Do you really believe that everyone should have 50 cal machine guns fore and aft on their cars in downtown New York City? Should 6 year olds be able to buy hand grenades at 7-11?
Do you also think that "libel" and "slander" are unreasonable restrictions on the God Given Right of First Amendment 'Free' Speech?
In a word? YES. Because that's not the 2nd Amendment that would be regulating such. Under the 10th Amendment it would be up to the states to issue age restrictions, just like alcohol. I've fought this ground before, but I maintain that hand grenades and mines aren't covered under the 2nd because they are AREA weapons. Meanwhile, tanks, aircraft carriers and etc are covered under the letters of marque section of the Constitution instead of the second. That section is what gives Blackwater the right to exist.
Do you also think that "libel" and "slander" are unreasonable restrictions on the God Given Right of First Amendment 'Free' Speech?
Before you can apply those charges you have to meet many standards for your case to go to trial and it's very tough to prove them to the satisfaction of most jurists. So slander and libel aren't given as free reign as the right to free speech.
What does downtown NYC have to do with anything?
I don't believe that everyone "should" have dual 50 cals on their cars - it'd be a waste of gasoline carrying around all the ammo weight all the time. But why should simply having them be a crime?
Look, people can legally buy and operate cars capable of doing two to three times the highest maximum speed limit anywhere in the US with no background check, no fingerprints, no nothing except the fees for the license plates and the price of gasoline.
In free countries, you don't criminalize machines, you criminalize criminal behavior.
Should 6 year olds be able to buy hand grenades at 7-11?
It used to be possible, in the 50's, to buy 20mm anti-tank rifles mail-order, and the country didn't descend into urban chaos. What purpose does your example here serve except as a pitiful attempt to inflame emotion?
If I'm busy changing the oil and I want to send my six-year-old down to the corner store to pick up a few rounds for my M40 for some weekend recreation or stump removal, what business is it of yours or anyone else's?
No ID check, signature, or even human interaction is needed to buy as much gasoline as one's credit card balance and tank capacity will allow, and one gallon of gasoline has the explosive potential of 14 sticks of dynamite. I can, right now, today, send a six-year-old to the corner gas station with my credit card and a little red wagon to pick up five gallons for the lawn mower, and the world hasn't collapsed into arson-driven chaos yet.
Don't buy into the imaginary peril that the anti-gunners dream up. It's just not related to reality in any meaningful way.
There is a big difference between possession and use.
Libel & slander are “use”, with actionable consequences.
Mounting a .50BMG on my Explorer is merely possession.
People had their own warships during the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812, armed with cannon.
Why should the Second Amendment today be limited to firearms, when it specifically states ‘arms’?
I see nothing wrong with people being able to mount whatever they want on their truck.
Logically, the amendment says "the right of the people...shall not be infringed". Clearly, if it is legal for New York to pass a law prohibiting .50 caliber machine guns, there can be only one conclusion consistent with the Constitution, and that is that the inhabitants of New York are not really people.
Either that, or the Constitution is being violated. Take your pick.
Legal in Idaho and we haven't had a rash of cars driving down the street shooting off their 50 cal mounted guns.
pic courtesy ponderosa sports
You've been hoodwinked by the gun banners to think it's the gun that is the problem.