To: MizSterious; Nix 2; green lantern; BeOSUser; Brad's Gramma; dreadme; Turk2; keri; ...
2 posted on
05/23/2008 2:38:51 PM PDT by
(We will always remember We will always be proud We will always be prepared so we may always be free)
To: knighthawk
3 posted on
05/23/2008 2:45:34 PM PDT by
Red_Devil 232
(VietVet - USMC All Ready On The Right? All Ready On The Left? All Ready On The Firing Line!)
To: knighthawk
Overwhelming silence from the mythical “moderate” muzz.
4 posted on
05/23/2008 2:47:23 PM PDT by
( Multiculturalism is national suicide, and political correctness is the cyanide capsule.)
To: knighthawk
The poor thing will probably end up on some sort of fat government pension as another of society’s victims.
To: knighthawk
...he seemed a nice guy. He was always polite and greeted me nicely.Yep, that's how the script reads.
6 posted on
05/23/2008 2:49:28 PM PDT by
To: knighthawk
” He stood out among the congregation because he was 18 stone, 6 ft 1 inches tall and white. He had grown a beard in the past “
Are we sure this isn’t Michael Moore?
7 posted on
05/23/2008 2:51:24 PM PDT by
Humble Servant
( Keep it simple - do what's right.)
To: knighthawk
Roll em up! They are damn lucky this wasn’t a multiple casualty incident. If there had been bodies and these guys had
this cell under surveillance...oh lawdy.
To: knighthawk
This is really sick stuff ... yet it serves to dull the senses and sensibilities of the West. It lets evil slip toward normality. Just like the constant wars, bombings and all.
Yet the MSM goes ga ga only over underwear at Abu Graev. What a world.
9 posted on
05/23/2008 3:14:07 PM PDT by
To: All
10 posted on
05/23/2008 3:26:45 PM PDT by
To: knighthawk
The Muslim cowards have a long track record of wiring retarded adults in Iraq, sending them into crowded markets, and remotely detonating them via cellphones.
Nice religion.
11 posted on
05/23/2008 3:41:06 PM PDT by
(When the past no longer illuminates the future, the spirit walks in darkness.)
To: knighthawk
They should have hired the girl who blew up her rival’s and 3 neighbors’ houses in Britain recently. At least the gun control laws are working out well there. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson