public hearing on the matter.
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They are going to take a BREAK! Damn about time! I NEED A BEER!
Heard on Rush yesterday. Sharpton outside obama’s.....
Your momma so fat, she caught a flesh eating disease and the Dr. gave her 87 years to live!!!!
Eeegads- and these folks want to RUN OUR COUNTRY!!!!
(I’m working in my home office and dare not turn on the tv or I’ll never get finished- so am lurking!)
Donna Brazille-”Changin’ Da Rules Is Cheatin’!”
She just unknowingly blew up EVERY SINGLE moonbat excuse for the 2000 “STOLEN ELECTION!” bulls**t!
They are aliens without kidneys.
He’s right.She a Saint.We have to find out what bar she is in and join her for a toast.:)I can’t do shots.
Yes, my tea glass has been empty for some time now! Time for snacks and snippets. Talking heads in five, four, three ...
The funny thing is: it’s pretty easy to predict how they’re going to come down at the end of the day.
They’ll go with the 50% solution. Just like the GOP (except the GOP managed to do it without pissing everyone off!). Republicans are only giving FL and MI half their delegations.
The Dems will do it slightly different...just to be slightly different. They’ll seat the entire delegations, but give each delegate only half a vote. That way everyone gets their free trip to Denver (Woopeee!).
They ARE taking calls, this should be fun:)
Puerto Rico and Guam are not states. Under our Constitution, only states can participate in federal elections. The Democrats want to ignore the Constitution and let Puerto Rico, Guam and the District of Columbia vote in federal elections, because they think they would add more Dem seats in the House and Senate.
Primaries are local elections, so the state and national political parties get to control them. So the Dems allow the citizens of U.S. territories to vote in their primaries.
The Dems also use the Euro-socialist style proportional representation in their primary system, which is how they wound up in this year's primary struggle between Obama and Clinton.
Looks like we have an hour break. Quick, you can make it and pick up some food too!
looks like they will!
This should be entertaining!
stupid on a stick has never been on parade with such visibility til now
Dats a good un!
No Democratic candidates file paperwork to accept write-in votes
Associated Press - January 4, 2008 6:14 PM ET
LANSING, Mich. (AP) - No write-in votes for presidential candidates in the January 15 primary will be counted.
Candidates had until 4 p.m. today to file a form indicating they would accept write-in votes. Secretary of state spokeswoman Kelly Chesney said none did.
All of the Republican candidates still in the race are on the state’s GOP ballot.
But only Hillary Rodham Clinton, Dennis Kucinich, Mike Gravel and Christopher Dodd are on the Democratic ballot. Dodd dropped out of the race yesterday.
Michigan Democratic Party Chairman Mark Brewer on Friday urged Democrats who support John Edwards, Barack Obama or Bill Richardson to vote for Uncommitted rather than wasting their vote by writing in their candidate’s name.
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